
Designer: darkdegree
Partofthecodes: detonatedlove
Images: moargh
Textues: peachinparis
Icons: threemoresteps

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
misinterpretation ; / 8:49 PM

hellohellohello .

no pictures tday i guessed , too lazy . & you wanna see my wordy post de right ? okay whatever .

mood is phucking pissed off by this fucktard early in th morning . i think only twinny knows why , hahs . reach macs at 7.30 ? thought we were th latest , who knows we not th last one ! waited for anna , & cheuktow cameee !

& then we walked to school , talked a lot laa . about this person lors . we kinda speak too loud alr i think . but don think anyone near knows what we're talking about . haha .

science was kinda fun laa . cos we keep following th mc at th event at rainbow centre theree . everyone went 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 a lot of times . mdm yeo bobian let us shout and cheer . okay just th unbored th 1G-ians laa . since mdm yeo always say G class de very boring de mah .

i trashed jonathan & guan hoe in science test ! ohmygod , like 1st time ! although not a lot of marks laa , but still happy . haha . i normally will flunk my science de lei /= & jiaxin got 24.5/25 ? i see him slacking th day before siaa , not fair ! D: & somemore he teach me th ions right , th whole paper mostly my wrongs is ions . just say i'm dumb -.-

stupidity totally kills me tday . last week i brought th entire coursework but my evaluation . & this week i remember to bring my evaluation but forget to bring my coursework file with everything inside . i feel so dumb manzxzx . tcher says she's gonna minus marks liao ): my hard work lei /=

i saw a 44/50 chinese test paper on my table ! the name on top is TEOQIWEN ! it's mine ! so long nvr see so nice results liao . aye , not fair , jonathan 45 marks , thn he laugh at me ):marks are not important laa . as long as i'm satisfied ! wheee hoooo .

waited for miss CHUNKAILIN for her to complete her puppet . i teach her loop stitch ! :D & bused back tgt with brenda & her . yay yay , i love my laogong . (laogonggong sounds nicer x=) i think she loves her bearbear more i guessed . ayee .

i realised everyday i blog right , my english kinda improve . cos mostly i type in perfect english you see . mostly only , not that i don't use shortcuts , hahs . & resulted in my compo got alot to write about . yayness . i think i must post in chinese someday . just to improve my chinese :]


/ 5:01 PM

shall blog later , i'm LAZYY , hahs . so , replying tags now ! :D

tags from 22.09 to 30.09 , 17:10

miaosi: SUGARPIE :D <3>
hello sugarpie ! x33s too .

: ohh gosh! retard monkey QIWEN! 0.0!
oh gosh what oh gosh ? lol .
you still got 1st kiss eh ? i thought you gave it to th what liyang alr ? x:
JOEY!: HOHO ! smiles uhs , don emo hors ! hehes , jiayous for exam !
hahs , thnks :]
wingyan: twinny bu yao zhe yang larh D: let things take its natural course can lerh ;D <3>
okays .
jesmond: yay i finally can tag your blog man omg LOL
okay you finally can tag . because of you i changed a blogskin ya'knw ? no laa , jkjk . just bored of th previous one .
WEISZE.: hello(:
You Wai: can link me @ whatido-iswhatido.blogspot.com
will link you asap ! :]
} JOEY: QIWEN uhs QIWEN , whr are you ? don sit in a corner lahs ): come out & pei me ! (: don emo emo lerh okays , SMILE more ! ♥ awws , i miss your smile & laughter !
thankyous :]
miaosi: SUGARPIE (: Laugh & smile more leh ): SMILE k ? I ♥ MY SUGARPIE ;D <3>
i love my sugarpie too ! :D oh no , i think i forgot to put you into th my love section , OOPS .
CHENGLIN: hellos hellos tagged and jiayous for EOY! xDD good luck too =x
hahs thnks ! good luck too :D
AUDREY ;D: hey dar , dun emo luhr ... i lurve th hyper TEO QIWEN who always cheer me up whenever im emo luhr :[ set a good example for me luhr ...
trying :]
} JOEY: wanglaoshi really ... hahs ! TEOQIWEN , where are you ? i`m despeerately looking for youe !
hais , cant seem to find qiwen too x:
Junyu: hi tagged
hello shifu ! maths pro lor you ! i still maths failure laa ): aww .
wingyan: yo *hi5* , i duibuqi chen lao shi too you know ! D: C6 leh ! ]: aye twinny , just JIAYOU larh <3>
okayokay :]

