
Designer: darkdegree
Partofthecodes: detonatedlove
Images: moargh
Textues: peachinparis
Icons: threemoresteps

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
/ 10:34 PM

hen ke lian lei th ppl in china >.<
sichuan ppl )):
hope th ppl who lost their family members will not be so sad >.<

/ 10:06 PM

wells , logn time no post ._.
kk .
shall post in short then .

went to chuting hse for th ipw .
met up wid rosaline & thn realised tht we took th same train as kai ling when we were at cck .
went to library later during lunch time .
& we borrowed JIMMY's books .
i had 3 . lols
heavy bag >.<
thn found a book with all th nets of boxes :]
nicee .

left ard 3+ & went to toa payoh to find parents .
walk ard & later went to J8 :]
i wanted th bunny bag at 1st but i think tht white backpack suits me better !
i bought tht .
aiyoo , my $$ arh .
went home later.

was told by brenda co starts at 2.30 .
took th mrt to khatib ard 2 liddat jiu reach le .
thn received a call from zhaolaoshi , asking me what time co starts ._.
i said 2.30 despite knowing tht he nids half an hour to travel here
& by th time he reach is 3 already .
i had a hard time finding my erhu xuan since i dunno whr is it .
& kianyun walked in at 3.40 pm ba .
i thot he was dead .
practiced jiang jun ling :S
went to khatib central to find daddy & went to admiralty .
we shld have took th mrt , its much cheaper ._.
saw jiaxin at admiralty ,
LOL , i took taxi and he took bus lei ._.
or did he took th mrt ?

chuting hse agains .
with xt & rosaline .
we were slacking lor .
cos rly nth to do le lor >.<
thn went to admiralty to find sis
& mrt-ed to toa-payoh .
went to sakae sushi wid a 5 other siaochabors .
we were thr 2.30 went th sushi buffet only starts at 3 ._.
thn we started setting th same time and alarm tone .
waiting for it to rang at 3 .
muahaha .
i think we drank 10 miso soup altogether .
40++ plates ba .
we ate super lot lor .
we stoned thr for 3++ hours eating and left when th buffet ends .
th kani tempura shiok .
hahs , th crabmeat de .
i only ate two salmon sashimi >.<
they all dun dare eat ._.
we were like one bunch of mad ppl cam-whoring thr lor :]
i waiting for th pics >.<
it was super fun lar .
i think th manager abit pissed off by us le lor .
we kept laughing and laughing thr -.-
i hope we'll go out again someday later :]

Sunday, May 25, 2008
/ 9:47 PM

Name 20 people you can think of right now. Don't read the questions until you've named the 20 people. At the end of this, choose 5 people to do this. It's not in order.

o1. valerie
o2. wingyan
o3. meixin
o4. jinghui
o5. xinmin
o6. kailin (1D)
o7. PJY
o8. xunlin
o9. peiying
1o. brenda
11. yangjin
12. zarchi
13. wynne
14. jieying
15. audrey
16. anna
17. jiaee
18. joey
19. jinteng
20. jasmine (1E)

How did you meet 14? (jieying)
- In chungcheng :D

What would you do if you never met 1? (valerie)
- maybe my life wldn't be so colourful >.<

What if 9 and 20 dated? (peiying & jasmine)
- do they even know each other ??

Will 6 and 17 date? (kailin & jiaee)
- apparently no .

Describe 3. (meixin)
- funny & cute :D

Describe 7. (PJY)
- popo ! kind & funny :DDD

Do you know any of 12's family members? (zarchi)
- i dunno ._. she has a brother ?

What would you do if 18 confesses to you that he/she likes you? (joey)
- LOL -.-

What language does 15 speak? (Audrey)
- chinese ; english

Who is 9 going out with? (peiying)
- her pooh family ??

How old is 16? (anna)
- Thirteen

When is the last time you spoke to 13? (wynne)
- during co last fri .

Who is 2's favourite band/singer? (wingyan)
- how wld i noe ??

Would you ever date 1? (valerie)
- if i can :D

Would you ever date 18? (joey)
- i dun think so -.-

Is 19 single? (jinteng)
- shld be :]

Would you ever be in a relationship with 11? (yangjin)
- she only loves shuaiges D:

School of 3? (meixin)
- Chungcheng !

