
Designer: darkdegree
Partofthecodes: detonatedlove
Images: moargh
Textues: peachinparis
Icons: threemoresteps

Saturday, November 29, 2008
*bangbang* , & you die . / 3:17 PM

oh oh oh , i've a super duper craving for PIZZAHUT since tuesday . & then i finally cannot control my crave , and asked the erhu people + sunshine : to go to pizzahut with me on monday after practice . HOHOHO merry christmas . hehs . if i crave for something i'll get it for sure , HAHA . note : provided if that's something that can eat one , or else i won't be bothered . LOLL .

kay i got nothing to blog anymore , maybe back tonight . hohoho merry christmas , LOL :D

Thursday, November 27, 2008
hohoho . / 10:41 PM

我的天啊,这样也可以哭整个早上 ...

hello hello :Di put my phone on the dustbin to take this photo , HAHA .

happy belated retards 3rd month :]

i woke up early today okay ! 11 am , okay not very early . LOL . walked to mrt station , & i saw this very very cute white cat . it was like sitting there looking at me lei , cuteee . the eyes one green one black de , cool right ? hohos . i think this cat belong to somebody , since it has a chain on its neck ? hahs . was smsing valval baobao on the way . then at the platform there , i saw valval ! qiao right ? ytd i was like telling her i miss her ALOT , then today i saw her :D

i wandered around since they push the meeting time to 1.30 instead of 1 ._. i seldom on time one lei , how can liddat ? it's always like that de lor , everybody on time i late , then i on time everybody late . SERIOUSLY IT'S ALWAYS LIKE THAT )x unlucky day , because :

- i almost got knocked down by a car while walking across the road . its like damn ridiculous can ? i was like checking got cars anot mah , then saw this turquoise car coming out from the carpark . i estimated the time the car will come out , won't knock me , then i cross lor . then suddenly got this turquoise car infront of me , lucky i step back , if not i die liao . LOL . in the end i realised got TWO turquoise car there . how nice . HAHA .

- i nearly fell down from the escalator , lost balance , almost fell backwards . LOL .

okay forget about unlucky things , HAHAHA . went to this japanese foodcourt to eat . japanese food = my favourite :D & i saw sashimi , & octopus there ! they're superb kay . HAHA . that pasta thingy is not nice laa . beebee also say so . but still , japanese food is love :D

afterthat went to library , they wanted to borrow books for book review de . in the end no have nice book . then huilin & i stood there and watch the pre-pregnancy books . cool , note : is huilin pregnant laa ! AHAHA .

bought pie from pie kia with joey . & bought sister's present at popular . i bought a very very cute cloth frog to sew . its like damn damn cute laa . hohos . almost done with sewing alr . left the hands & legs . hahas .

and went home :D

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
<3 / 10:32 PM


i'm like , finally uploaded photos . hehs , maybe post them up this weekend bah . i'm kinda lazy today ah ;x oh yah , twinny , jiaee & huilin playing maple , nvr tell me ! bad right ? okaylar , i can't seem to dl maple , either . hahs . tomorrow going out , with clique :D to northpoint i think , any stalkers ? hohos .

4 more days , to december . which means is :
- erhu exam (2 dec) ,
- co camp (2-5 dec) ,
- sister's bday (3 dec) ,
- bday (13 dec) ,
- oversea (15-18 dec) .

idk why people like to celeb bday can ? its like , just a whole group of people singing a song for you . then you make a 'won't ever come true' wish , & blow some candles . tadaaa , a day is gone . so probably will just rot at home , like another day bah . unless people ask me out lor . kinda sick from buying cake myself , pull my family out of sleep and force them to eat the cake . then cake cannot eat finish , out inside fridge , next day i eat myself . define birthday then .