: hellos ! (: jiayous, dont gve up ! jiayous ! (:
okay , thnks !
} JOEY: QIWEN QIWEN ♥ i miss th hyper QIWEN !
hahs .
A.K: MONKEY! long time no tag xD
lol , go study ! don always psp !
AUDREY ;D: HEY DAR ! haiyo .. DUN EMO LEH xD that cheerful TEO QIWEN more chio luhr (: smile always luhr ^^
okays :]
yangjin: elloss! ;D CUTIE~
yangjin: dont get so disappointed in yourself. rainbows come after the storm! you just have to study hardagain. like i am working onthat stupid ENGLISH!
okay ! i'll work hard in my chinese and you work hard in english ! yays . & jiayous in eoys :]
wingyan: YO TWINNY :] woaini <3>
you know i love you too :D

anna x]
: hais, beebee ! don`t emo lars -____- think of those happy things lar -___- my maths also so noob so i also dui bu qi mr ang -____- CHEER UP LA MY DAMN BEEBEE
lets jiayou tgt ! :D
rongher: JUNIORR, GOODLUCK FOR EOY. And, Chenlaoshi won't blame you.Secondary school and primary school's kinda different, cheerup! *oh and I think chenlaoshi forget abt me already. LOLL*
hahs , okay :] i'm so gonna work hard . & you're taught by chenlaoshi too ? x=
SHIMIN: Gd luck & JY for EOY :D Tis songg r0x ! Hahas
jiayous too ! yah , this song very nicee :]
anna x]: AHAHAHA ! beebee ! =D the ez-link card ke ai right ?! AHAHAHAHAH ! u also must post leys ;X LET EVERYONE SEE MY KE AI ! AHAHAHA -.- okok, i`m crazy now.-.-
xinmin: Yo. I tagggg. C i very good hur. i rmb u leis. wahahaha~
i thought you forgot me liao TT . so gan dong manzxzx .
WEISZE.: HEYYO QIWEN!(: dont call senior lah, soundsss old ;x! even though im older than you one year old! anywayyy, all the best for your EOY kay?! mughard and jiayou!
you're still old ! cnnt deny , HAHA . anws , jiayous too .
WEISZE.: anddd your blog alot of sweet stuff leh ;D! <
: *oops bu xiao xin an dao enter!* :@! <3!>
hahs , rly ? thnks anw :]

hello senior ! seeya ard th school :]
oh mr ape you're back ! haha . & i not idiotic laa . i perfectly fine okay !

done :]
jiayous to everyone for eoys ! :D

Monday, September 29, 2008
/ 8:29 PM

cannot resist th temptation of blogging >.< i need to mug but still don feel like . awws , procrastinating again . idk how many times i procrastinated alr lors .

boos , school was kinda :S tday . but don have that kinda zzz feeling alr quite good liao . played this throwing eraser game (not eraser dust tho .) with guan hoe . okay kinda lame , but to entertain two lamers , worth it . haha .

woxiangyaohenkaixin , henkaixin , henkaixin . wozuobudao .

chinese was boring , had some sort of test ? completed in fastfast and start snapping pictures , whee . kinda slackish tho . started drawing on th newspaper , which was suppose to be th question paper . i thought tcher no need le , in th end nidda pass up . oh whatever .

being very very hardworking (duh) , i went to find mr ang , to let him teach me th ques for revision 9 . i seriously need to buck up my maths , becos i only know how to do th 1st ques of revision 9 , how pro manzxz . but after mr ang taught me one by one , i was kinda motivated to do well . not to disappoint him at least . although i always slack and laugh in his lessons , he had always trusted my abilities and said that if i work hard , i definitely can do well . what he said kinda touched me tday . he told me : " I CAN TEACH YOU EVERYTHING YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT MATHS . BUT YOU MUST MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND . DON'T FORGET WHAT I TEACH , & SCORE WELL IN EOYS . " i was touched by his patience too . he waited for me th think , think until i know th formular . even though th time was late alr and he have to go , he still taught me all th ques before going off . such a nice teacher is gonna leave , oh no ):

i realised i have so much to say to show my appreciation to mr ang . but he wldn't see this anw ? hees .

waited for CHANWINGYAN , and went home tgt . went to 888 awhile ? saw xinyi they all ? okay random . hohos .

why change yourself just to suit other people's life ? that makes your life kinda pointless somehow . i rather be myself and live my life meaningfully everyday . for th sake of not disappointing my wonderful friends .

Sunday, September 28, 2008
telepathy ; / 2:43 PM

i finally can blog , LOL . internet connection is super weird tday . aye , whatever .

oh yeah , & i think i spend yesterday so meaninglessly , should have spend th day studying you see . exams are coming , but still procrastinating and slacking . aye ):

went out with twinny , joey , anna , jiaee , huilin , kailin & maomao . to STUDY , hees . did abit of maths & started to slack , oops . & thn studied a bit of hist . & thn kinda late alr , went to eat at mos , yays . me & twinny are trying very hard to disturb maomao when he's playing his psp . hahs .

went up to mini toons after that . i swear i'm gonna get that monkey plushie some day . I SHALL WAIT ! -.- bought a monkey hp strap , nicenice . had a hard time hanging it onto my phone tho . thnks to kailin who helped me !

trained , and talked to twinny , alot & alot . & oh , whatever . hais . damn paiseh de lors . hees . walked to cheers and bought IMPACT , woohoo . lol . but its like kinda going to finish alr ? awww , expensive lei ):

reach SCH , began to moodless alr laa . for idk what reason . to think back , kinda stupid tho -.- i know i should be happy and smile , but i just couldn't . ever since that incident , your attitude towards me changed , if you haven't realised . our bond isn't that strong alr , have you noticed ? i'm th one trying to bring th bond back , but i kinda failed .

