
Designer: darkdegree
Partofthecodes: detonatedlove
Images: moargh
Textues: peachinparis
Icons: threemoresteps

Thursday, July 31, 2008
/ 7:49 PM

somehow , you invaded into my world . whenever i need someone , i'll think of you .

okay fine , idk what is gradient and mr ang gave such a diff test (th behind part quite okay tho) . i pekcek while doing th 1st ques alr , LOL . in th end you know wat i did ? i draw three lines on th paper , -.- somemore got one line vertically straight one sia >.<

english period slack slack :D & somehow i noticed that _ kept passing by , LOL . too free le .__. went to bbt again and saw twinnehhh :D thn slack and home-ed with brenda .

remembered this convo between us when we were coming back from escape :D

VALVAL : okay now we're at city hall right , nearer to marina bay , so we shld go towards jurong east side hor .
WE : yah , obviously .__.
PJY : huh , why we dont wan go home from jurong east towards marina bay , faster what

haha , pjy damn cute and blur lar , LOL

hahas . too many kailins , LOL .

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
/ 9:03 PM

lingered memories ;

i can't believed i survived through 2.4km run tday ! (although i failed >.<) i was about to faint when running th 3rd round okay . lucky jiaee hold and pull me , if not i sure faint alr . thn th people at 2nd floor were like : WAH TWO LESBIANS ! somemore i shouted back : NVR SEE LESBIAN BEFORE AR ! okay LOL . i kinda lian lei jiaee lei , i think she can run de lor , she waited for me >.< i feel so guilty , i was like calling her to run 1st dun nid care me , but she refused . ahh , nice friend :D

fast foward to after sch , HAHS . went to bbt shop again with th usual people , smiles :D okay brenda was like asking why i NEVER change th flavour of th bbt i buy : mango milkshake , whee . idk why lei , just a special liking since many many years ago :] so dont ever ask me what bbt i wan , cos my answer never change , HAHAS .

& thn jiaee went to sectional while we go to library slack . slack awhile le feel like doing maths , & we th bodohs nvr bring calculators .__. in the end pulled yuchen and raynold to our table to teach us , LOL . they got fed up & left . oh my tian ar , xx is shuai man . __ got yan guang :D at last we found a person to teach us , LOL . i feel so dumb can , th qns is darn simple and yet idk how to do -.-

& then bus-ed home with brenda :DD

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
/ 8:52 PM

thinking back , i feel so blissed ;

didn't went to mac tday because i wanted more sleep , HAHA . aww , th china shuaige isn't here tday TT . even twinneh , ferlyn , valval say he shuai oso can ? LOL . ferlyn say until so despo liddat =.= dardar got her *ahem* , bu yao wo le . LOL , jkjk :]

struggled through those same old boring lessons again .__. i think i flunked th home econs test lar , wrote crap on th last page . & i kinda worry for th coursework yeah ? INDIVIDUAL ): let see how i'm gonna survive -.-

ate with dardar , joey , brenda & lin during break . dardar disappeared halfway , LOL . ehem ehem -.- HCL was sian , zzz . didn't even bothered to listen lar , and how nice , mdm goh rmb-ed my name alr . let's see how WELL she'll treat me in future , since she knows i'm always dreaming -.-

went to co afterwards , twinneh was kinda ? & she took out her transfer form again somehow , but i guessed its fine know ? at least for th time being . and zhaolaoshi made us partner tgt for th pros to teach us , LOL . kianyun purposely picked on me lar .__. all he did was : 音不准 lar !and nothing else . then made me play th whole thing AGAIN AND AGAIN ):

it was damn shuang during th break , HAHA . junhong told us dont play th drums , thn after he go jiaee they all started playing jiangjunling . & we join in th fun too :D LOL . jiaee hit th thing with a "KWANGGGGGGGG" ohmytian -.- zhaolaoshi was O.O-ing when he came in and saw us hitting th drums like some mad people , LOL .

& practiced until 6.30 thn bus-ed to admiralty with brenda to admiralty :D whee , i think i'm pro lar . that time brenda asked me if i know someone's msn anot , thn i anyhow guess and tell her , & I'M RIGHT ! :DD HAHA .

Monday, July 28, 2008
/ 7:29 PM

define the term happy .