ignore me , just grumbling , laa . oh yah , i remember something mdm chen say about me in taiwan ! "mdm chen : Qi Wen's laughing is so typical of Qi Wen . " AHAHAA . cause in taiwan i laugh alot , then influence everybody to laugh , including mdm chen . i wish to be happy x( anw , she rocks man ! good tcher , pei us shop ard the night markets , wait for us to buy our stuffs . & in the end i think she didn't get herself much stuffs . hahs , that time we caught a stich for her cause she wants to give to idk which tcher . we gave her a surprise kay ! she say : THANKYOU GIRLS ! hehs , *proud of ourselves* :D

i'm off ! not to sleep laa . looks at time : 11:12 PM . gosh i'm hungry alr ;x hehs .

in taiwan , i kept seeing 11:11 . back in singapore , i kept missing the time ; 11:11 . it's either 11:12 that i see , or already long past the time 11:11 . i'm sad , because i believe , that 11:11 carries a very strong meaning . 我相信它的意思。

QUIZZES . / 12:00 AM

tagged by xunlin :]

1. Do you have secrets ?
- nehnehpok , you don't have ah x:

2. Would you fall in love with boy older than you ?
- why not .__.

3. Do you enjoy going to school ?
- depends , hahs .

4. What would you do with a billion dollars ?
- travel around the world , to eat :D

5. Who in this world do you HATE MOST ?
- i don't hate , cause i forgive and forget :]

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone ?
- Being loved by someone , laa :D

7. List out 15 favourite songs:
- lazy X)

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do ?
- what can i do ? hehs .

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy ?
- YESYES , there's one recently . *shh*

10. What makes you angry ?
- that incident made me angry , yes , you -.-

11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time ?
- eating x)

12. Who is currently the most important people to you ?
- everybody :D

13. What is the most important thing in life ?
- animals :]

14. Single or attached ?

15. What is your favourite colour ?

16. Would you give all in a relationship ?
- yes i think .

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick ?
- stay single :D

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done ?
- forgive , & nvr forget .

19. What do you want to tell the someone you like ?
- i'm sorry . dui bu qi ):

20. 5 people I have tagged:
- earthlings :D

tagged by valval baobao :D

A.People who have been tagged must write their answer in their blog.

B.Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged CANNOT refuse.These people must state who they are tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by .

C.Continue this game by sending it to other people .

8 people = EARTHLINGS :d

1.What have you been doing recently?
- thinking , alot .
- listening to JAM HSIAO'S songs , nicee man :]
- practicing erhu , i'm very guai de .
- eating , glutton mah .
- sleeping , at least 10 hours a day x)

2.Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
when it gives me problem -.-

3.What happened at 10am today?
er , sleeping , hehs .

4.When did you last cry?
that day , in huilin's hotel room . i was telling her how a failure i am , cause i cry over trival matters . & told myself cannot cry anymore , then in the end i cried more ._.

5.Believe in fate/destiny ?
yesyes ! <3

6.What do you want in your life now?
a lot of things laa . i want a wish maker :]

7.Do you tend to make relationship complicated?
kinda .

8.Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
nah .

9. What was the last movie you caught?
er , let me think . yah , CAPE NO.7 , 海角七号 :D that time at taiwan , in the bus . but i wanna catch it again , in the theatres .

10. Does that person know you like him/her?
bleh xP

11. Who always makes you laugh?
jiaee :D

12. Do you speak languages other than English?
chinese , hehs .

13. Favourite website(s) ?
don't have -.-

14.What are you doing tomorrow?
sleep whole day ? maybe ._.

15.What do you think you are like?
ask other people :]

16.Who will you choose to die with?
uh , alone ? why pull other people to die with me .

17. Where have you been today?
khatib central , school .

18. What game do you play often?
don't play game :]

19. Who are you missing right now?
i miss valval , cause she's the only one i dare to tell secrets to .

20. If you have to choose a friend and a love, who will you choose?
friend , a close one .

21. What are you doing now?
quiz & listeng to songs

22. Which primary sch are you from?

23. Name 3 colours that you like.
white , black , gold . they match like hell beautiful .

24.What emoticon do you like to show?
-.- its nicee & cute . hahs .

25.What is life to you?
family , friends , love .

26.If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
write down a huge chunks of words , in my phone . i only trust my phone . i cannot imagine if anybody peek into my phone . maybe i'll chop down that person . hahas .