i sat down alone there , staring into blank space . but i think no one noticed . sat until i forget who dragged me upstairs o.o crapped awhile with joey before going in .

okay , th songs were long , but some parts were rly nice tho . hehs . twinny spend her time admiring that CHEN LE QUAN , aka jiaee's ou xiang , & one of SCO percussionist . LOL . don look a person by his sideview , lesson of th day .

walked to raffles place and trained back . & i bused back from khatib , since th retards are getting down there . & to think i can walk less from th bus stop to my hse . i thot that i must go home alone , but so qiao th bus i'm taking has alot of neighbours inside ! xoxos .

i comp-ed until 4 am , LOL ._. richard was like mapling at 2 am liddat , thn tell me to sleep early . thn abt 4 he came back , & ask why i haven sleep . haha .i'm turning nocturnal , but not as pro as ultracute richard shuaige korkor ._. watch teevee until 5 plus or 6 thn tried to sleep .

quite a meaningless day . tday isn't much a fruitful day too . hais .

pictures :D

i love this mango smoothie :D
mugging for history , oh like real .
i loveee monkeys
i look retarded here -.-
huilin is chioo :]
hot pink craze .
CHANGYI'S FORUM . click for clearer view :]
i like this choco coated cookie :D

telepathy ;
the communication between people's mind of thoughts and feelings , without the need for speech or proximity .

Friday, September 26, 2008
gave up ; / 4:56 PM

i wanna see th sunset again ;

i still feel so weird tday , until i cannot control ):

♥ the rain . but idk why , i almost cried when watching the rain . i seriously dk why . probably because of those words ? aye forget it , it's th past . & i observed th rain tday . it was drizzling at 9.15 , and thn heavy downpour at 9.20 . thn th rain almost stopped at 9.30 , but still abit of raindrops . thn its heavy downpour again abt like 9.40 . interesting manzxzx .

oh shucks , i totally flunked my chinese paper tday . whereas english still okay , cos i got story to write about .

& chinese , i wrote my letter for 10 mins , my compo for 20 mins . & rot for th next 1 1/2 hr . okay crap -.- to think that last time i can write 1000 characters , & now , not even 500 . i was trying to sqeeze every sentence until i cannot think of anything anymore , thn i end th essay . i think i'm gonna fail it ):
somemore chinese was my strongest subj in pri school .

ihatemyself , arggg . i'm trying very hard to love chinese again . but failed ): i've let down chenlaoshi , th tcher who makes me love chinese , who makes me ace in chinese . i still keep th certs with me getting highest in class or even , highest in school . i feel so sad , so embarrassed . i don't dare to go visit chenlaoshi anymore , i'm such a disgrace . i thot i'm just not happy abt th tcher . but th fact is , i've lost th interest in chinese . time can't rewind anymore , i can't ace in chinese anymore . & , there's one thing i'm gonna say : 我对不起陈聪老师 ):

Thursday, September 25, 2008
no one cares ; / 4:12 PM

hello non-earthlings . i guessed th earthlings are mugging now rather than blogging . hehs .

i'm so not-myself tday laa . until i didn't even take peekturees , hais . can't help .

lessons are kinda bored tdayy , but kinda important /= i love maths ! only tday -.- i can understand what mr ang say , & still can teach jonathan ! okayy abit tyco anyway , lol .

laughed alot tday , with th usual 4 other people . doesn't mean i'm happy . laughed until all the teachers scolded us . talked abt biantai stuffs , biantai , as in , very biantai . its just things that girls shldn't talk tgt with boys usually . but i guessed we're pretty open . hahs .

learned th DEMURE sitting position and face expression and where your hand shld put etc , with anna . rly hilarious okayy . guan hoe teach us de .

i love my position during exam period laaa . direct end on th class , xoxos .

& i realised i have nothing to blog tday , i think this was very weird ? ayee , whatever =x

i feel really weird today . i want back th hyper qiwen , but i just can't do it . my smile , looks so frozen now . my laughter , isn't like last time anymore . th laughters i had last time are REAL laughters , showing that i'm rly happy . but now , i'm just smiling & laughing for th sake of it . i hate this feeling , seriously . but do anyone even care ? i bet my friends are rly too busy to bother about this girl in th corner . i think that no one knows the emptiness and sadness inside me . i'm trying to conceal my feelings for a long time alr , i'm sick and tired of all this . oh whatever . i feel so like crying now ):
i've tried to avoid already , just to keep away misunderstanding , but looks like th world is small , until i kept seeing you , no matter how hard i'm trying to avoid . i'm sorry , to you & you .