Where does 6 live? (kailin)
- her bearbear land :]

What is your favourite thing of 5? (xinmin)
- she's so friendly !

Have you seen 2 naked? (wingyan)
- noooo -.-

People chosen to do this quiz:
valerie ; peiying ; xunlin ; meixin ; audrey

/ 9:09 PM

i changed my skin .
i find alot thn find th suitable layout can ?
all th nice skins are not compatible for mff >.<
i changed this all black skin th pink pink de :D
muahaha .
i oso spent quite some time editing th image lei .
zzz .

wanna see my wonderful results ?
here i am revealing .

ENG - 61.6 B4 ( zzz . so bad ._.)
HCL - 70.9 A2 ( i improved ! from 64 - 75 lei ! )
MATHS - 59.4 C5 ( i deproved >.< 65 - 56 D: )
SCIENCE - 67.8 B3 ( i deproved by 10 marks ._. 74 - 64 TT)
GEOG - 74.8 A2 ( i improved ! frm 65 - 79 lei !! but tht oso pulled my marks down -.- 0.2 to my A1 !!!! @!#@$#%$#)
LIT - 66 B3 (aiya , my lit is this kinda standard de lar DD:)
D&T - 71.3 A2 ( i wan A1 >.< )


Saturday, May 24, 2008
/ 4:04 PM

1) What do you think of an ideal best friend should be like?
if you have to choose your best friend according to you preference , its meaningless -.-

2) If you have a dream to come true, what would it be?
to let all the frowns go away :D

3) Whose butt would you like to kick?
muahaha , phillip ng lor . (im jk)

4) What would you do with a billion dollars?
wait till the money's in my pocket 1st :]

5) What's your ideal lover like?
tall and shuai :D wear specs better :]

6) Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
of course is being loved lar :]

7) How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
not when im a ahma lar ):

8) Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
Duh. Small things can already make me laughing like hell..

9) What takes you down the fastest?
depends :D

10) If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
wait until i've completely forgotten about him .

11) How do you see yourself in ten years time?
travelling ard th world :DDD

12) Who is currently the most important people to you?
no have specific ppl -.-

13) What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
amanda is a cheerful , hyper girl :]

14) Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
it really depends lar . like how rich i am / how poor i am / how my husband treats me :D

15) What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
open my eyes , take out phone to check th time D:

16) Would you give all in a relationship?
of course nopee .

17) If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
still depending :D

18) What type of people do you hate?
ppl who likes to boast ):

Friday, May 23, 2008
/ 9:32 PM

nice lor , i 8+ thn reach home ._.

lols .
esp th piano battle part .
& this is oso th part when co seniors gave us th forms ._.
i was like : FASTER SAY FASTER SAY ! i wan watch my secret .

did nth for lit .
oh ya , i messed up my rubik's cube a redo it .
-.- i completed only 2 layers tho .

spent th geog slacking .
took several cls photos & one grp photo .
she look so chio !
i wna meet up wid her sometime lar .

mdm tang came in instead of mr ng :DDD
she thot us how to bake cake .
she pro de can ?

anw , later cleared th classroom
& got report book back .
i wan tht C5 away puh-lease .

went to CO later .
briefing for camp ._.
i dun feel like going lar =.=
'cos got meet th parent session , so didn't practice .
seat down & watch them practice .
ju hua tai vry nice man :D
i recorded it down :]

someone made somebody unhappy ):
oh ya , i made kailin pekcek too :]
by saying XXX continuously infront of her :DDD

thn later didn't went home , stayed back to help out .
thn jun hong go tell mdm tan abt me ._.
thn i went in : mdm tan , anything to say to my dad ? (junhong)
thn she starts to talk to us liao ._.
girls shldn't be so vain kay ?

thnks jinteng for her JIMMY book :D
i almost forgotten can ?
tht book is simple but nice :]
jonathan says he read it when he was 8 ._.
pi ping th book lei .

jonathan's brother is cuter thn him 100X puh-lease .
& they look so alike can ?

kaicheng siao liao .
whenever i walk past him he will like : UPPER ? UPPER ?
suddenly talk malay for what ?!
hahs .
dhen later th guys all copy liao ._.
diao lei .

