
Designer: darkdegree
Partofthecodes: detonatedlove
Images: moargh
Textues: peachinparis
Icons: threemoresteps

Friday, October 31, 2008
i can't do this . / 8:27 PM

aaaa , i'm beginning to become lazier and lazier , so slackish nowadays ):

yesterday .
went to school , mrt damn packed . oh , infront of me got two veryvery tall man , can cover me behind lol . & kept squeezing me , i looked damn small & kelian , LOL . was acting most of the time in school , tired . what do you expect , i'm acting like 3 characters ? run here and there , like maddie . LOL . after that mr chua act as the grandson , okay he very over de laa . when it was my turn i was shouting something like i don wanna act with him . cause i'll laugh , HAHA . was let off 1 hour later , damn x.x

today .
i woke up very early , & don't feel like going to school , as early like 7.30 ? went to school & today settled the crops most of the time . i hate that bitch okay , damn her . drew and painted the chicken , nicenice . went off to slack after that , came back after 20 mins , when mdm goh want us to come back within 5 mins . cause we went to eat , when we finally decided to go back , we saw mr ang . so we begun to talk talk talk there , about publicity talk . he say if we wanna go our primary school can tell him he'll bring us along :D but too sad i'll have to act in other schools when mr ang's at woodlands ring ;x . xunlin , jiaee & huilin get to go back laa ! D:

went to co room slack , & went to macs . saw my friend ! ahaha , we call each other my friend , cause we dunno each other's name . HAHA , how retarded . then back to co room , crapped alot . i was KEKO KEKO-ING all the way , darn funny . kena bullied by junsian ah ;x LOL . in the end we chased him ard th school .

idk what happen to me after that laa . i was feeling strange , yes very strange . TALK NO EVIL ! ya know what , i finally know ; how deep's she has fallen in . so , i tell myself i can't do this . okay ignore me , oh , practiced jiangjunling . pushed to the front , then i dunno how to play . plus i can't see anyone to let me follow . in the end i anyhow play liao -.-

went back with twinny . 1st time we talked so much on the bus laa . okay , about shuaiges . HAHA . she's gonna insist that _______ is shuai , but _____ is more shuai what ! i insist that _____ & that shuaige is shuai ! lalalaaaaa .


Wednesday, October 29, 2008
move on ; / 9:38 PM


lazy to blog laa , so shall blog today !

yesterday .
went to school early in the morning for the ahma thing . run through the script 1st , yay i got three lines . LOLL . i pity ahma & the grandson , aiyoo , they've got a lot of lines lei . i'm calefare ! :D mr oh & mr chua scam us to this chinese course , with the reason of other schools pangseh-ed mr oh & not enough people to feel up the seats . so , everyone of us MUST go to the library for the course , 10 AM to 5 PM .

gahgah , went to the library . &&& i saw someone ! wheehoo , i thought i'll never see that person again lei . lol okay whatever , if i'm beebee then she'll probably go like : AHH , I'M SO FATED WITH THAT PERSON ! AHAHAA . LOLL .

say me , jiaee and huilin is pro . we managed to tell mr chua we're going at 12.30 . with reasons , but no very valid . so proceed on to blabber crap to him until he pekcek say ok . AHAHA . went to eat at mac with jiaee , huilin , cheuktow , xunlin , wenwen & wynne . crap alot laa , great gossip mongers , LOL .

yeps , went to school with jinghui . wah , she damn jialat laa . i asked her why she nvr come ytd , she say she thought ytd was a monday . oh yeah -.- managed to get in from the backgate since the guard still there can help us open the door . xunlin came late & walked one big round laa , lol .

everybody played with handphones for idk why . wanru nvr come tday , so jiaee became ahma , because no more chicken . changed some part of the script , and acted it out . we still bo feelings de lei , lol . damn funny when we're acting , had a lot of fun laa .

ran through the whole event , kinda disaster . cause different groups add tgt then become guaiguai de . so when teacher was talking , the other groups were playing CHOOCHOOTRAIN . sat in a row of chairs , veryvery fun . oh & then jonathan asked me something like : eh you think she noisy anot ? ;x then i was like tell him : NAH , I DON'T GOSSIP . I SEE NO EVIL , HEAR NO EVIL , SAY NO EVIL . AHAHA , okay kinda fake laa .

LJS-ed later , with jiaee , huilin & jinghui . crapped alot as usual . but not very noisy there . played with the SEE NO EVIL , HEAR NO EVIL , SAY NO EVIL thing . went to comics connection , walked ard . why no monkeys , oh i'm so sad laa . but i saw one grad monkey which is super cute , but the price is cuter .____.

went home & rest . afternoon went out with family . oh & i bought twoo t-shirts , & one myuk pouch niceee . then i saw this group of people performing at the streets , whereby one person play the erhu & one person sing . & i hear something familiar , then i realised it was my exam piece . LOLL .

no pictures todayy , aww . I'M LAZYY ):

Monday, October 27, 2008
oh wells ; / 7:48 PM

gahgah , lost the interest in blogging laa . going out these few days so uhm , don't feel like posting much ah ;x ohkays , so lets summarise what i'll be doing for this holidays bah . time planner , hahs .

