
Designer: darkdegree
Partofthecodes: detonatedlove
Images: moargh
Textues: peachinparis
Icons: threemoresteps

Saturday, August 30, 2008
/ 9:04 PM

you're th reason for my smile ;


tday is definitely a boring day lar . spent half of th day sleeping ? woke up & sleep again , for idk how many times . there's nothing for me to do at home anyway >.< onlined and replied tags , feel so bored . i'm lazy to edit blogskin , edit friendster , or whatever .__. basically sat infront of comp lazy-ing . realised i had a facebook account , didn't update since last year lar , facebook's lag in my comp , idk why -.-

i still owe tchers maths and f&n , dead . lazy to search for any info for f&n coursework .__. i'm just getting more and more zhu recently , someday i'll just turn into one , LOL . & if you've reach this part of th post , i think you're pro since you haven zzz , hahs .

dined with family just now , at this coffeeshop :D childhood memories lar , played there since i was young , with th kids of other food stall vendors :] some of them moved away to other coffeshops thn , sads ): but th nice thing is when one day you're walking in a shopping centre & if you see them they'll wave to you , thn reminiscing th past we had .

time just flies so damn fast . still rmb i moved from yishun to woodlands when i was 6 . nice friends there , taking care of me like they're my big sisters liddat , happiness :D helping out our parents , thn played ard in th fast food restaurants and NTUC :] fun lar :D how we pushed th trolley in NTUC , messing up stuffs like lil kiddos lar . played ard until th ppl scolded and chased us out , LOL .

buying loads and loads of stuffs from ntuc and ate thm in th coffeshop , becos we think that th drinks there are too ex -.- in th end the ppl there set a rule stating no outside food and drinks allowed >.< remembered how we played in th rain , under th sun , in that big big open area there . happy times then :D

then tears started welling up when some of them had to move to another place >.< bid farewell , seldom had contact then . i remembered i had a friend called pearlyn :D she's damn nice lar . she used to tutor me during primary sch times :] we'll mug tgt when exams are round th corner , thn she had her PSLE ):

as we grow up , we became too busy to go down to th coffeshop , thus losing contact alr . still sms-ed awhile now , with jiahui aka jiajia :] aww , i miss those memories lar ! so sad ):

anyways , went to wrps to fetch sister since she came back from malacca alr :] saw twinny while walking ! didn't expect that we're so fated okay ! destinated must everyday see each other de :D crapped for mins and farewelled , HAHA . tml going to bugis with retards and erhu-ians :] i wished for a fun dayy :]

/ 4:07 PM


Sihui : oh hahs :]
miaosi : eeyer , yk seems so emo that day during co lar , scaryy ):
Brevian : thnks :]
A.K : hellooo :D
anna : you aunty too ! -.-
Yiling : hahs , shall go out tgt sometime again ! :]
joey : aunties in action :]
audrey : couple couple thing was funneh ! :D
jesmond : LOL ?
xinmin : YAWNNNS , lol .
meixin : HELLOOO :]
A.K : yo kingkong ! whee :D
joey : nanpengyou out of shape le >.<
anna : old alr mahh ):
yk : eeyer ! you molest my nanpengyou ! i want call 999 !
rongher : HI senior ! :D
jiayi : hahs , hihi :]
wingyan : sure bo ? yayness ! :]
joey : hahs , i'll try to stay happyyy ! :D
A.K : 45 mins of waiting -.-
xinmin : NEED SO BIG ISSIT ?!
raquel : HELLO , will link you asap :]
fwh : added you alr lar . & you still hunting for elva's song issit ? i got one only lei /=
peanut : dont despise retards !
yangjin : HAHA , stay pretty :]
joey : ahem , cnnt say ! later she kill meee >.<
mrbanana : lol , zuo tian gang jian ! HAHA . you so tall very duibuqi me lei /=
anna : hello anna baby ! :D
wingyan : you talk like flying .__.
A.K : hello kingkong again :]
douglas : hahs , hellooo lion aka alien ! :DD
xinhui : yeaps i know you ! :]
peiying : HIHI :D
miaosi : joey cuter lar :]
zhihui : you look more chio lar !
yichyi & ee ching : hahas , will link you asap :]

Friday, August 29, 2008
/ 7:33 PM

hahs , satisfied till now ;

whee , twinny waited for me at th platform thr tday ! :] i was late lar , paisehs >.< walked to sch tgt , blabbering as usual ._.

did th aces workout , LOL . audrey and very kelian , keep kena kick by jinghui's super high kick ! -.- twinny and me were like laughing like mad behind okays !

contact time super funny lar did some very retarded things , anna sibei lucky one lors , LOL . retards know what i mean ! :DD oh yah , took class photos too ! :] 1G's getting more and more united alr lar . all auto wear class tee one siaa , thn somemore took th photos very fast , becos we cooperated ! :]

concert was cool lar :] keep crapping with jiaee and joey , hahs . meixin , xiuting , huimin , zoe looks darn cool when they're drumming ! :D meixin looks sooo shuai ! LOL .

went back to wrps with th twinny , valval , lin & meixin :] and saw liren and gary there , thn i was like : "eh , liren ! long time no see !" thn he say "just now at sch i got see you , DUHH -.-" i told him that he too tall i cant see him in cchy , LOL .

chatted with chenlaoshi , she darn cute lar ! only rmb us as , -wat- xin de , -wat- lin de . thn i was like CLS I'M QIWEN ! :D ahahas . walked and chatted ard with xinmin lar , nvr knew we have so much things to talk about since we're like drifted so apart >.< hey girl you rock ! :]