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
no chance ; / 6:47 PM

abit unglam , but who cares ? i'm qiwen :]

not very happy tday , biggest fear had happen , biggest attack . oh wells , who cares ? aye , let's just say i'm quite disappointed /= total strangers in the first place i guessed .

went to school with lin , meixin & xinting ! ignore twinny and her ahem , LOL . xinting kept thinking about her glenn okay ! glenn here glenn there , lol . she empathized on th point that tall girls can date with short guys , oops , LOL .

school was most boring on wednesday , a lot of people can fall asleep de lor x: esp during chinese . oh wells , kinda pissed that period lor . anything oso wan scold me , lol -.- kept 棋汶 here 棋汶 there lor . okay i know my name very nicee :]

& jonathan finally know whats th meaning of , brown colour , irregular cycle . HOHOS . anyways , only 5 of us know th full story . ANNA , ME , HUILIN , GUANHOE , JONATHAN . best crapping partners :]

i told twinny the whole story . she said she had the same plight as me before . just that we're different characters in the story . oh wells , but my plight like more kelian . aye , even twinny doesn't know how to help me laa . whereas i found out something from twinny , AHAHAHA .

aww , i feel kinda left out tday .
jiaee no life , miss call me 33 times -.-
she requested to post this ! lol
lets mug ! :]

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
/ 8:49 PM

happening again ?


triple attack in one day ? when i saw that smile on your face , i feel kinda happy . but then , we i thought over what had happened these two days , my mind told me to stop . i've already stopped believing .

went to macs this morning , as usual . i damn late laa . this time twinny still has to walk to th bus stop near my hse when she arrived in admiralty long ago -.- totally opp direction from where she came , LOL .

studied for science test , kinda flunked it ): we spent th day fooling ard in class again . mr ang kinda pissed with us alr x: awww . & i think i'm fated to th number 36 or what . index no. 36 , everytime test 36/50 .

ms tay rocks ! th class basically slacked tday laa . wrkbk nvr bring , coursework nvr bring , puppets nvr bring . in th end she no choice let us slack , hoho . played with loopstitch , frenchknot and abit of normal stitching , lol .i taught jiaee how to stitch , haha . huilin very cutee ! we played ard for 3 periods in th kitchen , fun .

almost slept during hcl . oh wells , her lessons are boring -.- didn't rly rmb wat she said , just blindly copied , hahs .

bused home with ultracute richard shuaige korkor becos he's th only woodlands kia i see ard me . they all after lessons jiu siam home liao -.- after i go locker thn all missing le , lol .

I . AM . NOT . SHORT ! ( aww , i cant change th fact that i am ]: ) piggy piggy !
they didn't rly kissed laa -.-
*looks away*

why is anna so tall ?! -.-

to somebody :
heys , i'm sure that nobody cld break our friendship , our love . when you ask me that question , seriously , i'm very shocked . i didn't know this will happen laa . see , i know that person through you , then it'll be very #$%@% if i betrayed you or whatever . please , that wldn't happen de ! your msg rly shock me , i'll tell you that there's nothing going on , & be assured that you wldn't get hurt in any circumstances .

Monday, September 22, 2008
/ 4:40 PM

th biggest attack , to be betrayed ;

tday is a fun day , i guessed th best day since i started to be unhappy . kinda had th biggest attack tday , oh wells , nobody knows anyway , hahs . went to sch tday with lin & meixin , lets ignore twinny and her ahem , LOL .

lessons are kinda less bored , spend th day crapping with anna baby , jonathan & guanhoe laoKOR . very very fun :] although kept kinda scolded by tchers , but still , i ❤ th times :] kinda spotted a very -'- person . god , so damn unreasonablee . or rather , like his name , siao . LOLL .

two tests in a row , kinda flunked hist test . all i study nvr come out , how nicee -.- didn't study for SBQ and again , didn't quote . gahhs , imnotcutouttobeahistorian , hehs .

retards 1 month anni tday ! yayyy ! :D we plan to like celebrate every month , on th 22nd :] & we realised we're gonna be in taiwan at 22nd november , LOLL . so probably anna baby must come to th airport to celebrate with us , haha . & 22nd dec is jiaee's and mpa senior's bday . probably a party ? HAHA . think until soo far . oh yeah , further away , on 22/08/09 , we're going to somewhere special ! singapore flyer ? hahs .

anyways , went to buy a cake , nicee :] ate mac & fooled ard awhile there , henhaoxiaoo . oh yeah , & this douglas hit my hand ! pain you know , aye , a lion's hit and worse than his roar . LOL .

went back to school to celebrate , kinda disrupt th peace there , lols . took pictures and very happeh ! :]

p/s I THINK TH CLASS PHOTOS ARE RLY NICEE LEI ! th 1st class photo which i think i like :D

retard photos heree !

Sunday, September 21, 2008
/ 8:16 PM

er , self note . you can ignoree .

1 :hist assignment
2 :science worksheet
3 :english summary
4 :f&n coursework ; final submission
5 :study for hist test
6 :study for science test
7 :finish up puppet

damn , i still got so much things to do , & its like 8.20 alr ? hell , planned to do everything in the afternoon . but who knows mummy tells me th acc sister to go cwp do something . i came back , too tired , and slept . goddamn -.-

/ 1:16 PM

i think this is the last post before i go hiatus . will blog when i feel like tho . hehs . i don think this hiatus period will stay long tho . i'm kinda addicted to blogging x:

so this post will be kinda special , hahs :]

baby since 10/08/08 :]
dardar since 23/07/08
twinny since 09/07/08 , i know twinny doesn't rmb , lol .

she's my laogong since idk when x: but this special love shall stays .
baobao ! idk when too x: its just one day when we called each other baobao :]
she called me cutie one day & idk when , but still i love her !
cutie SUNSHINE since 12/08/08 :]

isn't this just too special ? hahs . p.s dardar and me is 2 months this tuesday !