1 : HOMEWORK , yes how nice -.-
2 : SHOPPING , gahgah i want more stuffs ;x
3 : ZOO , i must i must i must go to the zoo i don't care .
4 : WORK , yes probably i need to work for my parents , damn -.-
5 : TAIWAN , going to taiwan soon , not very interested ._.
6 : OVERSEAS , i think i'm going overseas with family at idk where and idk when . LOLL .

wait until i think of more stuffs to do , haha .

oh , & i feel like having a new blog . but can't bear to leave lovely-season ): lovely-season accompanied me for idk how long alr laa . but feel like having a new blog though . anyway , if i'm having a new blog , i think will have it during the beginning of next year . yup , new year , new start . HAHS .

toodles :]

Saturday, October 25, 2008
apologise ? / 9:03 PM


oh , tday is brenda's birthday , happy birthday teenager . hahs . went to J8 and ate pastamania , i love baked rice . although beebee and kailin de creamy chicken(?) is nice too , but nvrmind , i love my baked rice still , haha .

movie tday , again . HSM3 :D kinda disappointed though , i was having high expectations de . but the movie don't have any part that impressed me laa . awww . but still , is a musical , NICE . was hugging brenda's toy all the way throughout , haha .

bought ice cream to eat , nicee . i was kinda fasinated by the chocolates laa , but its expensive D: went to eat takoballs after that , i love octopus laa . we had a hard time finding the pet shop cause its in the corner of the level . anyway , i stoned there for 15 mins , thinking that issit yuki (my previous hamster , passed away alr ]: ) or hammie (current hamster) that eats only sunflower seeds . because i remember one of my hamster doesn't like to eat any other supplements . she only picks out the sunflower seeds and ignore the other food . hahs . in the end i bought sunflower seeds , LOL .

went to 7-eleven to play , haha . there's this little guy there , seeing a whole chunk of nacho cheese dripping there , and started to lick them up . LOLL . kinda disgusted laa . but afterall he's just a kiddo . & trained back home then , with jiaee being really retarded .

i think i'm gonna post something tomorrow , i guessed pictures . but , wait , not the usual photos . just look out tomorrow ? hahas . oh & i realised i'm in the same kindergarden with brenda , and huilin is in the same kindergarden as wingyan( woah O.O ) , & jiaee and joey is in the same kindergarden . haha , QIAO-NESS :D

你不会不管我的对吗?i'm afraid , to lose another person , very afraid .

Friday, October 24, 2008
yayness . / 10:09 PM


went out tday & as usual , i was kinda late laa . twinny bo bian walk to my house , hahs . thought we were quite late alr , but sunshine they all need at least 1 hr to reacg cos anna need to go back amk to change ? anw , found a nice place to play tday . went to metro with twinny & brenda , children section . hahs . keep pressing the toys there ya know , kinda amusing laa . LOL . i can't believe i spent about 1 hr there . wanted to go kiddy palace , but they arrived .

went to pizzahut to eat , again . didn't manage to finish up the cheese tday ah ;x everyone became damn full tday , which is kinda unusual , cause we eat alot everytime . hahs . spent the time talking about our ghostly experience . darn eerie de lor .

went to watch BUTTERFLY LOVERS after that . cause HSM3 no more tickets . see anna , this proves that HSM3 is definitely better than max payne . HAHA . butterfly lover isn't too good too , fight fight fight then the people move move so fast that i kinda blur alr . don't have huge climax too , ending isn't very nice too . oh & twinny is like so crazy over shuaiges there . they cried , but me & anna didn't . i think is because the people infront of us keep making noises & people behind us keep kicking the chair . oh , they swept over our hair for like dunno how many time , pissed okay .

went to minitoons , & i keep pestering sunshine to buy me a monkey . she say next time when i'm not ard then she buy . actually i'm just joking laa , didn't expect them to buy tho , cause its like way too early alr ah . then when i'm going to meet xinmin right , i still called her phone to remind her to buy my present , LOL . xinmin is chio laa <3 style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);" size="5">OH , I OH SO LOVE MY FRIENDS LAA , ESPECIALLY TANJIAEE AKA MY SUNSHINE , SHE'S THE BEST !
she bought that monkey for me ! they all rock my life , i think my life would be kinda dull without them bah . but still , they're <3s>

Thursday, October 23, 2008
this is <3 . / 8:09 PM

are you the one who will be putting my smile back ?