Thursday, August 28, 2008
/ 9:13 PM

i ask myself am i really happy, or just taking pure advantage of your kindness ?
twinnyship nvr ends :D

chiong-ed mrt tday cos i saw twinny in th train , qiaoness :D walked to school tgt , talktalk alot lar , just nvr knew that no matter what we still have subj to talk abt :]

when i'm hardworking ytd , i am too slack tday lar -.- sunshine , me and weiyi were like happily prank calling ppl , just to see how people react , LOL . dont ask why weiyi is in too , he's th 1st victim , then started to join in th fun . twinny's and jamie's reaction darn cute lar ! :]

valval-ed and lin-ed during recess , LOL . from 5 ppl to 4 ppl , thn 3 ppl >.< san jian ke rock ! fate brought us tgt , nvr be drifted apart :] laughed like mad in sports hall becos of twinny ! she's trying to tell us something , thn talk until flap arms one , like wanna fly away liao ! thn she talking like dancing one somemore .__.

they're just TOO biased lar ! isn't that too obvious that th two of you keep wanting to side him . tio fine oso us , tio scolded oso us , please lar , thn he'll just sit there , like nothing had to do with him . th prob doesn't lies on him i think , it lies on both of you . not that i dislike both of you lar , just wanted you all will prob change th attitude of yours ):

co phototaking afterwards :D thn slack in canteen to watch th performance . wahlao pangseh me one , nvm ! LOLL . went to 888 with twinny , jamie and jia min . kfc-ed :D we were talking about fringes , thn gongfringe . thn we were like wanting to comb and clip our fringe behind during co one day . that wld be too retarded lar , LOL .

shopped ard with twinny afterwards , paisehs for like waiting for me so long ? i have this indecisive prob lar . i can stand there for one hr deciding which to buy one lei >.<>

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
/ 7:20 PM

the cycle just goes on & on ;

yesterday , today and tomorrow . who knows what will happen ? hahs , watch and then . please , even if its th truth , dont go ard telling and teasing anymore lar . because i know people will get unhappy and it then becomes my fault , unintentionally . believe me , this can't get on any longer .

history lecture is getting funn :D tcher cant spot you from far away , and i'm happily munching on ALOT of sweets on my seat :] anws victor tan can't be bothered about it since they're so many people and mr ? oso dont care , LOL . did pay attention , got things into my head alr :]

richard is being so damn buyaolian lar , took my eraser and told me to call him ultra cute richard shuai ge korkor -.- sians >.<

had debate again for english , ohmygod . i had to agree with anna that RICHARD IS DARN SHUAI AND SERIOUS WHEN HE DEBATES , even if i only here him rebutting lar -.- his sentence is so damn cool , "examinations are TESTING theory , not LEARNING theory ; and practical tests are HELPING you to LEARN theory , not TESTING theory . but he's only shuai when debating lah -.-

stayed back after school , library-ed :] we did homework okay , hardworking people lars ! xP in th end still slack slack .__. went back with brenda , and i spot her wanting to wait for ahem ! wheee :] okaylar jkjk .

call me monkey ! :DDD
anna and me looks f.kingly retard here lar :]
pooh and monkey rock ! xPP
we're th retards :]
she's my cutie sunshinee ;D

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
/ 9:16 PM

again ?

frisbee competition tday , 1H trashed us , LOL . ziwei is pro okay ! 1H and 1E ppl can jump real high lei , can catch frisbee easily . & audrey was being so bad tday okay . we were just walking past this person and she go like : eh , she(me) like you lei ! kns -.- thn she go ard carrying this water bottle , LOLL .

had debating for english lesson , sexuality education . thns to ___ for suggesting lor >.<>.<

hcl was getting nicer and nicer , becos nobody is listening to mdm goh now , nobody's paying attention :] spent th 2 periods slacking and playing with my barney ;D we started to rebel against her alr , HAHAS .

CO was funneh ! had a bet on pizzas with zhaolaoshi but we nvr win ): awws . thn we started making alot of noise , thn zhaolaoshi was like : who is the teacher here ? thn started calling us 老师们 , to ask us to keep quiet . thn we called him back 赵同学 ! makes him dunno to laugh or to angry , cos we're one batch of students that he adores lar ! we're too cutee , LOL .

bused back with 3 other people , and th two guys were like debating over this 858 and 等我爸 thing , okay its darn funny if you're there lar ! ;D got off at chongpang to meet mama .___.

okay and i know another shocking thing tday lar ! its th same situation as th other thing , makes me soo hard to believe lar . why this kinda thing just happen to me lar , its not th 1st time this year ? duhh , i'm so confused alr x: with all th serious , joking , really thing -.- ignore this part if you want , LOL .

Monday, August 25, 2008
/ 8:41 PM

secret that lies within ;

i'm a happy girl today , happily being a retard at least :] jiaee's no degree specs i fun lar , wore for th whole day , trying to be retarded and succeed . HAHAS . th retards wanna buy the same one , but idk if still got anot ):

i may look like a retard tday but still not nerdy enough , LOL . i HAHA-ed alot of times at alot of thing lar , like a crazy person . yay , MLD is back , hyperactivee is back :] maybe i've got nice friends lar , they rock . be it people who kinda teased me and being mean to me sometimes . ohgosh i think i sound mushy here .

went to SWAMI afterwards , aww i think th bus trip is too short lar , awhile jiu reach le ): played with th aunties and uncles some ball games , quite fun lar , LOL . there's this super enthu auntie there , nicee :]

went back to school after a few hours lar >.< & since th environment rep is guanhoe , duty is harder and harder to do lar ): he just can't simply be satisfied easily -.- i'm so glad i have to empty th rubbish bin th next term , thanks to huilin lar ;D

bused back with those 1G people , like very long alr lar ): we used to go back tgt at th start of th year , thn busy with our ccas and go separately home >.< a rare gather tday lar :] got off at admiralty becos bryant wanna avoid __ . bought bbt and walked back with him -.- i didn't know he takes th same route as me okay , since everytime he get off at interchange .__.