i asked shifu to solve my cube afterwards .
since im only left with one layer .
he gave back after a while
& jonathan was like asking : ehh ? how you make one?
"dun tell you lei !"
and this jonathan mixed up th cube again later .
he thn went back t shifu say is i make de ._.
DUHH -.-

cleared th chairs later & left th school .

jinghui's papa drive us home later :D

Thursday, May 22, 2008
/ 8:38 PM

i mrt-ed to school again -.-

chinese period i was filling up my SINGA AWARD nomination form ._.
& i forgotten to pass it to th general office >.<
anws , going to th DUAN WU JIE celebrations thing next week -.-
i regretted puh-lease .

i almost fell asleep during maths ]:
i struggled through th last 5 mins lei .
& idk what we're learning can ??
i just listened blindly .

mr surjono came to relief clvs2 ._.
i thot i can slack .
he talk abt SPECIAL NEEDS .
hyperactive disorder was th only thing i remembered .
hahs .

ms goh was grumbling abt this someone for half th lesson .
EEK , i din know she was such a person ._.
chatted with ms goh for th next half lesson .
& i din manage to take a pic with her >.<
its her last day tml can ?
so sad lar .
she wan to go uni le .
all th best to her :]

watched QU YUAN thing for assembly :D
quite ok lar .
i still rmb-ed chenlaoshi wants us to do research on some special occasion
& i plotted a lame + toopid skit for LAN ZHU :D
it was soo fun puh-lease .
nvrtheless , we made th whole class laughed till siao can ?
esp when wenjie fell off th chair by purpose .
HE WAS ACTING QU YUAN ( more funny version :D )

anw , bus-ed to cwp with valval .
we look like toopid ppl asking for JJLIN posters everywhr ._.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
/ 8:14 PM

whoots , it was fun tday :D

went to temasek poly .
yangjin nd me became super high inside th classroom :]
& our trainers were all guys somemore ._.
we were laughing for nth like some mad ppl all th way .
thn th guy said : eh , dun laugh and laugh lei ! do your plane lar !
& im so sorry to jiamin for not helpin you much >.<

we thot of a plan at th field later ._.
quite lame lar .
we kept laughing and laughing , saying : eh you say lei , you say lar !
thn th trainer went like : why you two keep laughing ?!
us : er , er , you nvr zip ...
he gave a shocking face ndd looked down immediately -.-
we feel quite bad later tho .
but chance nvr came .
we went ndd byee .
we only manage to say bye to one of them ):

bus-ed home with lin after that .
showed jason chan th collection of XXX photos .
muahaha :]
& was sms-ing bryant .
he seems to be pissed of by me :D

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
/ 8:58 PM

im here t blog :D
miss me ??

peaceful morning , happy day :DDD
th 1st campus was just a patch of grass D:
i like th two pillars :]
it feel so memorable liddat lor xD
even im NOT in tht generation .
maybe in my past life .
th 2nd one still ok .
thr's a mirror beside th stairs !
hahs .
cch(main) is big .
thr's a tortoise in th big big lake .
jonathan calls it BASTARD !
cos thts th only way it could respond to us :D
lols .
went back and since thrs still time .
mdm told us th ghost stories she encounter :D
tht sch seems so eerie ):
heng im in cchy :DDD

co was okok lars .
wtf?! i just started to get hold of th lian gong .
and zhaolaoshi wants fen gong now -.-
practiced and slack :D
muahaha , i think they know what happened already
you dun have to know what happened :]

wy & me tried out this : shouting SHUAI GE and see who turns back .
turns out to be most of them .
1st time is jesmond .
thn aaron oso tio tricked .
junsian oso kena ?
the guys became smart le .
when we shout , they were like : EH THEY CALLING YOU LEI !
we're not calling anyone .
we're calling SHUAI GE :D
lols .
next time if someone shouts SHUAI GE / MEI NV .
you can turn back if you think you're one :]

& i made kailin angry once again .
i said th same old thing .
I NOE YOU DUN LIKE J** ** lar .
im seriously jk ._.
anw .
he doesn't know :D

we saw this unknown creature tht can fly without wing and it look like a fake one on th pillar and kailin kicked th wall and it came flying towards us and i let out a shout scream after that we were all shouting and running like mad women but i think im th craziest and wow i realised this is pretty long and i dun think anyone is reading this already oh please i think im too nagging right oh yes i feel like stopping but i cant as i just continue and continue ):

i finally end :D
woah .
i dun think anyone bothered to read
ohkays .
& bus-ed back with VALVAL .
since 12325443646 years ago ):
bought TAKOYAKI .
lol .
i took a pic and gonna show her :D