i feel so !@$#% tday , for idk what reason . i screwed the day , screwed the psl interview . if not beebee and kailin told me to go i think i wouldn't . seriously my mood sucks in doing everything tday . pardon if i pissed you off .


okay , this is the very first time i cried for a teacher . yes , when mr ang is giving his speech , i cried . to think that i'll have no more maths remedial from him every friday . no more sleepy lessons from him . no more nagging from him . he did not give up me even if i had disappoint him for the past few months , by just merely passing my tests . he said that i have potential to do well , yet i did not heed his advice . i regretted , for not listening to his lessons . i can't control my tears from flowing down , i guessed some people don't feel anything cause mr ang never teach them . but trust me , he's a nice teacher . we'll miss you :D

1st period was his lesson , we began to cheer for him . he showed us videos then , & he look super cute when he was young . AHAHA . spent a bit of time taking pictures with him . some pictures are in his camera , he say he'll probably give it to our form teacher next year . i managed to put on a smile throughout the 1 hr , yeps . he gave us his telephone no. and address . we said we are definitely going to visit him sometime . christmas or chinese new year ? hahs . beebee & i shouted : MR ANG , WO MEN AI NI ! when he's leaving D:

oh , & i don't feel a need to like arrange the tables and chairs , when is like the last day of school ? some more we're not going to use the classroom anymore . what the hell . report slips = happy . yeahs , i scored quite low . but i think i've work hard for some subjects alr , no regrets .

stayed back fort eh chinese drama thing . before that went to take pictures with mr ang again . until his camera full liao , cnnt take anymore . hehs . i'm acting as LAO SHI in the chinese play . jiaee is acting as chicken , AHAHA .

just say i screwed up the psl interview . aww .

mr ang , we love you <3

friends :D

gahgah , i love joey . she's a total cutie <3

dardar-ship <3

anna , qiwen , jiaee & peiying .

me & huilin :D

crapping partners + jinghui ! guan hoe , jing hui , anna , huilin & qiwen .
( jonathan refuses to take this photo , CAMERA SHY ! ;x )


baobei brenda :D

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
yes , you got it right . / 4:16 PM

i'm in a state of blurness and feel terrible because of my headache , damn ? yesterday until now alr ah ;x anyway , e-learning tday eh . jinghui called me at 9 to wake me up , cause she said mdm tan called her phone to tell her to log in . i told her i was still sleeping , oh & mdm tan nvr call me eh , hahs .

i went to wash up or whatever before using comp at 9.30 . LOLL . gotta use IE instead of firefox tho , but IE darn lag . bo bian i about 10 then start , oh how nice . finished at 12.30 , cause don't feel like doing maths , so anyhow tikum , 40/100 ;x e-learning kinda suck okay , i dunwan again laa .

& then i proceed to rot at home .

tml is last day of school eh ? i still wanna sit with those crapping partners lei . we are ALWAYS the noisiest in class , talking and talking non-stop at some times . i love this kinda bond . BROWN COLOUR IRREGULAR CYCLE :D

只怕我自己会爱上你 , 不敢让自己靠的太近 .

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
confused ; / 8:21 PM

super moodswing tday , damn .


gahgah , whatever .

the course tday makes me sleepy D: just that me and beebee darn enthu about the games ? everything oso wanna present de , LOLL . that singing thing was funny okay , will upload i guessed the next time ;x but later part of the day become boring alr ah . what do ya expect , 10.30am to 6.40pm ! i didn't know how i survived through though , hehs . but at least i love to write my speech , waited for darn long okay . cause my index no. is 36 ? i even though beebee , jonathan & guanhoe to wake me up when its my turn . but didn't rly slept , spent the time chatting .

i bused back with , let see .. twinny , jinghui , meixin & amandaa . hahas . brenda ran off in another bus . i almost puke okay , kinda dizzy in th bus alr ;x i thought imma gonna dieee eh , LOL . & i walked home with jinghui , since her block is beside me . ah , how long alr , few weeks , or few months ? hehs .

oh , one more fact about me !

not suprising laa . or rather , i'm lazy to talk . talking is tiring ya know . i guessed that's the reason why i don't talk to twinny in bus everytime . & this time , instead of talking , we typed what we wanna say in the phone , & showed each other , LOLL . oh , and i think this explains why i have more missed calls than received calls . my phone is silent mode everytime , so i don care if people call me , HAHA . leave me a voicemail if i nvr answer your call okay ? hahs .