/ 12:19 PM

not truly happy , currently finding someone who can cheer me up , be it girl or guy ; familiar with me or not , whatever , crap .

i'm so gonna reply tags alr , soo long le ._.
ohkays , tag replies from 11 sep till 21 sep 1222hrs .

Jiaee : bleh , not copyrighted lor , it belongs to me ! hahs .
xunlin : jiayous for eoy too !
gerald : npnp :]
yk : hello !
peanut : tag something useful th next time you come -.-
yk : okay thnks
xinting : hello xinting ! :]
peiying : lol , i tyco tyco get A1 de lors -.-
douglas : i nvr force you !
jesmond : okok :]
miaosi : haha ! you rock !
A.K : nvrmind laa .
joey : will try to cheer up de x:
chenglin : haha , okok . thnks for th help anw :]
miaosi : hihi :]
wingyan : all i see is bear de namee x=
juinying : i know your surname is chen ! hohos .
valerie : lol , tht camera is mama buy onee , hahs
audrey : hello dardar :D
jiamin : will link you asap !
peiying : helloo .
anna : oh okays , don emo hor you .
joey : i know i'm nvr alonee :]
wingyan : ithoughtyoudontloveme TT
miaosi : okay , i'll try to smilee .
yk : you emo more scaryy ):
audrey : okok , crazy always !
jesmond : lala your head ! i LALALA -.-
anna : i told you don get th wrong idea liao ! & wat does it got to do with junyu again -.-
peiying : jiayous in EOY too !
brenda : don act blurrr
A.K : i'm always very guai ._.
miaosi : hello sugarpie ! :]
audrey : hihi :D
pearlyn : hello pearlyn ! :D
finally -.-

Friday, September 19, 2008
/ 9:23 PM

oh gosh , i can't believe , just so similar , god -.-

我要开始读书了! must be more hardworking alr laa , i don wanna flunk my exams anymore ): gosh , being a guaikia , i bought home all the books to revise ! (although i left some in th locker , oops) i wanna scoreee well please !

people , i'm not emo , just unhappy ): i realised i haven't used any smiley face in th post ytd , aye . tday was another normal school day , duh -.-

PE was damn hilarous tho , laughed for two periods , nicee . played floorball , chuting as th goalkeeper for th other team . thn she keep letting th goal in okay , somemore not purposely de lor . can see that she's very slowwww . trashed them like , 11 : 3 ? gosh -.- keep hitting jonathan's butt with th stick , hoho .

went back to class , jonathan keep teasing me with th : QIWENNNNNNNNN thing . thn i play back with him by saying : JONATHANNNNNNNNNN th class came whoo-ing . lol . dont get th wrong idea ! =.=

ate at school , we're becoming more and more guai by not going out to slack , hees . stayed in co room for 1 and 1/2 hr before co started ? lol . baby and kailin emo ): ayeeee , don emo ! -.- i'm just unhappyyyy ): kinda cheered up when jiaee send me th AH BU NEH NEH song , real hilarious . made everyonee laughed ! god -.-

co is veryvery bad tday , didn't rly smiled , veryvery unhappy ): anw , secones cld go to taiwan ! whee , at 1st cnnt de lors ): yayness , lol .

went to slack at th staircase there with twinny , we two like very no mood liddat , scaryyy . kinda cheered up abit when we had that : single , taller , game , hahs was asked to go back alr , but we went to another staircase to talk . until junsian got to chase us inside , lol -.-

bus-ed home with twinny and brenda sat with , erhems . LOL . & me and twinny saw something going on betw them , hahs . got off at admiralty , waited for sister and bought dinner tgt .

为什么这种事情每次发生在我身上,而且还是有共同点的。三个 -.-

Thursday, September 18, 2008
/ 4:31 PM

oh , whatever

i'm in a very gahhhhh mood ): eh , too much things happened alr ? is like th whole clique is keping secrets from one another . okaylar , dunwan say also nvrminds de lor x: we know that we shldn't know too much jiu can le

i'm so so unhappy recently , idk whats happening too me . MOODSWINGS . i rmb-ed something . i haven't rly cried like ii'm gonna fill a river liddat , since the start of the year , until yesterday aye , forget it laa . & i wanted to thank valerie and jesmond for th comforting anyway . valval and mpa senior rock , although they can be mean sometimes ._.

ireallydunnowhatimustdonow )):
this cant continue , i feel like losing my freedom soon , real soon . & now when step in th hse , i feel so empty , like only i'm living alone . i hate this feeling . nobody's talking to me , i feel like doing everything ALONE . i don't care anyway .

i realised i'm very very strange tday ? i can sit down there , looking in th blank space , for a long time . thinking back a lot of things , oh . i tried telling myself to smile , for the sake of myself , i can't seem to . aye , i hope tomorrow is a better day laa .

say bye to emo post .

hello , i'm back .
this gonna be a boring post i guessed . what do you expect from a very sad person ?