&&& , i realised something ! people who has th same surname tends to get along better lei , in our class probably ? HAHAS
e.g :
jason CHAN & CHAN chu ting
bryant NG & NG xunlin
TEO guan hoe & TEO qi wen
okay this is crap lah , but seriously they can get along well , BUT , they can only remain as friends only -.-

Sunday, August 24, 2008
/ 2:21 PM

hey , really true ?

went to anna's bbq ytd :] went to khatib meet them 1st , miracle , i'm th earliest that day ! and regretted lar , waited for 45 mins okay -.- esp that aaron lar , he in sch thn still take 812 go one big round instead of walking to khatib .__.

went to amk hub afterwards , it was raining >.< thn anna sms-ed us say amk raining mah , thn we like dun wan let her know we at amk buy her present , so jiaee reply back say : rly ah , yishun nvr rain siaa . LOL .

bought yogurt and went to buy her bag , is like wow , she many ppl chipped in siaa -.- thn trained to J8 for lunch cos amk no space . went to food court and ate pepper lunch :D nicenice . thn me and kailin aka retard sotong did retarded things lar . we go pour everything into th hotplate like th soup , th ice , th wintermelon drink , blahblah and drank it =.=

shopped ard and went back to amk to meet th other people . walked th anna's hse and carried her stuffs , THANKYOU weiyi for help me to take my stuffs ! you rock lar , although quite mean sometimes :]

trained to sembawang to meet twinny and jeremy ! ah , she pangseh us for her korkor , LOL . th whole cabin we like th noisest one lor -.- bused there and was super noisy there , like when we keep quiet thn th whole bus no noise le >.<

rain was quite heavy lar , managed to bbq becos of some kindsouls lending us flysheet and strings :D jeremy did most of th bbq-ing lor , LOL . went to play swing with huilin and it was darn cool playing in th rain lar ! HAHA .

sat and walked ard with twinny while they were playing truth or dare . kinda moodless lar , idk why . ohyah , thanks for th ipod anyway , hahs . went to change into th lil miss twins shirt , happy for awhile then , lol . continue sitting there , thn walking ard , kinda emo eh ? >.< then meixin's papa drove us back afterwards , thankyou ! :D

& i found out something lar , too shocking too be true le lar /= makes me so hard to believe its true ):

Friday, August 22, 2008
/ 8:33 PM

yay , comp fixed :D & i've got so much to blog about , but i've forgotten more than 1/2 of them . STM -.- let see how much i can recap bahh :]

went to sci lab to do this experiment on elements , and i did a very gundoo thing lar . was scooping th CuO and piak , spilled on my shirt , LOLL . & anna is th monitress tday ah ! yay-ness ;DD

and it was boring for all th lessons lar >.< did a compo during chi about childhood memories ? damn , th whole class dunno how to write lar -.- was squeezing words to write but only write 3/4 of th page nia . bell rang .__. tcher says can stay back to continue , but heck care , handed it up anyway . she wans to fail it her prob , gave us 1/2 to do and expect us to give her quality work -.-

went to bbt shop afterwards :D slackslack and joey got stalker le ah ! LOL , she cham liao -.- went to co room afterwards , looking at jiaee learning cello is funnehhh ! i laughed till i stomach pain -.- thn went to crapp at a corner , created this retard gang ! ;D going to create blog soon :]

i slack throughout th whole co , lend brenda my erhu for awhile and i dun have to play :] lucky zhaolaoshi nvr see ;DD

bus-ed home with twinny since idk how many years ago -.- talked abt alot of very secretive things okay ! lol -.-

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
/ 10:30 PM


i`m here to help my beloved twinny post ,
good bah me ? :D
i knw i knw ,
of course i`m a very very good girl ((:

guess who i am ?
if cnt guess , cnt go sleep wor ! O.O
quick quick quick guess guess ! :D

&& ,
you knw hor ,
SOMEONE said twinny`s nanpengyou looks so much like gorilla wor !
very very true right (:

oklah ,
CO today was fuuuuuun lah ((:
plus twinny DIE DIE also must put her nanpengyou`s picture on the stand ):
see lar ,
now i`m so pissed at her nanpengyou le TT
when i see him i might punch him next time :\

just finished watching my show ahahahs :D

& hor ,
twinny said CREEEEEEPY things freaked her out today :X
creepy as in = CREEEEEPY ):
scary right TT

make me so scared lah ,
thn i ltr cnt sleep alr ._.

ohkayohkay :X
i shall stop haunting her blog alr ._.



Monday, August 18, 2008
/ 5:25 PM

i never know i had to pick up so much broken pieces .


how nice , i can't seem to focus on everything tday , my mind just flies off . idk why lar . & i'm a good girl tday ! i off-ed my phone tday and told myself not to sms in class tday , succeed ! :D so people , if i never reply your msg tday , paisehs , bcos i'm good , HAHA .

& i passed my maths , that's a accomplishment again :D although i got so low compared to th whole class de result , still happy :] its like more than 1/2 th class score 40+/50 lei /= compared to them i feel so inferior ah , LOLL .

gahh , chinese paper is phuck lar , th paper's too diff -.- still passed it anws , but not happy with the results , th marking scheme oso guai guai de x:

went to mac with alot of ppl tday , total = 11 ? saw jiaqing there , LOL . i want my garlic chili ahh >.< chatted and chatted until we realised we haven't got much time since yiling got co at 3 -.-

went to fairprice to buy th bbq stuffs again with anna , joey , jiaee , huilin , yiling :D we were like some aunties shopping okay ! was like : eh which one cheaper ah ? ; aiya this one buy one get one free lei ! ; this one got more and cheaper , buy this one lar ! so aunty-ish lar .__.

bused back afterwards , bought milktea and walked home . kinda addicted to milktea recently , HAHA .

hey , i'll be strong , i'll stand up myself .