Monday, October 20, 2008
gahgah ; / 7:19 PM

傻瓜 我們都一樣 被愛情傷了又傷
相信這個他不一樣 卻又再一次受傷
傻瓜 我們都一樣 受了傷卻不投降
相信付出會有代價 代價只是一句傻瓜

\edit {

the more i think , the more i can't tell myself to do this . i'm sorry , to you & you . oh wells , to
too : i'm sorry . i just can't , sorry . you'll probably live your life better the next time .



i didn't spend the day rotting at home , like finally . went to cwp with valval and lin , wheeehooo i love them man ! they rock okay . waited for valval for like more than 1/2 hr or what , cause she say her vball training kinda let off late ? oh wells , so lin & me went to shop ard .

okay people please read the following paragraph , important ! :DD alrightos , went to minitoons . & I CAN'T FIND MOST OF THE MONKEY ITEMS ALR D: i guessed they're all kept away for new stuffs alr ? anw , there's this bigbig monkey head plushie theree , & I WANT D: if i have to wait until 13 dec which is my bday , the plushie wld be gone alr ah x: so people , buy me that for my early bday present ? i want the guy one , not that girl with flower on the head , LOLL . if i got that soon , i think i'll bring it for th taiwan trip , xoxos . pleasepleaseplease get me that D: okay i'm just being lame , if nobody give me before the taiwan trip i guessed i'll go fork out the money to buy myself , i want it x:

went to pizzahut to eat later on . i don't like the mushroon soup aye , LOLL . wanted to order pizza but was kinda full after eating the pasta . then i played with valval's DS :D happy , because she got that drum de game which i played with the 1G-ians at th arcade that time , hohos . damn fun okay . went to take 912 to valval's hse , oh & i spent th whole journey playing that game . walked until her hse there le & i feel dizzy , hehs .

watch 10 promises with my dog (?) at her hse . niceee . okay lin & me spent most of th time snatching valval's DS , cause the game is too addictive ! we look like two children snatching over toys , hahas .

valval sent me to the bus stop and i bused home . not to mention that i look totally retarded carrying a sleeping bag with me walking ard . LOLL .

& i spent a great day with SANJIANKE :D gahgah , i think we get along well best okay ! best buddies of all eh . oh i didn't take photos tdayy , how sad D:


Sunday, October 19, 2008
never be back again ; / 2:32 PM

i have totally nothing to post tday . probably only this video bah . i cried when listening a few years ago , & i still do now . this song is quite nice laa . i have a feeling that i'm typing like a robot now , lol .

highly recommended , play please :D

Saturday, October 18, 2008
byebye . / 7:08 PM

oh i'm oh so unhappy now , how sad . already at the verge of crying in the morning , & when sunshine called me , i broke down into tears . crying and telling her what happen , i feel so unfair . although i only spoke to her for a few minutes , i kept crying & crying . of course she didn't know what to do .

super pissed off when i must travel from woodlands to yishun , yishun to woodlands , and woodlands back to yishun . don't ask me why , it will just make me even pissed off .

walked to sunshine's house from chong pang , after i bought my sandwich as lunch . oh & how nice , i forgotten where she live . planned the script awhile and huilin came . WE ALL WEAR BROWN COLOUR T-SHIRTS :D . such a coincidence ! never planned before de . slack awhile until 5 plus & went to dinner with sunshine at KFC .

i feel like doing this quite a long time ago , but i'm too lazy .


1 : i'm single !
hoho , yes , i don't have a stead . LOL . so don't come telling me thisthisthis is my boyfriend . HAHA .

2 : i don't have a crush .
yeps , i like no one currently , honestly . i only admire shuaiges but won't go to the extend of saying that i like them . don say that i like this guy that guy again . all crap .

3 : i don't type shortcuts when i'm unhappy .
i will type dunno as don't know , will type alr as already . but if i type i don't know instead of idk , i'm really very depressed i can tell you . don't know why either . so watch out and don't come making me even unhappier when i'm unhappy already .

4 : i tend to cut down my usage of letters when i'm unhappy .
for example , like the word byebye , i will type bye . don't ask me why , just don't feel like writing too much words at those point of times . oh , and i will reply you one or two words sentence if i'm unhappy . just don't feel the need of writing long sentences .

5 : i'm a extremely lazy person .
i can't don't have my meals because i'm lazy to cook/buy . or rather , i think i don't care about these things often . there're still alot of evidence to see if i'm a real lazy person . go ask my friends probably ?

6 : i have loads of secrets .
people say that i don't know how to keep secrets so therefore , they don't trust me . but i tell you , i hold secrets real well . i think i have tons of very very big secrets that i haven't told anyone until now . i tend to forget secrets people told me , so i won't be able tell other people , hahs .

7 : i'm actually a loner , or to say , i'm quiet .
yes , you didn't read wrongly . i'm quiet . i can't communicate with strangers . i only speak to people who are really close to me . even normal friends i don't speak to them . i'm only crazy when i'm with my buddies . i don't like to socialise too , so i think i don't have much friends .

8 : i'm not opstimistic .
don't see me everytime laugh and laugh , i'm not that opstimistic actually . i don't laugh that much usually . even if i laugh , i'm not happy . i think i've not had a real laugh for a few months already . i don't know what happen to me either , can't seem to try to be opstimistic .