/edit :

i used back my old phone TEMPORARILY -.- cos it can sms :D it's th only pro .__. th cons are : th cam is lousy , th bluetooth is spoiled , th phone is lag TT nvms , at least it can sms lar . i missed th times sms-ing to people lar >.< okay fine , whatever . LOL

\edited :]

L for loser is th trend :D
okays , china ppl came to sch tday ? there's no shuaige assigned to our class ): another class got one eh ? * drools * HEHS . okaylar , i shall stop HUACHI-ING . whee , he's rly quite shuai O.O ? xunlin says so too man , HAHA . we had this girl in our class with a super chio hairstyle sia , it curled in a very nicee way and straight abit at th bottom :D

& planned to go to bugis with twinneh on saturday ? not confirmed yet ): i wanted to buy th lil miss twins lar >.<>

Sunday, July 27, 2008
/ 10:10 PM

i feel like smashing my phone eh ? LOLL . repair le also no use , & i'm lazy to bring it to nokia again lar .__. that phone's with me for only twoo months pleasee , ahahas . sad to say , i'm lazy to even reply messages now , LOL . i either dont receive , or receive a day later .__. oh whatever , HAHAS . but still can message lar , even if it carries a risk of me wont replying , LOL .

i guessed you wouldn't be bothered to read th whole chunk of words up theres , HAHA .


/ 9:37 PM

i'm lazy to blog , ahahas .

Saturday, July 26, 2008
/ 8:27 PM

no , that's not what i want .

\edit :

argg , i want that monkey from mini toons ! ): wanted to buy th $14.95 de , but thinking for my pocket , i bought th $5.95 one . LOL . who wants to buy for me ? hahas . pok liao lar . so in love with th monkey soft toy recently that i feel like splurging my money on them , HAHA . i want th ez-link stickers too x: ahhh , whatever .__.


i wrote a whole shit of crap and i deleted it ): it just feels too stupid . wells , something happy here . have been seeing quite a number of laolao friends these days , LOL . i saw regin last tuesday , safwana and nichole last thurs , & wenjie tday ! :D LOL . tho not very close friends lar , at least they remember me , HAHA .

& i got tricked by dardar lar , stupidd . that's why she wants me to call him like very urgent liddat . i think it was strange tho , nice one dardar =.=" i'm so gonna kill her on monday >.< 不要对我太好,我会害怕。

Friday, July 25, 2008
/ 8:47 PM


physics is kinda nicer than chem and bio uh ? i cant seem to memorise anything in my head lar ): protons , neutrons , electrons ? LOLL ._. gonna flunk th next test for sure >.<

& i was laughing crazily because of jonathan and richard .__. L's FOR LOSERRR :D even ultra man came along to support letter L :D batman passed by too :] OKAY I KNOW YOU DONT UNDERSTAND LAR , ignore , HAHA .

i'm damn pissed by mdm goh tday can ? i was sitting there only what , just laughing for less than 3 secs ? she was : YOU WANT ME TO CHASE YOU GO OUT ?! okay tht moment i almost stand up and walk out =.= unreasonablee .

went to library after th remedial with audrey dardar , chuting and jiaee . was reading OVERDUED magazine -.- was like chatting and chatting all th way until 3 , LOL . went to co afterwards and shi ban yao gu is -_-" whatever , i guessed i'ld nvr be able to play at tht speed lar >.<

thn had break , OH MY TIAN , GORILLA IS SO DAMN RETARDED LAR ! he got cheated by sun chang they all mar , thn brenda wanted to help , LOL . was like kept signaling him until we pekcek liao thn called him four times and sms-ed one time before he took out his hp . AND HE TOOK A PEEP AND PUT IT BACK AGAIN . okay i cant believe i have such retarded pengyou lar -.-