Sunday, August 17, 2008
/ 8:42 PM


Ren Zhi - Keely Wee





let's move on , and bye ♥

/ 2:37 PM

i don't like those words , it just feel so ...

tday's a sunday , which means it's a holiday , but also means that there's school tml x: i still have this research for home econs course work undone . due on tuesday ? awww >.< & there's still maths worksheet undone , i know how to do them , just lazy to do th calculations . but still procrastination doesn't help at all -.-

& this is a very very stupid post , th main aim is to focus th picture on top :] HAHA . i like th exam sitting , becos i get to camwhore and camwhore all the time ! i can't now becos i sit in th front and tchers like to rest th hands on my table when they talk to th class , esp mdm goh -.-


10 Aug 08, 17:57 anna x]: ;D hellos qiwen baby ! ♥
hello anna baby :]

10 Aug 08, 20:52 miaosi: QIWEN ! <3
MIAOSI ! <333s

10 Aug 08, 23:28 AUDREY:): HEY dardar!! i din noe u still rmb the date sia..sob. miss u a lot. anw. anna bcum ur baby? eeyer..sob..
got gan dong bo ? aiya , dont jealous lar >.<

11 Aug 08, 00:01 JOEY!: hahas! anna bcome your baby , your dardar jealous lerh xD and yea , we rock our chungcheng socks ((:
anti jealous ! :D we rock our chungcheng socks ! :]

11 Aug 08, 10:31 anna x]: yay baby baby <3 audrey dun jealous ): i wan qiwen baby ): lols i like jiaee panda pictures ;DD SO CUTE , like me -.-''
lol , you not cute lar ):

11 Aug 08, 11:13 miaosi: QIWEN ! [: Good luck for ur CTs ! <3
aww , lai bu ji wish you good luck now , wish your results are good bah :]

11 Aug 08, 11:33 Jiaee: qiwen super cute !! Cutie Qiwen !! ><><
jiaee more cute ! :]

11 Aug 08, 16:04 AUDREY:): DARDAR!! o.O now me and anna fighting over qiwen dardar?? zzz dardar is MINE!! lol jkjk. im willing to give dardar to anna. LOL dardar u last tym aso lik tt do to me:P
sobs , dardar dunwan me le T.T

12 Aug 08, 18:01 xinmin: You are to do th quiz/survey or whatever it is called on my blog:D TYVM(x
paisehs , did it before le , lazy to do again . HAHA .

12 Aug 08, 19:01 Jiaee: hello ! QIWEN CUTIE SUNSHINE ! ILOVEYOU !

12 Aug 08, 19:56 AUDREY:): hey dardar, u dun seems to be very high 2dae arhs...LOL stay happy urhs:D
will try to get high de x:

12 Aug 08, 20:32 anna x]: qiwen baby ! chocolate val\nilla nice right ? see i made u change ! , loves & misses <33
yeah lor , vanilla cooki nicee

12 Aug 08, 21:03 yangjin: lol xiaojie relax
12 Aug 08, 21:04 yangjin: and my answ for hist is as short as you. so hi 5 :)
HI 5 ! lols

13 Aug 08, 17:45 miaosi: QIWEN ! ;D Saw u jus nw :D loveya!
you live near there arh ? hahas .

13 Aug 08, 18:41 Jiaee: HELLO ! SUNSHINE ! ILOVEYOU !
hello back sunshine !

14 Aug 08, 19:10 anna x]: actually th person in ur dream wan tell u tht u & jiaxin last life also tgt & u two are fated !!
then you and ******* fated lor -.- dun anyhow say me .__.

14 Aug 08, 22:05 JOEY!: wheeee ! tht was cute ! th pics !
they're darn cute ! x:

15 Aug 08, 15:52 AUDREY:): WHEE~~ dardar!! LOL y muz u write the ehem ehem come...Zzz. and hangman pics are funny:DD
ahem ahem ! :] hangman ! :D

15 Aug 08, 16:56 WEISZE: hellos(: relink me! thanks :D tctcs! <3!
will relink soon :]

15 Aug 08, 21:33 A.K: HELLOS (:
hiyeee :]

15 Aug 08, 22:18 miaosi: QIWEN ! Today co's so funnnn! ;P MONKEY~ heh heh [: <3

15 Aug 08, 22:31 pEANUT: tAGGED (mONTHLY rOUTINE)
you got tag last month meh ? x:

15 Aug 08, 23:01 APRIL: Hi Junior! :P

16 Aug 08, 17:00 ah-lin: heyy. lao po
heyya laogong ! :] loves and misses <3

16 Aug 08, 23:09 yk: HEY QIWEN! I NEVER BULLY UR MONKEY! lols xDD =)) but ytd so funny~lols xD
you're monkey bully ! x:

17 Aug 08, 14:43
Joey: wheeeeeeee ! [: hahahs , monkey ! xD jkjk , i`m not so bad ._. you are monkey`s teo qiwen <3

17 Aug 08, 15:21
PEIYING !: EEEE , dun call monkey teo lahs ! its .. same classfication with rhino teo x.x ! LOL.
th teos have animal names , LOLL . i not monkey teo .__.

ended , finally >.<

Saturday, August 16, 2008
/ 8:24 PM

sometimes , i wished for a break .

whee , went to amk with anna baby , joey , kailin , aaron & douglas :D wanted to meet in khatib 1st , but missed them . when th train go thn i saw them .__. in th end met at yck . anna baby made everyone waited for her , DA PAI ! :]

oh ya , i saw something very funny in th mrt just now when i was alone . there was this ang moh behind me talking on th phone .
his convo is liddat :

what did she said ?
"this woman is mentally sick , she's totally crazy ."
"i didn't even speak to her , and she told you all this ?"
"i tried not to look at her please !"
"she's such a liar"
"she's just making up all th stories in her lil fantasy world . "
"oh my god , she's mentally disabled , she needs to be admitted into mental hospital ."
"i wld like to see th sky with her eyes , it will not definitely not blue . it will be purple with polka dots or something !"