27.Who did you last chat with on msn today?
i appeared offline for the two hours .

28.Who do you admire the most?
i only remember i say i admire X for his ability , & Y for his EQ .

29.Which month were you born in?
december .

30.How are you feeling right now?
confused :S

31.What is the time now?
12.26 AM

32. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?
valval , best buddy :]

33.What colour do you use to dye your hair?
natural hair colour :D

34. Why are you doing this quiz?
cause I was tagged ?

35. What do you do when you're moody?
become anti social ._.

36. At which stage do you wish to get married?
kuku laa this question , LOL .

37. Who is more important to you??
dunno .

38. If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?
clear all my secrets .

39. Who is/are the people/person you trust the most?
valerieyuenyiyue <3>

40. Do you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain?
yeah .

41. If you have a dream come true , wad would it be?
dreams don't come true .

42. What is your goal for this year?
grow taller .

43. Do you believe in eternity love?
yesyes .

44. What feeling do you love most?
the feeling that i love <3>

45. Do you really think its global warming now?
YESYES . save mama earth .

46. What feeling do you hate the most?
the feeling that i hate most .

47.Do you like doing quizzes?
hai hao .

48. Do you believe in Gods?
half half .

49.Who cares for you the most?
that person .

50. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
important things .

51. What will you bring when you fight?
monkey spirit !

52.What have you regretted doing in your whole life?

53.What do you do if nobody cared for you any longer?
idk .

54.What will you do if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?
dunno ._. can't possibly go kill yourself right ?

55. How do you feel now?
still confused :S

finished :D

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
i don't have the courage to admit . / 10:29 PM

奋不顾身 - 萧敬腾

大雨像下了一世纪 我用手臂撑起屋顶
曾经你就在我怀里 让我风平雨停

我是沉默的行星 移动都以你为中心
只是未世一来临 一切化为灰烬

我用我的生命爱你 不让尖锐的世界伤害你
不懂花言巧语的人 "我爱你" 往往来不及证明

我用我的生命爱你 忘记自己也毫不留情
爱一个人奋不顾身 辛苦也觉得平静

时间是唯一的线索 印证我没说的承诺
当我放开你的手 如果有点振动

我用我的生命爱你 不让尖锐的世界伤害你
不懂花言巧语的人 "我爱你" 往往来不及证明

我用我的生命爱你 忘记自己也毫不留情
爱一个人奋不顾身 喔 辛苦也觉得平静

穿过巨大的伤口 我找到当时的温柔
有始有终 就算收获

我用我的生命爱你 不让尖锐的世界伤害你
不懂花言巧语的人 "我爱你" 往往来不及证明

我用我的生命爱你 忘记自己也毫不留情
爱一个人奋不顾身 喔 辛苦 也觉得平静

我甘心 因为我愿意

this kinda guy is sweet right ?
"我用我的生命爱你 不让尖锐的世界伤害你" how nice laa , like there's even some kinda person like that . if got tell me i want him . LOL , joking ._.

hahs , i'm lazy to post about taiwan trip & the pictures . i guessed next time bah , since i've saved them in the drafts . haven't uploaded the pictures though , hahas .

went to co today . huilin passed me lin yu zhong's CD . YAY :D i love huilin man , she rocks laa . i feel so guilty when i bully her everytime . but , i still love her . hahaaaa . oh , and ZHAOLAOSHI SAID I'VE IMPROVED :D cool right , i got practice de okay ! hahaaaa .

went to khatib mrt cause weiyi de bus just went off , & i craving for bbt . so twinny , brenda , weiyi & i went to buy bbt . i got tempted by the sandwich , tadaaa , it became my dinner .__. i realised something , i can be easily tempted laa . tempt me with things & i'll go gaga . AHAHA . its okay if you don't understand , though . hehs .

oh oh oh , I CAN READ TWINNY'S MIND ! ytd she smsed me :
twinny : twinny! tmr you bring your score can? ._.
me : your mickey bag cannot put issit ._.
twinny : yah. X:

cool right ? okay if this one is just coincidence , then this one lei ? we saw this unknown in the mrt station :
twinny : EH ?!
me : what .___.
twinny : paiseh see wrong -.-
me : who you saw ?
twinny : you guess laa x:
me : __ ___ ah .
twinny : OMG , how you know ? O:

AHAHA , yay i can read her mind ! LOL . still got a lot things de lor , but cannot say laa . later she kill me , hohos .

oh , i realised erhu exam is in one week's time . wish me good luck , hahas . 2nd dec , 1025 . same time as joey lei ! hahas , cool :D

i feel so shuang today , okay i'm not THAT bad lah . but it's like , should i go jump off the building already ? hahs , okaylar , i don't care if she's reading this anyway . a piece of advice only laa . don't like its the world's end when zhaolaoshi scolds you . cause if you're like that already when he only scolds you one time , i think i should quit erhu only . he said my IQ is lower then normal people before . he shouted and scolded at me in front of people from other CCAS before . think of me laa , becoming a laughing stocks of other people ? oh , i don't really think a tuner can change much of the fact , if YOU didn't make an effort to practice . even i didn't practiced at home , i make an effort to reach school early to practice with other people . not like you , leave house damn early , and reach school the latest . you thought what , TRAFFIC JAM ah . all those live farfar de kias reach earlier than you can . nehnehpok laa you . practice more , AT HOME kay ? hehs , i'm stating the truth right now . white shirt guy you watch out too :D i remember your walking style , your bag , your slipper . too bad x: you can say one person see wrong , BUT A WHOLE GROUP OF PEOPLE EYES GOT STAMP ISSIT . damn you . we're not blind fyi mister :D


原谅我 ...

Thursday, November 20, 2008
hey ! / 3:05 PM

Hey yo !
Oh , this is Qixuan , not Qiwen alright .
bored so come to post at her blog !
peeps , view my blog , leave me tag , && link me kays ?
haha , she went Taiwan alright .
you miss her ? i miss her too ):
didn't she sms u ? she sms-ed me .
well , she's having FUN there ,
oh my , i got envious man !
k la , till here .

Friday, November 14, 2008
you suck . / 7:11 PM

Si Nian 思念 - Tanya Chua

byebye earthlings ): don't ask why -.-

no shuaige today , LOLL . ate at coffeeshop , porridge , AGAIN . its nicee what . thenthen , walked to school . & change to hard cover , grrr , hard cover not nice to hug laa . HAHA . was like crazyy today okay , AHAHAAA . twinny & i were playing with erhu , i press the fingering then she use the gong . then change position play again . switch switch until darn funny . hehs .

break was funfun ! played water gun with brendaaaa , mostly on aaron & jiaqing . hohos . then went outside co room , & played eagle catch chicks with jiaee , juinying & ziqin . jiaee is mama ! :D was asking who wanna be eagle , & cheuktow walked past , tadaaa , she become eagleee . damn damn funny okay , we play like little kiddos lol . but after awhile need to go back co room liao ):

& i survived through co , yayy . okay random -.- walked to bus stop with brenda & twinny . wtf they walk so fast de . they reach bus stop le i 50m behind them . kinda hai them missed 969 , then waited longlong then the other one came . paiseh luh .

oh , it rained .

Thursday, November 13, 2008
i don't careeee . / 6:13 PM

hello earthlings :D

i'm lazy to blog about the past , the past is the past ! :D hohos , i can't remember everything , anyway . okay i remember yesterday :D

rushed to meet twinny , & trained to khatib . walked to coffeeshop , was like thinking must fast fast eat finish cause beebee say got that shuaige at school ._. then at coffeeshop alr , went to buy drinks with twinny , joey & jiaee . then i saw this very familiar tall tall guy in front of us . OMG , IS THAT SHUAIGE ! veryvery qiao right ? HEH HEH . this shuaige thingy made me enthu for the whole day . aye , or rather , HALF OF THE DAY .

chenlaoshi conducted , lol , no comment . but i prefer zhaolaoshi ? hahs . &&& , we counted how many time this person say ___ , kay , 39 times . LOLL . propro . went around with brenda during break . saw my kailin laogong ! she bully me laa , keep laughing at my hair . that time she accidentally cut her fringe until retarded i also nvr laugh . she bad right ? xP xunlin & yangjin got that kena shocked face , though -.-

bused to interchange with loads of people . crapped alot laa . twinny horny de lor , these few days keep bra here bra there . still call my moomoo to wear bra , bad right ? LOL . she R(A) de laa !