9 : i love to eat potatoes .
or rather , I'M IN LOVE WITH POTATOES . i drink only potato soup , unless i have no choice . i like to eat cooked potatoes , but i don like food like potato chips . don't ask me why , i don't know . but potato chips don't look very appealing to me .

10 : i'm anti-sport !
oh , i hate sports . i failed my napfa every year . especially for running and standing broad jump . i can't seem to jump , i don't know why . & i'm getting lousier and lousier every year . sad to say , i jumped like 100 cm this year . i suck at sports i tell you .

there's still more facts i think . but tday i'm lazy to typeeee D:

Friday, October 17, 2008
gone ; / 8:56 PM


scarnival tday , kinda boring though . & YES , LINGSHAN IS THE LEADER OF OUR GROUP . nicenice . oh so sad that twinny was not at school tday , if not i will have somebody to talk to alr . because her group and my group kinda combined de , or rather , we're going to th same stations . unsuccessful experiment later on , our egg crack slightly , uh oh . our group kinda like to create trouble for th leaders , keep bombing them with chim chim questions , or even lame lame questions . they kinda pissed liao after that , hoho .

met up with wulaoshi after school , & YES WE'LL BE ACTING ! :] at idk which primary schools though . we're going to jiaee's hse probably tml to write out th script . actually th girls wanna come my hse de , but jonathan go sorta warn them my hse is messy & my sisters are crazy . oh whatever . i think his brother will be worse lor , since that time i saw his brother in school during meet-the-parents session . hahas .

i hard a terrible time erhu-ing . cos idk why my hand super tired after playing th whole song . wells , not only me . other people too x: time seems to be clocking away very slowly tday , how sad . * not in school tday , oh how bad . oh , i nidda stop huachi-ing here . & twinny is being damn retarded to only realise we took her wallet after 3 & a half hours . hehs .

& i not very happy .


Thursday, October 16, 2008
idk what to do now ; / 2:34 PM


i have so much pictures to upload , until idk where to start . so i jumbled all the photos tgt , and it looks weird . oh , whatever .

i found this in my maths textbook . i rmb i said this to shifu before , when he say he flunked his idk what paper . LOL . but it kinda doesn't work with me now alr .

it's math D:

sky is love :D

just say we're three tough girls .

spot the difference eh .

i was studying science when i saw this :D

before mugging :D

after mugging D:

this strawberry looks kinda cute to me lei .


jiaee broke her record , 67 missed calls , during lesson time -.-

we love our handphone straps ! :D

i love i love i love potatoes .

spot me ?

i look !@#$@% here , but still posted it up -.-

we played in the rain :D

one two three , JUMP !

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
promises ; / 8:58 PM


i actually don't feel like blogging from today onwards . but i need a place to let all my feelings out , so you see me here . oh yeah , & i flunked my all my papers badly for eoys . didn't got any As for all the papers . oh wells , pray that i would get an A science now ? i hope those graded assignments will pull my results up . no point crying over spilled milk now ):

not to mention that after the exams , th crapping group ( ME , ANNA , HUILIN , GUANHOE , JONATHAN ) had kinda lost th usual bond we had last time . idk why , too . its like we'll begin to talk last time , randomly . but now i had to start a topic with them before everyone talks . something's not right . oh whatever , shall treasure th following days with them . or rather , one more day . cos we have th scarnival on friday . no school on monday , course on tuesday , e-learning on wednesday . & last schooling day on thursday .

english lesson was fun , surprisingly . mdm tan says i'm bisexual , AH . cause i love anna and got so hyper when a bunch of guys are walking outside . but i was not hyper laa ! just wanted to tell beebee something mah . but , i feel oh so so disappointed after knowing something tday . oh damn . anna beebee they all they all know what happened ? and i grumble for th whole afternoon after that . oh , & i think those ppl know what we talking about . oh no , cannot let them find out is me . or i'll be practically dead okay . but but but , i still feel disappointed . WHYWHY ): aye nvrmind , at least still got somebody that look like that person , think straight people . AIYO , I SOUND SO HUACHI HERE , IGNORE ME PLEASE .

anw , had a girls talk with mdm tan . she refuses to tell us how her husband proposed to her ! ayee , she like gonna blushed liddat . oh yeah , she started telling us this and that . okay sure , we'll definitely heed the advices bah . hahs .

went to meet cheuktow to have her lunch at khatib , watch her eat . AHAHA . before that we kinda talked abt cheese in school . juinying heard what we say and say we're bad ! oh wells , she's just too kind bah .

i don't belong here , i should have just walk away quietly , if all of you had realised .