okay , tag replies :D

fwh : dont have elva's songs , LOL .
weikang : hello shuaige , hahas . & YOU TWO ARE TH ONLY GUYS WHO CALL ME WENWEN -.-
valerie : i no time go buy lei /= how how ? let me see , maybe i'll go tml >.< why stress why stress ?
audrey : dardar rocks ! & i no emo lars , HAHA .
miaosi : whee , loveya too :D
lisa : LOL , nvms :]
jesmond : i not emo >.<
fangqi : HELLOOO :D
wingyan : twinneh woaini too x3
jesmond : not disappointed lei /= why shld i , LOL .
ah-lin : HAHA , lin is still love lar <3
yk : GOT GOT , look like that girl ! i'll post it someday , HAHA .
fwh : dont bhb lar mummy -.-
audrey : tell me what ? why disappointed ?
audrey : yeah lor , jesmond finding excuses , very obvious lor :]
audrey : i'm always smiling :) some1 ?
audrey : huh ? who's that person ? >.<
audrey : not chiobu ):
audrey : yes you are spamming , HAHA .
audrey : orh , that one is abt someone lar >.<
audrey : tml is sat lar , blur liao you :]
audrey : smilee too x:
jesmond : okok , you were looking at weiyi , LOL
audrey : HAHAS . no angry hor x: <333 too :]

Thursday, July 24, 2008
/ 9:48 PM

barney rocks , purple dino :D

mrt-ed to sch with th usual people :] ohmygod , to xiuting , huimin & ros : I NOT LAO PUDDING LAR ! lols . laobu jiu laobu , when become lao pudding , HAHA .

i'm oh so flunking th bio test lar . i dunno how to classify invertebrates .__. imagine i studied until 12 ytd , LOL . i think i'll fail my hist tml , not trying to pessimistic tho -.-

th assembly was funnehhhh , me and dardar was like laughing non stop can ? was like jesmond was sitting directly beside joey although there's alot of classes in th middle . thn audrey told be that jesmond kept turning around to see joey mah . wah , thn we keep taking notice , he rly kept turning to see lei ! thn dardar sms-ed him nvr reply . thn suddenly th whole lot of guys there kept turning ard , HAHA . oh oh , & jesmond admitted eh , HAHA

life has been so boring that i'm stuck here dunno what to post >.< audrey dardar , joey and brenda you rock ! xP i got my ORANGEE lollipop from brenda :D whee , nice nice . & went to th bubble tea shop AGAIN with th same people , HAHA . ah , i miss dardar D:

& thn bus-ed backed with brenda :D

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
/ 9:32 PM

i'm already tired of putting on a mask with a smiley face every single while , when can i remove it ?

AUDREY DARDAR ROCKS MY SOCKS ! :] anw , had a rly long long chat with joey and audrey these two days .

wells , quite bother about twinneh now lar , she wants to quit co lar ): we were drifted apart since we left wrps . its co which let us became besties again , which made us find back th laughter we had last time . remember th promises we made , how hard we tried , all those laughter , all those cries ? and now you say you're leaving and yet i cant do anything to help . all i could say is : i cant stop you , if you're really going , bye & i'll miss you .

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
/ 9:19 PM

i told myself not to think , but i cant ;

ohkays , i dont give a damn to you .
who do you think you are ?
want scold scold infront of people lar !
still turn around and scold ._.
whatever ._. ignore :]

tday was not a nice day .
hi ,
bye .

Monday, July 21, 2008
/ 9:20 PM

dont reply with such an answer , bastard .

ihadabadbaddaytoday , oh whatever ; grumbling more dosen't help yeah ? i didn't see twinneh tday x: andiwanttothank AUDREYWONG for cheering her up until late late night ytd . audrey is such a nice person yeah , i know my laogong (lin is th laogong) QINGFU is a very nice person who i love :DD

oh how nice , i thought i failed my maths yeah ? but i passed =.= wells , he gave back th paper . realised that i'm th lowest in class . okay , mr ang counted wrongly :D + 3marks , doesn't make much diff. -.-

it rained this morning , you know what ? the 1st person i thought of was you . i wish i'm th one whom you thought of too , please .

went to SDC afterwards :D our bus was like freaking long to arrive . in th end we stood outside th general office chatting with mrs sim .__. snatched gorilla's ipod in th bus and made him ipod-less . muahaha :]

th whole trip was okok lar . just that some things happened and made everyone go moody ): was sitting beside bryant during th chinese opera thing & we exchanged ez-link cards , whoots . he looks so DIFF can ? hohos . oh no , our ez-links cards are being passed around D: LOL .

& then we waited for like 1/2 hr for our bus to come ? -.- was like pek cek alr x: bus came finally and was like betting with jia ee , anna , huilin that when will th bus arrive sch , LOL . anna won -.-

do you even care ?