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
the past , not the present . / 11:34 AM


ohwells , comp finally fixed . BUT BUT BUT , my files all KABOOOOOM , gonee . okay how nice . which means my zilian photos also all gone ): HAHAS . what more depress me is my hair , okay whatever . i hope nobody notices then , impossible . but , it'll grow back !

will probably blog in the night , cause later got co . didn't went to the psl camp , anyway . & beebee got kailin with her , hahs . so , she will definitely have fun laa . heh hehs . going to taiwan sooon , yayness . twinny is gonna deprive my sleep , for sure . pity me please people .

p.s using IE now , cause i haven't download firefox ;x IE sucks , firefox better :D

请你一定要比我幸福 才不枉费我狼狈退出
再痛也不说苦 爱不用抱歉来弥补
请你一定要比我幸福 才值得我对自己残酷
我默默的倒数 最后再把你看清楚

EDIT : beebee just told me she saw that shuaige in the canteen ! hohos . oh whatever , anti hua chi ! hahs . she say he's playing soccer just now ! okay don't misunderstood or whatever , i don't like that shuaige . HAHA . must rush to meet twinny le , sure late okay . i've got less than five minutes to go to admiralty when my travel time is >10mins . oh no ):

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
;P / 8:47 PM


her comp isn't back with her yet, so i'm helping her to revive her blog. x)

my luggage is reallyverysmall you know. ):
small until cannot small liao that type. ._.
i'm worried for it sia. :\


sad right, i know. TT

okaylah, i shall stop crapping. ;P

there's co TMR, & on friday. ._.
which means i'll be seeing her alot. :\
oh, so unlucky right. ):
don't tell her i said that hor, *winks*. x)

you know right,
we're wearing the same shirt onboard,
& bringing 4 same shirts to taiwan. ._.

later you all cannot tell us apart uh. :X
just remember that i'm TALLER, hoho. :D

okay, jokingjoking. ;x

REALLY go read breaking dawn liao lah. -.-



Sunday, November 09, 2008
:D / 11:40 AM


her comp kinda broke down.. i think.
then cause she knows i'm a good person, she asked me to help her blog. x)

tell you liao, i'm BORN a good person okay?
don't look down on me leh. :D

going to taiwan in 6 more days. :]
twinny, you packed your luggage liao bo? ._.
my luggage measures around 20 X 32 X idk whats the height. ;x
crapper said her luggage's length is around 50cm liddat.
whoaaaa. O.O

i'm starting to think my luggage too small liao la. ):
but then.. SMALL IS GOOD. :D
won't so heavy one. x)


psst, this was supposed to be posted yesterday, but i forgot.*shh*

anywayy, i go read NEW MOON already. :D
i'm still waiting for eclipse.
you know, the person told me haven't ship over yet. -.-
but i bought breaking dawn already seh! -_-
but without eclipse, ALSO CANNOT READ WHAT RIGHT. :\

STILL, i'm going to say byebye now. ;P



Friday, November 07, 2008
fuck off . / 9:16 PM

i'm becoming more & more not sociable already .

hehs , yesterday was zzz . went to ahmad ibrahim first , wells . quite successful bah . since those people laugh , hahaha . i wonder why the AVA room is at the forth floor , TIRING ._. & i saw chickens there . began to communicate with them - as in i was there , "KEKO KEKO-ING" . hohos . THEN HOR , MUST HILAROUS PART IS THAT , they replied okay ! as in one of them was "COO KOO-ING" . LOL .