aww , and he got off th train th next station -.- and his eng is that type of very very chim liddat de , made me control my laughter for so long :D

went to mos burger to eat , anna baby blushed for alot of times . aaron told douglas my angmoh name is monkey teo -.- and he call me monkey th rest of th day .__.

walk to fairprice after that . saw this boy digging th model's nose at this shop that sells clothes . and me and anna baby started laughing so madly , everyone look at us x: bought alot alot of stuffs there , heavy >.< you'll eat up all of them if you nvr go ah :D peiying and xunlin came and we continue shopping .

walked to anna hse afterwards to put her stuffs , thn walk back again to watch movie :D 12 lotus is okok nia , not very nice or what . anyways , it's always th second series of a movie boring . so directors , try fliming a movie once only . even if that movie is rly rly good , dont try to create a part 2 .__. money not enough oso liddat >.<

mrt back thn :D

/ 10:53 AM

a fake smile ;

too lazy to post bcos i reached home at ard 11.30 alr ? >.<

went to sch alone again , thn saw jinteng and fangqi , & waited for yurou . when yurou came we were like : GOOD MORNING YUROU , she damn paiseh :]

MY MONKEY IS MY NANPENGYOU OKAY ! dont molest him TT . & see how many ppl bullied my nanpengyou this day :

1 : richard ; took it to check if it is a guy , thn started touching him , horny actions -.-
2 : jonathan ; took a long eraser and put *there* , and say : EH ITS A GUY LEI !
3 : yize ; started to *ahem* my nanpengyou .__.
4 : th 1G guys ; took it to PE without me knowing and started play football , bball , badminton , volleyball with my nanpenyou .
5 : yankei ; keep holding on to it , molesting it .
6 : junhong ; swing here swing there -.-
7 : jiaxin ; he pinched until it was out of shape and stepped on it .__.

lessons are boredd ): mdm tan spent th one period lecturing th class for th class fund thing , in th end change treasurer , lol .

deco th class notice board afterwards . didn't do much things , only cutting and stapling th paper . now our board look nicer :D better than last time , if she got anything to scold about anymore , i chop off my head le -.-

aww , sunshine looks very emo during co lei /= twinny's not my nanpengyou ! my nanpengyou more shuai okay ! :D i know my monkey's too cute , all jealous me got such a nanpengyou , HAHA . joey's laogong is mini size de , LOL . and we started crapping as usual , correct we're fish market -.- so let's sponsor a fish to give tcher ! :D

7 liddat thn walked to th bus stop , with a bunch of horny people ard , they're real horny -.- bus-ed back and chiong to prepare and went out again >.<

bad day for me and nanpengyou .

Thursday, August 14, 2008
/ 8:00 PM

where are you ?

common tests finished , i think i wont ace my home econs lar ): did a VERY stupid thing lei . they say define th term "balanced" , i go write "not unbalanced" -.- then some total crap for other questions .__. oh ya , ytd bryant told me that his maths sure 40 and above . thn he say if below 40 treat me eat , above 40 i treat him . ah , i'm starting to worry , he is maths pro okay ! >.<

slacked through th periods after recess x: going to debate for english lesson >.< i'm bad at debating okay , tried that last year , almost got thrashed by th other team , lol . wahlao , our grp th topic damn horny one okay -.- someone suggested de , zzz .

mdm tan scolded some people after sch ? class fund flew away $.$ idk how are we going to deco th notice board tml when class fund went missing . thn wynne wanted me to re account where th class fund is becos it seems like i'm th last few who see th class fund -.-

went to bbt shop afterwards :D aww , dardar not thr , thn both *ahem ahem* came , LOL . went back to sch and go to co room slack cos nth to do >.< jiaee taught me drumming ! :] drumming is kinda fun :DD

went to this clinic to buy medicine and jiaee cutie sunshince accompanied me ! x: hao gan dong . some paiseh things happen there lar . somemore we keep zi-highing thr -.- & thn jiu bused back le >.<

i had a fun day tday , can i be like this everyday ? i want to go back to th past , when i'm so carefree ):

played this hangman game during science period at comp lab :D super funny , we keep puposely make th man die . see th phase of him dying :D have a video too , lazy to post , hahs .

phase 1 :
phase 2 :
phase 3 :
phase 4 :
phase 5 , he died alr :D

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
/ 9:17 PM

never be replaced ;

its 9.20 now and i haven started to open my tbs , when th papers tml need major memorising >.< cos i fell asleep just now -.- had a rly rly weird dream lar . this person told me something , tells me to understand something ? thn i woke up , trying very hard to rmb what this person told me -.- i think is something rly important lei /=

went to sch alone tday ): no puddings pei me , aww . papers are hard , flunked maths . jieying and i forgotten to do th gradient thingy for th last ques , didn't notice nidda find gradient , i thought plot graph nia .

free periods all th way until sch ends bcos tchers are absent . for th tchers who dont allow us to move ard , i sat there camwhoring :] say i'm zilian or whatever , HAHA . took alot of pictures lar , deleted alot too x:

went to mac with th girls , oh ya , + yize and richard :D chatted and chatted there , laughing like mad . ended up all th focus was on us when we laughed , LOL .

bused with jiaee , huilin and kailin cos father told me to go this place near huilin's hse to find him -.- jiaee sunshine damn funny lar ! she almost scare her friend away cos she too high alr x: found father and settled somethings before going home :D

i'm off to mug now ! see if i can finish within 2 hrs anot -.- quite impossible , so you'll see me with panda eyes tml >.<

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
/ 7:28 PM

11.03 ; 11.11 :D

read this from somewhere eh ? nicee .
Love comes
Love goes
Foolishly loving you
Nevertheless, choosing freedom
Who’s wrong
I don't feel like saying right now
Anyhow, there is no outcome
Towards the left
Towards the right
Your good heart will never ever be figured out
You use
The reason of loving me
Now you leave me again