Sunday, May 18, 2008
/ 7:52 PM

finally posting abt ytd's outing .

went to woodlands interchange wid jh .
thn cnnt see XL and PY ._.
'cos we were backfacing each other .
stupid rights ?
th guys were oh soso slow puh-lease ._.
make th girls wait for them >.<
esp jiaxin lor .
so aimei de .
made us waited him for abt 1/2 hr .

okays . th guys left 1st .
thn we tell them to meet at khatib .
thn train-ed to city hall .
thn bedok .
waited for bus no. 401 thn realised th 1st bus is 1400 hrs ._.
in th end change to take 196 lor .
double decker bus :D
joanthan was like asking th driver : are we reaching ?? are we reaching ??
thn th uncle sho damn cute .
pointed a ok sign to signal us muahaha .

reached thr and mac-ed .
jonathan came barefooted .
peiying is addicted to th mix combo thing liao ._.

they all kena pushed in th sea LOL.
im th only survivor . lols .
i refused to go in no matter what lor :D
i like th sand + water .
but dun like th sand mixed in sea water ._.
i slacked around on th beach .
and doodle using sticks :DDD
im th photographer for th day !
only yangjin posed for me lei -.-

i picked th perfect seashell thr .
was digging th sand and found it :D
i dun mind its not too big tho .
i love it :DDD

went to gelare? with AUDREY and bought ice cream .
mango sorbet is sooo nice man !
hahs .
i wan wafer >.<
hais . its exp lar ._.
we were like : th ice cream so nice !
all th way when we eat .

later jocelyn no wna play liao .
shes all wet .
but no clothes to change ._.
i lend her my spare shirt , since i dun nid it .
& she went to buy flip-flops and shorts .

went back and collect stuffs .
th guys play until take off shirts somemore ._.
thn jiaxin threw shaojun's shirt to me asking me to dry it .
zzz .
i passed it to jonathan tho .
thn went to buy drinks with jocelyn and jonathan .
i treated him mineral water since its on offer ._.
and he use it to wash his face ! -.-"
waste my $$ .

thn some small boyboy took his football to play .
poor jocelyn help him to take back ._.
later he say too sandy liao , no wna take back .
i warn him liao lor . he dun care me ._.
in th end got one guy kicked his ball all th way to th sea .
hahas .
he was like : AHHHHHHHHH . NONONO ! MY BALLL !

169-ed to bedok (20mins) ,
854-ed to khatib (1hr ++) ,
969-ed to hse (20mins)

im oh so so tired after that LOL -.-

i love my 1G-ians !

/ 4:27 PM

pictures talk 1st :D
will blog at night probably .
im too lazy now :]

Friday, May 16, 2008
/ 8:56 PM

-.- hao bu rong yi log in through IE >.<
blogger is bullying me one mff .

tday took mrt with ros , xt & huimin :DDD
coincidentally one :DD
guanhoe and youwai took one page of my newspaper to read -.-
jasper was blabbering beside me like he does last time >.<
sians .

volleyball match 1st .
valval eye tio hit .
thn she say she cnnt see th ball th 1st round .
ahh , so kelian man >.<
we weren't hit by balls cos we sat behind th net .
nice spot :D
but frm tht view i cnnt see valval ._.
mingyuan pro siaa :D
in th end green hse won DD:
thn went to mph for relaball .
whoots , it was fun afterall :DDD
i was super high can .
before our turn our class practice how to pass th ball mar , then kip failing =.=
we did nth cos dun wan othr class to know our method .
cos th helpers say this way oso can and its faster
at 1st we were losing .
cos cheewei dropped th ball .
thn later jh caught up .
xunlin oso nvr drop ball .
thn passed to me .
th ball was liek trebling lor D:
i thot it was going to drop .
thn i was like wondering whr no ppl beside me one .
i thot i too slow le .
CHEY . yuan lai is we too fast ._. they still passin th ball
after that was huilin .
ok lars .
thn me and jocelyn was like : HUILIN JIA YOU ! HUILIN JIAYOU !
everyone looking at us .
cos only we shouting . LOL
shimin and aixin : we got cheer for 1G lei !
me : we oso got ! 1D boo ! lols . jkjk :D

we lost to 1C by 1 sec and tie with 1D .
ahhs , my 1 secondddd ~

thn later went to field to see th tug o wars .
thn anna they all go deesiao shifu .
muahaha .
they was like shouting th 8 nos.
and shifu face got pek cek liao th feeling ._.