then bused to jiemin , sunshine & huilin's primary school . the students not supportive de ;x got one create trouble guy . HIS LEGS IS SO DAMN LONG !#@!%$ . jiaxin said that if that guy comes to chung cheng next year he watch out . HAHA . the whole dao du thing is fun . i'll remember the seniors , good hosts they are . will remember yulaoshi , cailaoshi too . the acting skills they taught us is superb .

went to psl meeting with beebee later on . she made us late okay , how nice . chatted with her & wenwen all the way throughout . was thinking should i go to psl camp anot ;x its like very tired lei , i think probably not going . hehs , cause still got practice on tuesday & wednesday . uhm , sorry anna beebee ah . have fun with wenwen if i'm not going , hahs :D walked to the busstop with beebee & wenwen . talk awhile , they good people , accompanied me to wait for my bus . then they went towards the mrt station , i went home .

today was long long day . ate at coffeeshop , PORRIDGE :D yayness , nice okay . walked to school , & slacked ard . practiced jiangjunling & shibanyaogu . ya know what , i don't care . it not like i'll be there , for my standard . so , don't think what , i must succumb . wells , not refering to anyone laa . just some emotional feelings inside , not unfair treatment or whatsoever . then got dazu . practiced the new song . DEAD , i can only play the 1st two notes , pathetic . then staring into thin air for the rest of the time . break was funneh . had fun with brenda & sunshine , threw jiaxin's stuffs into dustbin , revenge . then sunshine bullied me , SHE GO SNATCH MY MONKEY & GIVE TO OTHER PEOPLE . i never see such friend before , LOL . i threatened her to return anyway . the rest was boring .

OH NO , FORGOT TO TAKE GROUP PICTURE WITH YANKEI & MIAOSI AGAIN . we said that for like dk how many months alr . hahs .

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
wells ; / 7:44 PM


not in a good mood laa . super ZZZ . went to chongfu today . disaster . oh how nice , I MISSED ONE LINE D: goddamn , my mood was kinda spoiled alr . no mood to act as laoshi le , so was like turned out to be super crappy .

stayed back to wait for xunlin and huilin to finish practicing their lines . cause tcher say that maybe will film the performance & participate the DV XIAO YUAN . lol . boring till i wanna sleep liao , & just as i fall asleep , oh we can go liao . @!#!@$#% wtf .

ate LJS :D & then chionged back to school for taiwan trip briefing . oh wells , JIAEE AND _______ GOT FATE OKAY . come ask me what happen laa ! AHAHA . that time me , huilin and april burst into laughters okay . everyone in the LT was looking at us . LOL .

tml will be a better day . i won't forget to speak . jiayou , good luck . AI & JIE MIN TML . will be filmed . cannot make mistakes . okay i'm going crazy .


Rule #1.

People who have been tag must write their answer on their blog & replace any question they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

Rule #2.
Tag 5 people to do the quiz & those tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to the other people.

1. Do you have any secrets ?
loads .

2. Would you fall in love with a boy older than you ?
probably .

3. Do you enjoy going to school ?
yesyes :]

4. What would you do with a billion dollars ?
think of why i have a billion dollars .

5. Who in this world do you HATE MOST ?
i hate this person out there .

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being love by someone ?
being loved by someone :D

7. List out 15 fav song.
- Shuo hao de yue ding ne
- Everyday
- Shi guang ji
- Hui hu xi de tong
- Innocence
- Gotta go my own way
- Sha gua
- Chong dong
- Zhi dao
- How do i live
- Everytime
- My heart will go on

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do ?
do nothing ? hehs .

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy ?
maybe there is .

10. What makes you angry ?
every small matter makes me angry .

11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time ?
idk .

12. Who is currently the most important people to you ?
family , friends .

13. What is the most important thing in life ?
dk .

14. Single or attached ?
single .

15. What is your fav colour ?

16. Would you give all in a relationship ?
depends .

17. If you fall in love w 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick ?
the one who treats me better ? lol

18. Would you forgive & forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done ?
will say i forgive alr bah . and i sure will forget -.-

19. What do you want to tell the someone you like ?
didn't thought of this Q ? HAHA .

20. 5 people i have tagged :
people who wanna do bah . hahs .


