
Designer: darkdegree
Partofthecodes: detonatedlove
Images: moargh
Textues: peachinparis
Icons: threemoresteps

Saturday, February 28, 2009
relink . / 5:06 PM



entries here are still viewable though :D

Saturday, February 07, 2009
everything changed , if you haven't even noticed . / 9:16 PM

this song is supeeeer nice ! that time cny when i was back in m'sia . she let us watch her MVs which haven't beeen released , then i was like screaming when this song is played . The other song is
无能为力 , my aunt say its very nice , hahaha .

hellohellohello .

eventually , i wasn't really punctual today , though we reached on time . causeee , i made pretty brenda waited for ten minutes . hahaha . cause i went to sleep after i woke up . & then brenda says she's gonna call me to make sure i'm awake tml , muahahaha . & i f.king hate this you know , reached on time , but there's nobody . what is this ? crazeeeh .

andand , most of the songs we practiced today - i don't know how to play . LOL . i guessed i need to hide behind with joey to avoid embarrassment . hahaha . joey & me are seriously jokers today . we tried to pick up the piece of paper on the floor , then the other piece drop off . then when we tried to pick them up , my erhu knocked brenda's head /: && , joey finally understands my feeeeling , hahahahaha .

went to northpoint with clique w/o twinny . coolio , cause sunshine played with me all the way . damn funny at the bus luh . yan xu & rong yao were like sitting in front of us mah , then yanru was wearing this hoodie . sunshine went to cover the hoodie on his head for a lot of times , we laughed until like crazy . then yan xu got so pissed that he removed the hat(?) of the hoodie , and laugh at sunshine cause she can't play anymore , hahaha .

bought dardar's present at northpoint , & bought shoelaces with joeeeey (:D) . and then homeee sweeet homeee .

i want to buy new shoes , new bag , new wallet , new phone , & a lot a lot more . (!!!) ahhhh , i need more money ($$) & time !

ohohoh , meeting up with laogong tomorrow after co <3>

brenda says she gonna buy chocolates for me in Vday , hahahaha . cause i told her nobody will gimme , LOL .

& LG Secret is kindaaaa , chioooo ! :D
see see ?

byebyebye :D

Friday, February 06, 2009
Qi Wen don't like assholes . / 8:45 PM

hahaha , i love this bitch , LOL .
hellohello :D

anyway , I really really had a great laugh with sunshine this few days . you know , when we're together , we can cheer each other up . we were singing this bisexual song allt he way , yesterday & today . don't worry , be happy ? yeah . we got A LOT of things to laugh about everyday one luh .

cloves2 was kinda funfunfun todaay . cause we need to build a tower using newspaper . grouped with richard , brenda , eunice & jiamin . we tried to build , then collapsed . in teh end when we need to present our tower , richard took out the base & stuck a small roll of newspaper , and put in the front . he went like : " OUR ONE DIDN'T FALL ! " in the end all the groups failed . but still , fun . espcially when me & chuting went to throw all the rubbish . cause full liao , chuting went to step the newspaper inside the bin , funnehhh .

bused to northpoint for my LJS . i think clique very kelian , cause everytime i got craving for something , they need to accompany me . today i feel like eating ChewyJunior , so they accompanied me too . LOL . && that ChewyJunior that cashier damn cute lor . the guy super duper cuteeee ! as in , not shuai laar . BUT CUTEEEEE . his actions and words . hahaha , don't tell you why .

ohohoh , i finally know the name of MY FRIEND . her name is jiaying :D cause got one time we took the same bus , so say hi to each other . then after that we jiu kep calling each other , "MY FRIEND" . & dk each other's name . then today we took the same bus to northpoint again , then we finally intro-ed ourselves . hahahah .

co-ed , changed places with tanboyue . ahhh , not good ! cause i sitting super close to suonaaa , ahhhhh . butbutbut , aaron mao joker , can make people laugh de . hahah . then i cannot communicate with jiaee alr ! D: and twinny is super far away from me , double sad DD: .

and then , stupid . you purposely one ! assholeee .

hahaha , this mv is super nicenicenice ! must see de ! :D

this one also not bad ! :DD

Tuesday, February 03, 2009
放空 -.- / 8:37 PM

hellohello , ahaha i love my laogong ! :DDDD

heh , i'm posting alreaaaady ! hahaha , maybe will only post when i feel like it now & then . yeah , kinda busy nowadays , see my schedule ?

monday: maths remedial .
tuesday: co .
wednesday: drama .
thursday: free .
friday: co .

& often my thursdays are packed with other things ? then yeah , whole week packed .

anyway , i think there's something really wrong with jonathan and me nowadays . yesterday we keep calling other people wrong names , not purposely one ! he called me richard & yize . then i keep calling other people jiaee . especially laogong luh , & now jiaee and laogong like to tease me by calling wrong names .

then todaay , we keep 放空 . like suddenly mind went blank . for the whole day lei ! its like , we today super restless . then will suddenly keep quiet , then awake again . & we cannot concentrate on ANYTHING . brother hit me for a few times to wake me up today .

& i wonder what will happen tomorrow . LOL .

ohohoh , i realised i keep seeing someone since the starting of this year . joey should know we issit . but i only know the face , dunno the name . so too bad . but really lei , EVERYTIME SEE DE ! okay this is super random i know .

& co today , talked to brenda . until i almost cry , LOL . she keep saying my tears in my eye alr . cause of something laar . but , still , i don't blame anyone . i neh study until that chapter , i should know the consequences . i didn't really copy , so my conscience is quite clear . & yeah , just pass , so what ?

& yeah , bye :D