thn later i told him : eh shifu , i got 56 for maths lei . pro rite ?
him : ahem.. *shakes head*
me : how much you get ??
him : 81 . *smiles*
me : LOL -.- nth to be proud of . my paper more diff than you !

went to th netball court to see match .
jonathan they all catching spider -.-
and he ate it .
i dunno is true anot ._.

thn is our turn for tug o war .
me , xl and anna siao liao .
inthend still shouted : JIAXIN JIAYOU !
lol . he was stunned for a moment -.-

1G pwn-ed 1H in 7 secs !
effortlessly man :D
they rocks !
but imagine youwai vs huimin .
of course is we win lar ! -.-
gosh , vs 1F is tough .
but they made it !
pro peeps . x333s

i guessed it was table soccer which pulled down our points .
grr ._.
my champion ~~

anws , later is tchers telematch .
we were like : MS GOH JIAYOU !!!
lols .
yize : AHHHHHH !
we : *quickly cover our ears ._.*
they siao one lor .
shout damn loud lor -.-

oh yea .
i was rly stupid enough to leave my erhu at home ._.
so went back to take .
waste my time .
thn go khatib with brenda .
came back .
no one helped us open th door .
in th end call jiaxin .
almost ran away without helping us -.-

went to 2H to slack cos they having meeting >.<
thn later practice damn hard can ?
i think i can le lar .
zhaolaoshi : if you still cannot play i'll send you to th sch beside (for handicapped)
thn wingyan they all go co room slack .
while i was practicing th same line again & again in th classroom D:
better thn stoning in co room .

later joey was like seeing th pics .
thn told me : eh , XX rly cnnt take pic de lor . see th prefectorial board th pic and class photo ? he more shuai in real life lor :]
muahaha .
but its real lei =.=

eek , junhong released us super late lor .
thn 7+ thn take dao bus >.<
reached home super late puh-lease ._.

Thursday, May 15, 2008
/ 9:47 PM

i feel that i've lost th point of blogging already .
i feel that i'm being isolated by everyone already .
i feel that life had became meaningless for me already .
i feel that everthing around me don't go well already .
i feel that i've lost everyone already .
i feel that nobody cares abt me already .
i feel that online-ing everyday or not doesn't make any difference .

it has been such a long time since i've a nice chat with someone else .
i'm sick and tired of bottling up all my feelings inside my heart .
since i chose not to blog it out , i've have to tell somebody .
this feeling isn't nice .

/ 6:17 PM

[01] Are you currently in a relationship?
# im singlee :DDD

[02] Have you ever been given a rose..
# no havee .

[03] What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
# no specific one ._.

[04 ] There's no number 4 question..
# -.-"

[05] Do you believe that everyone has a soul mate ?
# it rly depends tho

[06] What's your current problem?
# im worried abt th sports carnival tml >.<

[07] Have you ever had your heart broken?
# i think i had ?

[08] Your thoughts of online or long distance relationships?
# depending on whos th one lor :D

[09] Have you ever seen a friend as more than a friend
# erms ...

[10] The person your with right now, do you want to spend your life with?
# i dun have anyone with me >.<

[11] How many kids do you want to have?
# LOL .

[12] What is/are & your favorite colors?

[13] Who are your celebrity crush?
# i dun do such things +.+

[14] Do you believe you truly only love once??
# no of course ._.

[15] Imagine you're 79 & your husband just died, would you get re-married?
# who will want to marry me at such a age . oh puh-lease ._.

[16] At what age did you start noticing the opposite sex?
# donno ?