I dare not let go hands
Round and round and still can't find the exit
The cursed maze

I stand at heaven's entrance
You suddenly just let go
I've heard this road is hard to walk
Unable to
Turn around

I follow the remaining clues
Be careful not to make mistakes again
Stranded by the unexplainable corner
Still need
How long
aww .

guanhoe is a bastard , bastard , bastard . go read my stuffs without asking me >.< ah , no one read before de lei x: not some love letters lar okay -.- ah i hate him ): spent th whole day calling him bastard , somemore he still call me shorty .__.

whee , i love my seating during exam period lar ! direct end at th corner of th classroom where tcher wont notice de x: nicenice :] but too far away from board le , MUST wear my specs >.<

i cant understand wat th hcl passage is talking about lar -.- its chimology ! mdm tan teach one , say chim stuffs they call them chimology , HAHA . i began playing with my monkey which i brought along to play with once i finished th paper :D nobody says you cant bring small toys to exams , hahs .

ah i think i'm gonna die for maths okay . mr ang kept elaborating on gradient that part , thn afterwards he'll go like : eh where's qiwen ? cos i sit infront last time one mar . i think he know i cant understand so he'll ask : qiwen can understand ? lol . everytime liddat de x:

i think i flunked my hist lar >.< ppl answer all very long de mine super short -.- ahh , somemore th mcqs i all tikum de , hahs . i totally forgot everything i've read for th past two days -.-

after sci remedial went to bbt shop to slackk and went back x: th bus journey seems so short tday , LOL . maybe becos we chiong th bus at th bus stop thr , no nid wait , hahs .

whee , jiaee's my cutie sunshine from 12/08 :D

Monday, August 11, 2008
/ 9:22 PM

never let go ;
went for th so called 6S gathering -.- there were like a few people going , thn th girls walked their way , guys walk their way . only like fauzan and tzp hi-ed to us , hahs . went up to mini toons to play with th monkey , ah , i'm so gonna buy it lar . everytime see will xin dong de x: saw gary and fauzan and in th end they were playing hide and seek ? -.- how old are they o.o & gary became super tall lar , 17X ? aww , dont feel like standing beside him alr x: tht time march hols th difference still reasonable , now is like , woah -.-

went to th library with lin and twinny :D mug mug awhile and go down to meet jiaee they all . went to mos burger afterwards :] they ate and we went to library alr . saw lin and twinny , decided to sit tgt . thn th other seniors came , sit tgt . in th end it became a huge grp of 12 ppl -.- kena 'scolded' by librarian say we too noisy , but we didn't x: they attack us cos we're th biggest mugging grp there ):

in th end went to th corner at 4th floor at civic there to study . zhe jia was like asking me why we keep loiter ard th library , walk up and down . oh ya , i saw cousin but she didn't see me , awww .

thn crapped with some people . wah i didn't know we all have such similar mindset -.- opinion all th same de x: went for dinner afterwards and bused back cos they all take mrt de TT

whee , i've got a nice and fun senior ! HAHA .

cant you just see that you're attitude really pissed people off ? even a person who've seen you twice also have th same comment please .

Sunday, August 10, 2008
/ 2:08 PM

i've learnt how to spell happiness .

whee , this post is gonna be a picture post !

ahh , she's trying to act cute x:
yes , she smiled :]
my girls :D
we rock your socks ! (numerical order :])
heyya , its mr boots ! HAHS
say hi to mr monkey ! :D
whee , jiaee's laogong :]
slacker slacker >.<
*trying to snap a pic of it being still*
yes , finally *ties it up*
cupcakes cupcakes :]
whee , nice nice *oops , i think i left one in th container and forgotten to take out from th locker -.-*
jiaee's tongue is licking lollipop :D
twinny love ! ♥
reflection :D

aww , byebye , off to mug for history . cant get anything into my head lar >.< going to mug at library with jiaee they all tml ! :D

p/s : GOH ANNA IS MY BABY FROM 10/08/08 :DD
&&& i still haven forgotten th date me & audrey became dardar okay ! its 23/07/08 :]

Saturday, August 09, 2008
/ 3:08 PM

the foolishness still stay ;

national day :D 43rd birthday alr ? hahs . went to cwp with sister tday cos i wanted to eat burger king , lol . so bused there instead of walking to th nearest mac of kfc , i want burger king ! HAHA . forced her to accompany me , ahh , she's in love with th chili too :D

walked walked ard , window shopping , LOL . thn went t galare for our icee cream ! :] ahh , they dont have mango sorbet tday ): i want my mango lar >.< went to mini toons to see th monkey ! sads i pok liao , if not i sure buy de , hahs .

may edit this post later , if i feel like posting .

Friday, August 08, 2008
/ 8:04 PM

monkey craze :D

1G is like so damn united one can ? previously quarrel over th class tee thing thn all say dun wan wear . in the end tday whole class wear sia , HAHA . nice nice . walked to sch with twinny ! yay yay :] wanru damn pro lar , bazaar only , thn print for us professional de banner , lols . abit kua zhang lar . went to sch and saw alot alot of 1G's flyers everywhere lar .__.

walked around like retards with our zhaopai with anna ! :] whee , walked round and round , pestering people to buy our stuffs . wah , karen very kelian , everyday kena harassed by anna , LOL . th whole day she can go like eh we go 2A stall find kare kare lei , i want take her picture ! she say she sick lei /= woah , someday will bcome lesb -.-

went to slack in th stall there later . thn mini tees soon sold out luh . lucky i got one before it finish . ah , chenqi dun wan buy from us cos xunlin ahma gave her one too ! lols . thn took th zhaopai with anna and jinghui and let mr ang take picture :] HAHA .

thn walked ard with twinny with that 1H de huozhaopai , cos fangqi say wear very paiseh , help her wear . LOL . bought this cute lil keychain with her tgt :D got our name on it okay ! hahas .

went to th movies later with the girls , hahs . was like spending 15 mins deciding to take which way to go to northpoint sia , lols . oh ya , paisehs to ron hor ): wasn't in a very good mood so if i scolded you or what thn paisehs . kept deesiao-ing geksai they all , in th bus stop , bus , burger king oso . LOLS .

the movie damn sian one lor . only some parts funny nia . me and anna were like couple all the way , HAHA . lying down on shoulder , thn hug , we almost kiss le , HAHA . was like crapping with her all the way throughout lol . & we saw this VERY interesting thing again :P 2nd time le , everytime go out with jiaee sure got thing happen one . they super suay de lor /=

thn went to admiralty de mac to buy dinner with brenda and homed :] i saw senghong ! :D he shouted TEOQIWEN siaa , scared me lol .