yesterday :
kinda bored ): hist in mph , sian . super hot , cos no aircon ): super uncomfortable , cos sit on th floor to copy things x:

anna and i played with our ezlinks cards while walking back to classroom . kinda shock when i realised ppl cant regconise us if we show them th card /=
then suddenly this convo appeared :
junyu : eh pull up your socks ! (to anna)
anna : eh qiwen he say you laa !
me : you siao ah , my socks very long laa , he saying you laa !
junyu : yah , i saying you , pull up ! (points to anna)
anna : (to junyu) eh , you see this two ppl is who ah ? *shows him our ezlink cards*
junyu : i dunno laa , faster pull up .
anna : (don seem to care) wait la , you guess who is this 1st ! *continue showing th cards*
junyu : FASTER PULL UP !!
anna : okok ._.
me : rolf -.-

gosh , rly very haoxiao if you are there laa .

almost zzz throughout lessons , aww . blah , whatever . i must study ! /=

tday :
another siansian day . aww , i feel so not myself tday again ):

hist in LT again ! jonathan has to run 5 rounds ard yishun or 15 rounds ard th sch compound ._. cos he lost th bet , hoho . i'm a vivid monkey collector , lol . all monkey stuffs ard me ._.

tests are diff , sure fail -.- i doubt i can score well for my maths anyway , don carry any hopes now . i cant understand a single bit of maths ):

i feel like killing jiaxin , he's just soooo 欠打 okay -.- don ask why , lol . & he kope away my $6 ytd O.O

p/s : i saw someone who looks a lot like shifu at macs just now ! (god , like ages ago since i call him shifu again ? lol) very very alike okay ? even th voice sound alike , gosh .

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
/ 8:24 PM

th past , still th past ;

went to macs tday , as usual , one of th latest , haha . late for more than 1/2 hr ? lol -.- joke ard laa , funneh :] p.s anna is very cute tday ! :D

mdm yeo is very very nice tday , cldn't imagine how she scolded us last week , ah , she got terrible mood swings , oh no -.-

& I HAD A FUN TIME WITH MISS CHUNKAILIN DURING RECESS ! :] haha , so sad we can't find valval ): we had a fun time laughing , she's th best laogong i havee ! haha . this wifey and hubby thing haven't ended okay ! :D

i'm so proud of my chicken congee ! people were like asking me if congee is too common or what la . but hor , conclusion is if everyone thinks that congee is common , & if i cook then it will be unique alr ! HAHA .

didn't rly follow th planning lor , in th end very messy /= was like see what knife jiu use , don care liao *oops* i love wynne's salmon ! hoho . my congee rocks , EVERYONEE SAYS SO OKAY ! jinghui took th container away and kope away everything , LOL .

chinese oral is like RUBBISH -.- tcher asked me to speak softer ! AHAHA . i dunno what to say lor , was liek keep err-ing and always say then then then . somemore keep laughing throughout . DISASTER -.-

went to slack in co room with huilin , shared th lemon barley i made , it taste rly good ! :D i'm very proud of QIWEN . how can she be such a good cook when she don dare to fry an egg ? (seriously i dunno how to) -.-

th sectional is pretty boring tday laa , dunno why ): had break & went down to slack at th bench outside 1H there with twinny ! :D camwhored ALOT okay , just too lazy to upload th pics , nest time ! we even hung th monkey on th tree there , thn two tchers passed by and was like staring at us , thinking that what we're doing -.-

went back late & kena scolded by zhaolaoshi abit , too bad . KIANYUN , WEIYI , TWINNY are th conductors of th day ! zhaolaoshi busy with 1-to-1 tutor . thn ask some of us to help conduct , LOL . very very fun okay ! & weiyi is prooooo ! god -.-

oh no , maomao made mpa senior angry , gosh . mpa senior senior looks scary when he's angry , & if you sees this , SMILEEEEE :D hoho .

bused back with brenda , twinny and her mum . we saw her on th bus ! qiaoness :] exchanged phones & both of us were like seeing all th msgs ! LOL . her recently msg all is bearbear send de O.O & don anyhow say abt th msgs , LOL .

i'm a happy girl tday :]

it looked so peaceful on th surface ,
but who knows ,
underneath this perfect surface ,
hid a lot of unknown problems .

Monday, September 15, 2008
/ 7:51 PM

cheer up , TEOQIWEN ! :]

didn't bring result slip back to sch , stood up for th whole reading period , such a spoiler in th beginning of th day :O aye , just blame myself for th dumbness .

i'm trying to love maths , can't seem to . just cldn't understand a single bit . & all th stuffs we've learnt before doesn't seem to get into my head , BOO .

lessons are very very bored , i can't play th piano laa , too bad ): & there's chinese oral tml x: ah , prepare to fail lor , my chinese is @!#$ leis /=

stayed back after sch for debate , we're officially RICHARD'S FANS , lol -.- was like cheering like siao for him no matter wat he say ._. duanfeng is pro ! hoho . but what they say seems to be kinda off topic okay -.-

walked ard th sch , asking maths equation , i still cant understand , oh whatever ._. wen to buy bbt and went back with brenda and bryant :D

tanjiaee made my day , she rocks my socks . always can make me laugh de x: i kinda smiled tday , yay :D CHEER UP !