[17] What song do u want to be played at your wedding?
# -.-

[18 ] Do you like anyone?
# im not going to answer :D

/ 5:42 PM

oh gosh , i feel so stupid ):

my geog heng heng get 75 .
gang gang hao A1 :D
phew .
okay lar .
i scored badly for all my subjects >.<
go bang th wall D:

finally decided what product to do liao -.-
kinda ... lor ):
anws , went to LT to listen to mr oh's talk .
zzz .

assembly was funny :D
i anyhow fill th feedback form >.<
nth to write marhs -.-

stayed back for th inter-class competition briefing .
who th heck sabo-ed me ? >.<
i think is jh .
cos i say anything -.-
i thot enough ppl liao ._.
sians .
i wan pon sch tml .
ok im just kidding >.<

went home with xunlin .
hope her gastric pain ok liao .
poor xunlin .
her face all white liao lor D:
but later ok liao lar .

jieying solved my cube +.+
i feel so shi bai ._.

[i] its still so meaningless [/i]

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
/ 7:49 PM

tday was fun :D

took th earlier bus tday i think .
went to sch thn went to find wan ru they all .
eek , jonathan so gloomy these days ._.
'cos i think is that time they play true or dare thn XX did something ?
i not sure ._.
im just joking -.-

went to ava room tday for th talk on family ._.
i dunno what product to make ):
i want it to be artistic and colourful :D
went to mph for th happy toilet talk .
eek ):
why now dont have deco toilet onee ):
i no wan design poster lor .
if im gonna deco th toilet the door of th cubicle will be a big big octopus :DDD

im happy with my geog and chinese result only >.<
pretty sad lor D:
both borderline A1 >.<
but quite happy already lar .
since last time i failed my geog ._.
thts quite an improvement already .
i rly dont expect much frm th start
i studied alot and im quite happy :D

went back with jh , jason , uy , bryant , jonathan and his badminton friend .
i-dunno-whos-that ._.
they were so gay all th way .
thn they all chasin jonathan for dunno what reason ._.
thn me and bryant dun wan run .
in the end they at bus stop le we still at th bridge thr .
jason low is such a GAY :D
he wanted to kiss jonathan man .
thn jonathan friend says he wants th kiss also ._.
ohkay , they are soo LOL lar
as usual , jonathan was angry wid jh .
thn nvr smile through th whole journey in the bus -.-
while jason was fooling ard in the bus like a monkey .

ahhs , i kip forgeting to giv jieying my rubik cube -.-
i want to solve it lar ! >.<

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
/ 9:46 PM

lazy to on comp =.=

i rly dont like my life now lar >.<
it feel so meaningless and colourless .
someone lighten up my life puh-leasee ?
LOL . im getting fed up on my rubik cube lar .
im only left with one layer and that made me go crazy enough -.-
any pro can save me ?

oh ya , anna says kailin likes XX .
thn i tio beaten by this violent kailin during co tday >.<
baituo ! he looks like a tall tall monkey lar !
muahaha . erms , i guessed some knew who im talking abt .
YES ! tht tall tall prefect .
see ? im not mentioning his name hor !
yar ! that tall tall gay-ish guy !
LOL . shall stop my crap >.<
ok lar , they was jk abt it lar , she doesn't likes him tho :D

co tday guai guai de .
oh ya , extra de aaron sprained his ankle .
muahaha .
i was like : eh , man yi dian , zhan qi lai !
he was like vry vry pain le lor
xing zai le huo .

alrights , byebyee :]

Friday, May 09, 2008
/ 8:20 PM







/ 8:01 PM

tday's paper was er okay ?
i dunno lei .

im now super bothered abt my maths results -.-
i still haven picked up th courage to tell my mum lei ._.
forget it , tell her after mothers' day >.< style="font-style: italic;">students unhappy ,

parents unhappy ,
teachers unhappy ,
principal unhappy ,
earth's also unhappy too ): 'cos of th wastage of paper .

make everybody so stressed >.<
went to toa payoh central with :

jiaxin was also thr .
but he went to find his friends le .
ate LJS :]
thn they did th mix combo thing ._.
they buey sian one lor , zzz
thn went to find th class tee supplier .
sian , haven open .
thn go walk walk , come back , still haven open >.<
th pink backpack looks so appealing to me lars !

too bad py already bought it .
maybe i'll go and find other designs some time later with my mum .
sometime after she had get over of my maths results D:
in th end went to J8 instead .
xl told me that th pencil case thr vry nice .
when i saw that , i immediately wanna buy can ?!
nice lor :D
we chose for abt 1/2 hr thn poor py waited for us while jh foolinf ard as usual .
thn jh buey tahan liao .
she say : WHY YOU ALL SO SLOW DE !
thn xunlin say : aiya shopping is liddat one mars .
i say : ya lor ! u not girl lai de mehhs ?
thn later mummy summon me go home .
hahas .
mrt back and home sweet home :D

P/S : i love audrey wong man li :D 'cos she loves benjamin hum also :] yays !