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
rain ; / 8:54 PM


spent yesterday in downtown east ! only 8 ppl went tgt , some ppl pangseh last minute . me , jiaee , anna , xunlin , shaojun , richard , jonathan & yize . went to ate yogurt and pastamania , and spent th rest of th time in the arcade . FUN . we kept deesiao-ing th guys from playing their games . until yize pekcek dunwan play liao , & then we help him play . LOL . th attack screen game is fun laa . throw all th balls at th screen de ! hide & seek in NTUC ! funfun . great day with th 8 ppl . dinner was suckish though , shldn't elabo ? kanasai de uncleee .

tday !
got back three papers . nahh , no As ? damn , I STILL REMEMBER I GOT BET WITH MPA SENIOR ! but i got this darn feeling i'm losing alr . i score so so suckish for math & hcl .

oh yeah , nice thing . watch death note in class during home econs ! 1F damn jealous okayy , LOL . i spent th time sleeping and munching on cookies . hehs .

anna ezlink card kena passed ard lol . after hcl we got it back laa . and played in th rain ! didn't rly run in th rain cos we were wearing uniform ): i miss the running in th rain laa . anna beebee , twinny , brenda & i were like all wet alr ? hahs .

co-ed . fun eh . learnt the exam piece , kinda easy ? yay yay . crapped ard as usual . chatted with juinying , yueying and ziqin . hahs . scammed zhaolaoshi to let us put erhu in school . not totally scam bahh , we telling truth :D

bused with brenda & twinny . I SAW TH HIGH TECH BUS LIAO ! OKAY I BELIEVE ! but nvr got up th bus tho . kinda look at th bus only . hahs , finally i'm believing anna beebee alr . oh yeah , i saw ehems waiting for brenda at th bus stop there ! okay i'm having my revenge ! brenda you watch out tml ! AHAHA .

Sunday, October 12, 2008
after you left , i realised the importance of your presence / 5:56 PM

GAHHHHHH , i'm bored ):

i'm just rotting at home these two days okay . plus i have a very very hoarse voice now , i went to buy breakfast just now and i almost can't speak that i have to point to what i want . damn it .

went to see the doctor ytd which kinda zzz . went to the clinic , a lot of people there . then there's this angmoh man wearing like a shirt with flowers (like those ppl wear to th beach) , a very sloppy look , walking out of th room (appearing to be th doctor laa) . he walked out of th clinic , heading to th macdonalds there . then we waited for like 20 mins ? he's not back yet . & we went to ask th nurse there , she said something like he ran away to another nurse before telling us that he's in th washroom . in th end we went to another clinic , becos we're kinda afraid of that sloppy angmoh there -.-

the other doctor is funny eh . he measured my temperature , check my throat . write down on his paper some medicines name , and stone there for 1 min . STONE , as in he hold he pen there and stare at th paper for 1 min . WITHOUT MOVING . my mother and i were like staring at him for 1 min okay . he suddenly froze there . i began to turn away and laugh -.- finally , he spoke : okay you may go . ZZZ .

anws , tml is escapeeee trip . not sure if i can go yet ? cos i'm still sick eh , but i wanna go ! th ticket is kinda ex tho , but but but , i have a free ticket with me lei ! *smirks* wanted to go with twinny de , since she also have a free ticket . aye , nvrmind , i shall go with 1G 1st . will go with twinny and sister soon bah :D

this is just a freaking lame post .

Friday, October 10, 2008
/ 8:39 PM


just say i spoiled the day because i'm very very sick . had this kinda lame convo with guan hoe in the morning .
me : too lazy alr , put in at home .
guan hoe : wlao , help me take my npcc uni or shoe bag lei , i still need to take art block .
me : eeyer , i wanted to ask you to help me take my art file de lei , suan le .
guan hoe : ZZZ .
me : errrr , okaylar , i help you take your art block , since its very light .
guan hoe : *diao-ed me*
we're just two lamers with the surname TEO , LOLL . kinda screwed art okay , damn it laa . serious flu that time , can't seem to concentrate . result = super pekcek .

went to sun plaza for movie . the cinema sucks man , lousy . & we saw kailing and zarchi thereee . they watching mamamia too . the whole cinema only got us okay . begun to make ALOT of noise , until this couple came in too . but we still make noise laa , no diff .

me & beebee was kinda bored halfway through , and begun to change our seats , since th cinema is empty . hehs . then since th movie kinda musical lai de mah , WE SANG ALONG OKAY . we were all laughing like mad lor . at 1st the couple away from us cnnt hear , but later we became louder , they kept looking at us . "I HAVE A DREAMMMMMMM ." darn funny .

mrt-ed to admiralty to collect my erhu , and when back to school . we kinda destinated to get scolded everywhere we go de lor . inside library oso get scolded , in bus oso get scolded , in mrt oso get scolded . plus a lot and a lot of places lor . oh whatever .

slacked ard talking abt AB , then ask cheuktow come and talk tgt , hehs . then started to talk about this gang of people and this person . then junsian and jesmond come kaypo , hahas . talk talk talk until co started .

feeling super sick then , just that sunshine kept making me laugh , haha .