Tuesday, November 04, 2008
obvious ; / 9:06 PM

i find this amazing , i've loved monkeys since i'm small :D

went to NORTHLAND primary today . loiter at the foyer there after rehearsal , & walked under the hot sun . somemore i have to wear that freaking jacket performing , HOT OKAY . overall should be not bad bah , afterall this is the only school we're performing in the hall with mic . the others will be in the AVA room or what ? hahs . 1G`08 rocks your socks , oh & we're gonna be 2G`09 , SOON . aww , & did i say that juinying , suxin & gouyue are cute ? HAHA .

went to eat , & walk to school ard 2 . & some blah blah person called me to tell me zhaolaoshi's there alr ;x today is kena scolding day , especially me laa . i got a feeling that i'ld fail the grade exam . can't play my pieces well . don't have tempo de . but zhaolaoshi say my last piece is played the best among the sec1s , YAY :D but last one good no use what , the other two not good also fail , hehs . today 5 jiu release liao , good good .

okay interesting bit , fight among junsian , twinny & weiyi . (ya know the reason's kinda obvious laa twinny O:) junsian use umbrella , weiyi the cha . clang clang clang , damn loud . still put twinny's erhu in the boys toilet . so we went inside to take . LOL . those bastards ran off after that . so went back home too .

(oh no , she's hopeless alr laa .)

CHONGFU PRIMARY TML I THINK . wish me good luck ! dang , tml 7 needa report to school . SO DAMN EARLY ? even earlier than normal school time laa ): i wanna sleep eh /=


Monday, November 03, 2008
you don't know anything . / 9:14 PM

i see no evil , hear no evil , & SAY no evil :D

gahgah , today was tiring . didn't drink mushroom soup afterall . today is kena scolding day . somemore when the laoshi is scolding us i still waved to rongher , HAHA . but after that became serious liao . not bad laa . kianyun make everybody pekcek . he damn funny de .

went cwp with xunlin , jiaee & huilin , cause we were craving for MOS . when we reach liao , see PIZZAHUT , & walk inside . PIZZAHUT IS ADDICTIVE ): this drama thingy kinda make xunlin , jiaee , huilin & me closer lei . good uh ? went to buy YOGURT , nicenice . xunlin went to buy mocha & jiaee bought mini melts . HAHS . stonned in popular after that . didn't bought anything afterall -.-

oh , tml is the actual day . kinda prepared to kena scolded alr ? wish me goodluck .


Sunday, November 02, 2008
說好的幸福呢 ? / 9:28 PM

when i'm 2 years old , hahs . say i'm cute or i'll shoot you .

怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了
你不等了 说好的 幸福呢
我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了

I PLANNED TO UPLOAD PICTURES TODAY , BUT I THINK BLOGGER HATES ME ): suan le , gonna upload next time i guessed . 說好的幸福呢 is a nice song :D the lyrics seem so meaningful okay . heh hehs .

oh wells , i spent the weekend rotting . sleep all the time , nah , no eat sleep eat sleep . is sleep only , sometimes can don't eat . LOLL . but i still feel that 24 hours a day isn't enough for me lei . i seriously don't how i spent my day one .

still need to go to school tomorrow . last day until the book talk ! okay not very excited , acting in front a lot of people makes me feel like a retard . or rather , i'm already a retard ? LOLL . i look forward to tomorrow , cause mr chua will be acting funny , make us laugh . & i can see sunshine acting as a ahma , wearing the ahma costume , hahah . & jonathan saying this : AM I SHUAI ? or something like that , AHAHA . & jiaxin swing here swing there when he's talking , hoho . i look forward to drinking mushroom soup eh , hehs .

i feel that my hair don't grow anymore . WHY ?! i miss long long hair . i don't care it must grow laa . i think i'm gonna trim my hair soon , it looks damn terrible to me . got a urge to cute short hair , but instinct tells me i shouldn't eh /=

this is gonna be a very very random post , with no pictures . wait until blogger loves me 1st ? i'm off replying tags . they're creating a commotion in my tagboard . hehs .