Wednesday, May 07, 2008
/ 4:03 PM

tday maths sure flunk de -.-
what nth term thing i still not sure >.<
aft sch went to see lin .
she so ke lian lar >.<
30 marks fly away liao .
thats means no A2 oso .
aiyooo , why nvr do finish ?!
thn cos im going to 888 marhs .
jiu take 858 .
widd jh , brenda , jonathan , jiaxin , uy , bryant :D
uy was like sending stupid msgs lor .

gonna complete my F = ma notes and print out my science notes ler :D
copyrighted :D

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
/ 6:30 PM

wo yi zhi zuo zai ka fei ting de jiao luo
mei you ren fa xian wo hai zai nan guo
qi shi zao jiu yi jing wang le zen me shuo
jiu suan zai zen me she bu de
ni hai shi zou le

wo hai bu xiang cheng ren zhe shi shi
zen me hui bian cheng zhe ge yang zi
mei you le
wo zhen de shen me dou me you le
jiu xiang yi ge fei ren

hui jia de lu shang wo ku le
yan lei zai yi ci beng kui le
wu neng wei li zhe yang zou zhe
zai ye bu gan jiao ao she qiu le

wo hai neng gou shuo xie shen me
wo hai neng guo zuo xie shen me
wo hao xi wang ni hui ting jian
yin wei ai ni wo rang ni zou le

wo rang ni zou le Baby

nice song .
though its very long ago de .
th lyrics are quite meaningful eh ?
emo emo -.-

/ 4:01 PM

i changed a skin -.-
duh ._.
just boring and dun feel like studying maths
zzz .
hate maths lar .
so many equations -.-
tday took th freaking late bus agains .
budohs .

i think i flunked my lit paper .
i write alot of crap lor .
still very lil somemore -.-
i cant think what to write .
my A1 flew away >.<
later went back wid lin and valval .
queenie says she cant see me !
argg -.-
969-ed back .
saw benjaminseah agains .
wahaha .
whenever hes in th bus , bella oso inside -.-

went back home , my auntie treated me mango !
she says its th harvesting period in her country .
so her friend bought back some .
nice tho :DDD
and now , sitting here blogging D:

Monday, May 05, 2008
/ 9:18 PM

posting :DDD
lit still haven mug finish though ._.

tday took th freakin bus at 7.55 .
almost thought that will be late .
see lar ? i told u to take mrt -.-
sians .
later in 965 saw this 6S-ian !
fauzan ! lol .
you knwo when i turn ard and saw him , i was like : why so familiar de ?!
dhen he oso saw me we laugh laugh laugh -.-
exchanged no.
so glad to see 6S peeps again .
i want to see alot of peeps lar -.-
she like disappeared le lei >.<

wells ,
reached sch , lin was panicking .
thn geog exam .
quite ok lar .
i bei th importance rainforest thing until i wrote everything down -.-
in th end only nidda write 3 -.-
nvm .
maybe got more marks .
wahaha -.-
MCQ sure flunk one lar .
map reading sucks >.<
thn later waited for valval for 1h -.-
and thn richard went into girls toilet again .
lastly , he went home widout one shoe D:
jh throw away lur -.-

Saturday, May 03, 2008
/ 1:10 PM

eek , posted everything out ytd dhen got error jiu lazy post again -.-

ytd very not peaceful .
monitor and monitress very bushuang and quarreled .
thn later jonathan and chuting quarreled again .
in the end he say sorry 'cos he scared her mother will do anything -.-
thn bus-ed back at about 5.45 -.-
wid jh , jonathan , jason chan , you wai .
wait for 858 wait until pekcek -.-
was like saying this bird is jonathan and that bird is chuting .
jonathan chasing ct to say sorry -.-
thn that fat fat bird is you wai ._.

see ?
im lazy to post already , gonna go mug for lit now .
tml thn mug geog .
as said by ms goh , if you memorise on sunday .
th things you memorise you will rmb clearer .
like how i memorise th meander thingy last min :D