Thursday, August 07, 2008
/ 8:06 PM

I've tried to hide it so that no one knows
But I guess it shows ;

there's like so darn lots of things i wanna accomplish , LOL .

1 : i want to jianfei ! D: ahh , important -.-
2 : i want to grow taller ! it seems like i've shrunk in height lor , seriously . last time th machine recorded as ___ cm , thn now is ___ cm , TWO CM LESSER ): dont know what's even happening lar , i think wont grow le , lmao >.<
3 : i want $ .
4 : i want monkey soft toys !
5 : i want octopus keychain ! :D
6 : i want shopping day !
7 : i want unlimited sms .
8 : i want to be anti emo ):

went to sch , unhappily >.< thn somemore yurou kept saying xx is my bf when i only re-contacted that person ytd ? LOL . crapped with her until we reach sch , hahas .

english lesson damn zzz , see wat jonathan wrote for th essay : should teenagers be discouraged from dating ?
as i was saying most of the victims are girls, the girls will say that they know what they are doing but actually they are even more gullible and naive as they do not know what 'traps' are outside. To them, having boyfriends may seem to be an "achievement", but actually these boyfriends may not be what the girls thinks as some boys, who are usually fifteen to sixteen (lol wtf ?), might have some sex desire (hoho -.-). when the time is 'riped', they will show off their true colours as 'wolves' , after what they have done to the girls, they will tend to find excuses to cover their doings by saying it is only a moment of folly or even 'one night stand' .

LOL , i laughed until stomach pain lor , there's even mroe crappy paragraph in his essay -.- write until ZOU HUO RU MO alr lar .__. his answer is diff from me de , i wrote they shld not be discouraged , HAHA . totally crappy essay lar , tcher just passed me only lol , borderline pass -.-

had assembly and so qiao jiefu directly beside beside beside beside beside beside joey ! HAHA . darn funny , LOL .2nd time alr :D crapped with dardar all th way throughout .

i totally cant believe dardar likes to eat potatoes too ! qiaoness qiaoness :D one more thing we had in common alr , bu kui shi dardar :]

went to take bus with huilin and jiaee to print th flyers , but nidda go huilin's hse to edit th flyers 1st . 812-ed there . walk walk , past kailin's hse , jiaee's hse , finally huilin's hse :] me and jiaee were like kept laughing and laughing all the way can ? like some maddies -.-

went to chongpang afterwards to photocopy , hahs . thn okay liao was like waiting for th god damn 812 lar , waited for like 1/2 an hour , no joke lol . thn cam-whored with jiaee's pandaaa :D when 812 finally came , we were like cheering happily , HAHA .

pasted th flyers ard in sch , hahs . thn joey says paste on 2D's table cos renjie bully her , HAHA . & we rly did , LOL . thn painted th elmo's drawing :] we have elmo everywhere ard th stall , th flyers , th poster :D & wanru says she going to bring a banner tml ? HAHA . we rock :D recorded our version of 1G's world song in th sports hall , so loudly that everyone's eyes were looking at us .

oh ya our flyers is EVERYWHERE . even in th cubicle , LOL . whn your do your business also can see our flyers ! :D damn kuazhang de . so lets hope everything goes well tml ah , jiayous :]

Wednesday, August 06, 2008
/ 8:22 PM

awwww , gone , all gone .

eek , i cant resist th temptation of blogging lar >.< closed it for only a few hours only & came back again , ah , thats me ):

puddings didn't take th same train as me , but i saw twinny ! :D how nice , qiaoness again . nvr went t sch before with her ya know ? LOL . walked and crapped ard . xinting darn high de O.O

i failed my 2.4 again , worst still , this time de timing still even slower .__. i looked as if i was fainting and cnnt walk in straight line somemore . as usual , last in th whole grp , not strange -.- thn spent th 15 mins sitting down and rest and dardar and joey , hahs . i can't run ah .

hell-ish chinese again after recess , cnnt sleep cos got some professor behind >.< somemore jonathan damn sick luh , no ppl to joke with , in th end slack ._. sit down and look into th air , kinda distracted somehow afterwards , duhh -.-

lets skipskip to after sch , lol . went to bbt shop , lol again . we saw jiefu ! HAHA . went back to sch , thn jiaee kinda pissed huilin ah , nvr see her so angry before lei /= sorry hors , we wont say it anymore , rly :D

library-ed afterwards :] crap crap till 4 thn used th comp , was bloghopping there . slack till 4.30 and went back >.<

你不懂,你不懂 :(

Tuesday, August 05, 2008
/ 9:46 PM

miracles do happen , wait and see .

ahh , mood swings mood swings go away . kinda easily pissed nowadays lar , if you do notice . met up with some problems recently , not problems in school eh ? dont even bother to ask is it about _ or _ . cause it isn't . trying not to give attitude , but kinda failed ? totally sian-ed about life alr . if this continues i guessed i couldn't take it anymore , gonna fall alr .