went for this wedding on saturday ? hahs , nothing to do . beginning to zilian , haha . kinda sian-ed by th long long event . hoho .
went to mrs ang's hse warming ytd , fun :D met at cwp 1st , decided for a very long time on what to buy . in th end bought two swans -.- we shld have bought doraemons ! cos mr ang loves doraemon okay . their hse all doraemons ._.

ate & saw CHENLAOSHI , yes , CHENCONGLAOSHI ! very very happy to see her okay :] i thought i hear her voice ya know , thn i walked out and saw her infront of me ! HOHO .

played with candles :} but had to clear up th wax later , tedious job -.-

mr ang sent us to th bus stop and we started to take pictos ! haha . btw , jh's bro is a lousy photographer , aye . 161 back & it was fast ! haha .

wat is he trying to do ._.

i love lanterns :D

QW ! :]

we started singing campfire's burning while burning , LOL .

take 1 : unsuccessful >.<

Sunday, September 14, 2008
/ 9:41 PM

why , just tell me why , you once ignored me , then treat me very nicely again , then ignoring , & th cycle repeats , why ;

i'm tired , aye , went out for both saturday and sunday , tired ): will post more tml abt th weekends :] fun day tday ! :DD went to ms oi ( eh , mrs ang bah :] ) hse warming just now . with jinghui , her bro & dingjie :D dingjie is biantai , keep hitting me ):

almost turned her hse upside down ._. was like spilled th water 1st , thn flooded th toilet , & thn almost burn th whole building down , LOL . elabo on it tml bah , probably with pictures :]

& , i found out that friends can make you real happy sometimes , hahs .

Friday, September 12, 2008
/ 10:36 PM

back to posting , trying real hard to ignore th unhappy problems , i cant ):

mdm yeo was like th usual herself , venting her anger on us , whatever . scolded us idiots for three times , O.O" & she what-the-hell ed to us alot of times , boos .

results is bad , i think . basically As & Bs . more Bs though , sads . & is like so many people in our class fail their higher chinese okay ? i just pass niaa , lol . th only A1 i got was hist , veryvery surprised okay . cos i performed badly in tests , write one sentence in SBQ for graded assignment , yet i got a A1 .__. & i think ? there's no straight As in our class ? hahs .

sunshine received a "love letter" again , LOL . CO was boreddd , cos i didn't get to play monkey , barney & crocodile with th seniors , sads ): SENIORS ARE VERYVERY CUTE , I LOVE MIAOSI , YANKEI & KAIYING :D performance was bad eh ? & i realised its th 1st time th th secone erhu-ians perform , LOLL .

oh &i rmb-ed something . junhong let us do maths question , i see liao gong gong . thn got one ques is :
EXPAND (a+b)
i go write at th board as :
= ( a + b )
= ( a + b )
= ( a + b )
= ( a + b )
& th list continues , LOLL .
afterthat wanru come explain to me for 10 mins , repeatedly . I CAN'T UNDERSTAND -.- wanru pekcek , twinny came explaining for another 15mins . I STILL CANT UNDERSTAND ._. even twinny pekcek alr lors /= how how , i'm not cut out in maths , feel like a failure lahs ):

i trained home afterwards , saw kaijun near my hse there , i thought he doesn't lives there . yuan lai he's accompanying someone , HAHA .

the emptiness inside , yet i dont know why .

/ 10:19 PM

god , why do i feel like that now ?

school life is way too boring nowadays , with people who makes us really pissed . gosh , whatever , i seriously need to try to get along with people . trying very hard to change my attitude , very hard i guessed .

i think no one believes that i'm a really quiet and shy girl last time ? hahs . i remember how i always sit at a corner alone . becos i don have much friends . thn when i'm in p4 , a bunch of girlfriends changed me , to a more not-shy-girl . thn prefectorial board totally changed me , boosting up my confidence or whatever .

okay , no point about the past now , i'm in 2008 . known as the-very-hyper-retard-monkey in school . i've been trying to conceal my feelings for a very long time already , i think i'm gonna burst soon . putting up a smile and laughing everytime do makes me happy , but still , th inner side of me is not happy . is this what i really wanted ?

& now i cant even gain any trust from them , i feel so empty in my heart . dont i deserve a lil bit of respect ? to treat me like this , & still you think you're right till now . considering to transfer me ? try , i won't allow you to do that . because my memories are here , although there's only 9 months .

gosh , too much things had happened this few days , which makes my mood really goes down . i think i really need a person to talk to , keeping everything inside myself is just to hard . hidding in bed crying doesn't help . i don't know how , or why , i became like this .

anyway , i'll try to cheer up . but meanwhile , if i really show you a very dulan face or talk to you very seriously bad attitude , bear with me . hehs .