& bused home with twinny and brenda :D

Thursday, October 09, 2008
eh , who's that ? / 7:44 PM

hellohello !

i'm a hyper kia tday man , hees . terribly flunked math lei , left quite a lot of questions blank . I LOVE MR ANG MAN . he is a very very nice tcher laa . but he's retiring soon , sobs . i doubt i can get a B too leis .

went to ate at LJS again ? kinda sick liao laa , sick as in i have flu . hais . chatted a lot there , darn funny laa . a lot of jokes eh . i love twinny , jiaee , joey , huilin , anna , chunkailin , brenda :D

bused to jiaee's hse then . saw miaosi ! sugarpieeeeee <3

we kinda acted as FBIs ? LOLL , walked ard th yishun district laa . kinda zzz . idk why we're doing this though . oops . mission kinda failed afterwards . spotted them but went missing . so in th end went to jiaee's hse .

started to prank call people ! people like sun chang , kar wuai , chang yuan & jia xin answered our calls only . other people all unreachable leis . too bad . but is damn damn funny de lor . even recorded it down , LOL . laughed until i almost died .

went home with lin & twinny , yay :D


Wednesday, October 08, 2008
/ 4:48 PM


short post before i remove my itchy hands off the comp and go study math .

i kinda love science laa , its th only paper i think i didn't flunk ? hehs . i studied very hard for bio lei , but bio is kinda fun tho .

woke up abit early and went to read through the worksheets . as usual , th questions that i predicted will come up eventually came out . i always liddat de lor , prediction damn accurate . i go memorise classification and most of the questions are classification . i went to study how to draw the boiling of leaf in alcohol and the ques want us to draw . i went to study distillation only and distillation came out .

but history was kinda zzz . didn't expect most of th ques to come out from chap 2 , since common test they're tested alr . damn . prepare to fail lor , sians .

went to civic centre and did something for ahem . it's supposed to be a surprise laa . the person will know tomorrow , hehs . tml is also twinnyship for 3 months ? hahs .


wohenni ):

Sunday, October 05, 2008
i've stopped believing long ago ; / 10:07 PM

ihatemyselfman . i said i wouldn't touch the computer again , but my itchy hands came to blog again . oh yeah , five more days to freedom . i'm just afraid that i might die before friday , aww .

fruitful day tday at least , feel so not wasted at least . just that twinny was so mean , but i know she loves me eh . finished mugging history , except case study . i'm so hardworking while twinny kept watching her WHYWHYLOVE , and ignore me .

tomorrow's is hcl paper 2 ? ohno , i'm well well prepared to flunk it laa . my standard f chinese is terrible . one great example is that last time when i try to speak english , will start to have some chinese inside . but now when i speak chinese , i have some english inside . damn , so terrible . say good luck to me tomorrow please .

I WILL TRY TO GO HIATUS FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS ! i want to have a mugging marathon soon . hehs .


i just realised i spent 300 ____ on you , which i think is kinda stupid . but i've erased all the memories . probably not in the heart .

Saturday, October 04, 2008
/ 2:13 PM


me , jiaee , huilin , twinny , joey , dardar , chunkailin + idk still got who got th flu alr ? not very sure beebee & nguikailin got anot leis . since we always share food . LOL . just saw beebee sneezing recently O: kailin looks perfectly fine . i sorta cause chunkailin to have flu , or issit twinny ? hahs . suan le , everyone sick tgt manzxz . hahs .

tday is kinda slackish ? anw , i cooked my lunch just now ! i just went to th supermarket , bought some veggies , chicken fillet , crabsticks , potatoes ? boil everything except the veggies , then chilled them . put everything tgt and add mayonnaise . TAAADAAA , MY SALADDDDD :D i kinda had a hard time cooking th potatoes , idk how to see if a potato is cook tho , lol . surprisingly is taste kinda nice manzxzx . i got tian fen , HAHA .

i'm going to mug for historyyyyyy , how sad . & probably going to twinny's hse tml to mug too . twinny is a pro okay . she's turning so geeky alr , geeky twinny manzxz .
- WINGYAN ♥ says:
i any time also can ;x
QIWEN - #02 RETARD monkey ! :] says:
orh okays , 12 midnight !
QIWEN - #02 RETARD monkey ! :] says:
- WINGYAN ♥ says:
i can ! but you can bo ? O:
QIWEN - #02 RETARD monkey ! :] says:
you come fetch me ! later got ahneh kidnap me
- WINGYAN ♥ says:
- WINGYAN ♥ says:
ask your guardian angel lorh .__.
- WINGYAN ♥ says:
look outside th window ;D
QIWEN - #02 RETARD monkey ! :] says:
- WINGYAN ♥ says:
look out jiu got lerh xD
QIWEN - #02 RETARD monkey ! :] says:
got curtain x.x
- WINGYAN ♥ says:
-.-" throw it away ;x
twinny is sooo lamee , or rather i'm lame too . hehs .

oh & bye !