whee F&N is fun tday ! :D we baked muffins :] tcher did most of th stuffs for us eh ? cause she used our group as demo de , LOL . jiaee's grp tasted like cookies man -.-

& we got our class tee :] okay lar , nobody thought it'll turn out like this lar >.< but still , smilee :D please please , everybody please wear it on friday lar ): I WANNA ADD MONKEY ON THE T-SHIRT LAR ! okay i was damn hyper about that idea that mdm tan thought i was siao , HAHA .

ahh , my monkey got abducted by richard for 3 periods >.< he stuffed th whole monkey in his mouth ? tian ar , if i was there he alr die liao , LOL . throw and throw everywhere , poor monkey ):

before hcl was JIEFU-ING EVERYWHERE ! hahas , thn when walking back th class , junyu they all behind us ma , thn we shout : ANNA SAY JUNYU VERY SHUAI ! lol , anna say one okay ? just never tell him nia , LOL . anna blushed somemore ya know ? hahas .

went to try out class tee after sch , quite okay lar , i WILL wear de . walked around th 2nd floor afterwards . keep walking th linkway there , LOL . thn saw cheuktow there , shouted *ahem* to her , she paiseh le , HAHA .

and thn went home alr >.<

maybe what i can do now is wait .
let's see what you're going to say next time .

Monday, August 04, 2008
/ 7:50 PM

complete trust .

whee , i went to sch with th puddings again ! actually was like boarding th mrt alone , thn suddenly they chiong-ed in , haha . qiaoness :D walk to sch , saw this tall tall guy , LOL . super tall please , how he find girlfriend , HAHA . usual crapping and so luh . reach sch early tday ! :]

whee , bravo to guan hoe ! :D woah , he rly has th courage to sing puh-lease . lucky jonathan never last min disappear , if not it'll be me up there alr , tian ar . th sch also damn supportive one , never BOO at him x: and we did echo for him okay ! like jiaee that side , jinghui that side , xunlin that side , my side . supportive one kay !

went through maths again , LOL . i'm happyyyyyy ! :D THE 1ST TIME I'M HAPPY WITH MY MATHS RESULT LEI ! though i flunked th gradient ques , quite happy with th area questions :DD ahaha , so damn happy lei :D not that i got very high marks or what lar WHEE , I WON JONATHAN BY 11 MARKS SIA . unbelievable lar -.- his maths is always so high standard de lor =.=

went to bbt shop afterwards , slack slack , talk talk for some damn long period , until shuoxian and richard called to hunt me and huilin back to design th poster ): i feel so guilty lar , wynne did most of th work lei , paisehs lar . library-ed afterwards ._.

maybe you didn't know .
after knowing you ,
though not that long .
i've gained complete trust in you .
maybe foolish , as you can say .
but i tell you things other people doesn't know .
i show my true feelings in front of you .
but somehow i think that you're just trying to test me ,
to find out something .
i'm not sure .
but i hope this isn't th way i think .
to think that a person whom you trusted betrayed you .

Sunday, August 03, 2008
/ 12:51 PM

don't know why .

went to bugis street ytd with twinny , joey , anna , huilin , jiaee , brenda ! let's see , fun ? LOL . because of something something , hahas . our eyes are always so sharp , hehs . went to some ulu ulu place nearby to buy jiaee's drumstick . wanted to buy my gong de , but too lazy to bring it around , since it's longgg -.-

went to eat afterwards , BURGER KING :D okaylol . jiaee is one very wei da girl :] LOVES :D thn crapped about ghost stories afterwards , hahs . went to shopshop after that :] lil miss twins and giggles :D wanted to change in th toilet at th mrt there , in th end got chased by this auntie ._. scold scold for what . afterwards went to tanjong pagar change in th end . there's this long long mirror for us to camwhore hahs .

walk to SCH afterwards , saw a guy using jacket to cover his face at that table , LOL .wanru says is jesmond , thn we went over there and knocked him , rly O.O twinny damn quiet ahhh .__. thn poor desmond and sunchang had to sacrificed their stuffs -.-

okay how nice , rongher doesn't remember that i'm her junior , and i don't remember she's my senior , HAHA .

thn there's this auntie wearing a shiny shiny SILVERY shirt infront of us shouting like siao can ? damn irritating lar -.- even wanru says so , LOL .

walked to raffles place with th girls afterwards since twinny doesn't wanna go anywhere else >.<>.< train-ed home afterwards :D

maybe its just the impossible ;

Friday, August 01, 2008
/ 8:54 PM

i feel that you're ignoring me like how you did during that period .

whee , went to sch with th puddings tday ! :D laopudding aka me ; dapudding aka huimin ; nianqingpudding aka xiuting ; xiaopudding aka rosaline . LOL . thn walked to sch frm khatib with brenda , HAHA .

thank you gorilla for you tb , hahas . although didn't get to use it lar , lended me , not scared tcher scold x: but if tcher rly scold him i feel guilty lar ): lucky she got give notes :D i survived through maths ! can understand a lil bit only though >.< who want to give me tuition ? HAHA , with th risk of getting super pekcek like twinneh .

twinneh went to remedial with me , but mr ang isn't teaching tday . so twinneh teach me ! okay there's one ques tht she taught until rly very pekcek . she counted got alot of patience le , norm ppl can get pissed talking to me ): er , 15 mins explaining th same thing over and again -.- thn that ques super easy somemore ._.

argg , i feel so guilty asking her to go to th bbt shop lar ): maybe that's th cause of her cry ? x: okay forget it , unpleasant things >.< i know you dont understand :D

& went home with brenda and gorilla , whee . gorilla admitted that he's a retard ! :D he blur until damn hao xiao can ? & i cant believe i won him in th hist test , i thought he's a pro in hist since hes th one let me copy work de , HAHA .

happy happy , tml is shopping day ! with twinneh , joey , brenda and huilin ? huilin says not sure . jiaee ? dunno lei , hahas .

say , bye .