Thursday, September 11, 2008
/ 8:48 PM

thinking back , i've changed .

lalalaaa , was super latee tday -.- twinny told me tht everytime i arrive at th station , th train doors are either just closed or th train just went off . too bad ):

i forced joanthan to sing th lil indians , baa baa black sheep & mary had a lil lamb , cos he wants my barney , LOL . & th songs are me & jiaee's version okay ! coolioooo , hahs .

i basically just daydreamed theree . & when mr ang ask me to stand up & answer his ques , idk -.- okay , he nvr say anything de lors , nicenice . i think its becos he know that i don know maths de , must explain alot of time thn understand . simpler form : DUMB hehs .

i did th stupiest thing tday laaaa ): i chionged hist. for like i dunno how long , & i forgot to bring to school . damn , graded assignment ._. i hope mr tan wld just accept when i pass it to him tml ):

paid attention to science , i promised not to be slackish anymore , i need to study , hehs . kinda understood some parts alr , happy :] I WANNA SCORE MY SCIENCEEE ! :D

zzz , i don feel like posting anymore , now . damn pissed suddenly . wells , maybe i'll edit tml ? when i feel better O.O

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
/ 8:18 PM

phucking pissed off recently , pardon for th tone i talked to you guys .

miracleeee , i was early to arrive at th mrt station tday ! & got to sch quite early . saw jiaee and we both yelled & kinda disrupt th sch's peace early in th morning . plus th start of th day saw chhese (to joey , its spelt like that , hahas) , sian-ed . & two people totally pissed me off tday , kinda zzz .

didn't did much prank calling tday , since we're sitted at a very not nice position ): with tcher behind us , and weiyi far away from us -.- i've been a very hardworking person tday , copying down loads of notes . okaylar , reason being i've thrown away th old notes by accident .__.

th biased attitude of her came back again ): poor me , do anything oso wrong . write name oso wrong , sit down there oso wrong . i feel so !@!#$%* lars . esp during oral lors , i shldn't write it here bahs . can come find me if you wanna know . i guessed i'll have a hard time these few weeks , just be careful :]

I WAITED FOR 2 HRS JUST FOR MY ORAL OKAY -.- when i cld go after 1 1/2 hr .__. mdm tan just suddenly changes her rule to : i'll choose who to take th oral 1st makes me become second last . okay i admit i was talking abit , but then i started to practice on my reading alr , i don see anything wrong .

paisehs to joey they all laaaa , waited for me for so long . went to bbt shop afterthat , atee and went back . all i know was dardar kept bullying me ):

i hate you

Tuesday, September 09, 2008
/ 8:46 PM

hey , I had enough of all your words , a nicer word will be keep quiet , but i'll tell you to shut up ;

wheeee :]

went to macs tday ! kinda woke up late and chiong-ed to take mrt , in th end when i reach like only jiaee and huilin there only -.- we rly do keep our words lors , LATE QUEENS , haha . dardar was loudddd okay ? shouted WALAOOOOOOOO , everyone looked at her & she doesn't know .

i skipped assembly and 1/2 or science lesson ! but i nvr pon lars , just went to th dentist . we were like joking and grumbling abt how to brush th teeth when th dentist is explaining .
he was like : did your pri sch teach you abt gum diseases ?
i replied : yah ?
he say : like what ??
together : forgot liao
LOL , he gave a diao look ._. HAHA .& yangjin keep deesiao-ing me when i was lying there ): keep pulling my socks -.-

i'm cooking CHICKEN CONGEE & LEMON BARLEY for practical test ! wheee :D i've tried before , & i think its niceee :] was fooling ard with jiaee all th way . still went to tour th sch abit lors , cos anyways jiaee nid to get something from class ._. carried my monkey all around , hohos . everybody looked at me when i walked past lar . esp tht bangla tcher lors , i walked into th class with th monkey on my shoulder and his eyes big big le -.-
jiaee's using her tb to cover her face ! ):
i love my elmo puppet lars , looks so real ! :]
as usual , mdm tan uses her so called precious 1 period to scold us . attire and hair again , okay this time my skirt is not short , hair pinned up . safee :] rubber bands oso wan confiscate ? /=

th 1/2 hr break was funny :] jiaee and changyuan ! :DD th whole hcl dardar was bullying me lars , keep using her hands to make alphabets ._. thn shout names . brenda's mrs tan LOLL , jkjk .
i feel bored i started to take out my phone to snapped pictures when tcher is walking ard th class -.-
this is a gun , LOL
load bullets :]
shoot ! :D

erhuuuuuuuu :] time passes real fast tday , hehs . i think i'll flunk my erhu exams , thn waste th $$ , lol . zhaolaoshi is very very cute , HAHA . & i went ard teaching people han yu pin yin : he + ah = ha ; ha1 ha2 ha3 ha4 ! .

i've got some overdued photos -.- lazy to caption !
(there's a album of jiaee ! HAHA)
*looks down*

I LOVE IMPACT ! but it cost $3 for one box ):
SHE'S XINMIN ! she's so chio lars .
P/S : i love that full length mirror in wrps , can zilian ! :]
+ there're alot of places with one whole row of mirrors to zilian ! ahaha .
me with lil sister :] i love this pic !
lastly , i love wrps :DD
& i dont O.O at th badge okay !
i was a prefect last time okay , don play play , HAHA .
i miss th days doing prefect duty with my valval :D