Friday, October 03, 2008
oh , whatever ; / 6:38 PM

re so so ti do ti la so la ti ti ti ti la ti la so ;

等到放晴的那天也许我会比较好一点 ;

not very happy tday .
1 : it rain tday , how many days alr . i want qing tian de laa . i want the sun .
2 : i kinda flunk th exam , basically just wrote crap .
3 : didn't manage to drink ju hua cha , cos mom thought ju hua cha haven't run out so she bought dong gua cha , which i don't like .
4 : can't find my earpiece , cannot listen to ben lai for hours (which i did for th past few days)
5 : i think i'm hopeless in math , i don't even know what is a rational no.
6 : listened to ben lai and almost cried , idk why .
7 : a lot more things happened .

tday is very very bored laa . except th fact that i get to help people to sew their puppets . i think sewing is kinda fun laa . i'm in love with sewing every since i-forget-who taught me cross stitch a lot of years ago . ex-neighbour ? hahs . sewing rocks manzxz . i went ard to ask people who want me to help them sew their puppet . nice nice .

newspaper says that th earlier you start to use cell phone you more risk you'll get brain tumor ? ehem , i think i started using cell phone like even before going to primary school ? oops . ers , don ask why so early . for communication purpose i think . my parents are always too busy for me in the past . hehs .

& bye .

Thursday, October 02, 2008
damn you ; / 8:09 PM

wanted to post pictures today , way too lazy manzxz . & i feel like sleeping alr , idk what is happening tday . easily tired man ): i guessed is shall be a slacker tday , & probably just happy-go-lucky for tomorrow's english paper . or shall i take out something to read ? hahs . i think i got th flu from jiaee & huilin ? okay everyone alse got it . hehs .

& it rained tday ? your fault ! ahaha . kinda dampened my mood leis ): was expecting th sun to be out de , aww . how sad sad sad . 太阳公公你在那里?rain shoo rain shoo .

oh how nice , i can't catch up with the class in math , damn . i want to learn , but just couldn't laa . oh so sad ): &&& , i failed pass my history test ! okay its just pass anyway . managed to got that one mark to make me get 10/20 . i did study okay , but who knows th short answer ques are way too @#!$#% le .

LJS-ed with twinny , jiaee and huilin . how long since i ate at LJS manzxz . anyway , crapped a lot there laa . typical us . can't manage to find th sunshine carebear leis /= nvrmind i will find it someday . xoxos .

oh yeah , bye bye . i don't care anymore .
虽然是说再见,但是指的是以后再也不见。hehs :D

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
rewind ; / 4:52 PM

oh no , i'm suppose to mug instead of using comp ! alrights , comp is addictive . aye , & i think i'll not have so much emoticons in my post already . find them kinda useless eh . hahs .

oh yah & i forgot to say that yesterday is our ALL SPECS DAY ! whee hoo . nicenice . so if you see me , anna , jiaee , kailin , huilin , joey wearing specs , don't need to be surprised ! & i realised 1G is abit geeky . its like only 8 out of 41 ppl in our class don wear specs ? okay this is random .

went to met twinny to celeb kailin's bday . as usual i was late , which resulted in twinny coming to my hse to wait for me instead of out meeting place . oh how nice . but when we reach , th yishun kias still at yishun waiting for anna . so i told twinny i should have took longer to prepare myself instead of chiong-ing . hohos .

slacked in pizza hut then . th food not bad , but service not very good . ordered 6 pastas in total , but 5 was missing okay . waited for 1/2 hr still haven't came . in the end they serve us pizza which we didn't order , so they took back . then we told th manager , he didn't apologise or what & just told us to wait . so some of us changed our orders cos we think that they haven't even start cooking yet . waited for another 20 mins then our pasta came . jiaee ordered garlic bread but they serve us honey drumlets , which cost like twice of her initial order . in th end we ask them to change , let us wait for so long again . the ordered ice cream , quite fast , but they did not give us spoons . expect us to eat using our hands ? okay whatever . finished complaining . haha .

& then bused home with twinny .

I SERIOUSLY NEED TO STUDY ! oh no , there's a f&n test tml ): actually i think school kinda suck . since there's no written exam for home econs , thn can't th test just be pushed back until exams are over ? we should have spent our time studying eoys , instead of studying th test . aye , nvrmind . i shall go to mug later . i want to score well so that i can pull people to go to th zoo with me ! probably i can celebrate my bday there , with monkeys ! yipeee .

i just realised i posted a whole chuck of words in randomness . hees .

i hate you , but yet i miss you .