Sunday, July 20, 2008
/ 7:16 PM

no , you dont know .

went to play frisbee tday :D
nice lor , we plan to meet at 8.15 in the end everybody 8.15 then wake up .
went to cwp with jinghui 1st and went to 7-11 !
bought sandwich .
xunlin came , & bought 1 too , hahas .
thn wait for richard and walk to th court there .
sunny sunny sunny -.-
jinghui stole th shades in my bag , zzz .
we made richard stand and th side where th sun is facing at .
& his eyes like one straight line ler ._.
okay , i'm a frisbee noob , LOL .
then at about 11 i have to leave ler ):
just when bryant and shaojun is coming >.<
912-ed back :D

whee ,
lets hope that there isn't any bad things that will happen tml ):
kinda in a bad mood recently , i think only audrey and joey noticed .
wells , i tend to compress all th feelings lar .
i think only _ knows ,
since _ is th only one who knows me the best .
okay , shall stop ranting .
still left with hist. and chinese .__.
*sees th time now*
7.30 , there's still time -.-

Saturday, July 19, 2008
/ 11:41 PM

Why do we cry ?
Tears flow from our eyes when we cry because they contain chemicals and hormones produced by our bodies.

When we become upset, our brains and bodies overreact and work overtime by producing chemicals and hormones.

Crying helps eliminate these extra chemicals that we don't need.

The chemicals and hormones disappear from our body through the form of tears. As our tears flow, they sooth our sadness or distress by withdrawing these chemical agents.
That is why many people feel calmer or more refreshed after crying--because the tears get rid of these hormones that are produced when we are sad, happy, or distressed.

afterall , you're the one who understands me the most .
I'm sorry if I've hurt you .
but I urge you to be patient .
maybe the answer for the next time might be different .
who knows ;

/ 8:41 PM

spongebob squarepants :D

went to sch with twinneh in th morning for the chinese competition thing , saw yangjin at mrt station and walked to sch tgt :] LOL , gorilla say dun wan come ytd thn in th end he say he got fever -.- real anot i dunno ._.

th show was nice luhhs , some are very hilarous tho :D thn went down for refreshments , mayo was nice , LOL . yangjin eat alot packets can ? HAHA . we were like talking about chu ting was "aunty" like ! hahas , her crisis very serious man ! -.-

bus-ed home with lin while valval insist on taking mrt , muahaha . she separated from her konglongs tho -.- bought mac and went to valval hse . ohmytian , valval eat until so "WEN YA" lor . & we were laughing like we're retarded freaks ! :DD played with her bunny , i dont dare feed her th pill , hahas . her hamsters are cute lei :] too bad i cant get one more le , mine lonely lei /= played monopoly afterwards , whee , i'm th winner ! =.= we were sian-ed by it can ._. went home afterwards D:

Friday, July 18, 2008
/ 9:03 PM

barney cheers me up :D

ohkays , i think spiders' are invading th world -.- i see spider webs ard th sch , a spider ytd on anna head , and knocked into a big big spider web with jinghui early in th morning while going to mrt station ): it was dark and we didn't see can ? eek , th aunty behind us is lucky , LOL .

I SURVIVED THROUGH LESSONS TDAY ! cheers :] friday used to be a very nice day where lessons are slack , but now , no more ): oh ya , A &B are going super hiong to woo C , oh my tian ar ._.

went to bubble tea shop again , almost everyday . this time we have new friend ! LOL , audrey's netball senior , idk her name though , paisehs . nuggets , hotdog waffle and mango milkshake rocks my socks ! LOL . & jiaee call _ to clarify on some stuffs , HAHA . he sounds so funny !

convo (translated to english)

him : hello ?
jiaee : erms , please ignore what _ _ said to you hor . we were just joking abt that .
him : huh , who are you ?
jiaee : DUHH , jiaee .
him : huh , WHO ?
(forgot some parts D:)
jiaee : LOL .
him : okok , bye .

i was like a maddie laughing behind , LOL . idk if he regconised my voice anot ? x: LOLL . damn funny can ? i laugh until i almost fall down >.<

went to co room afterwards , hahas . went ard th sch to see shuaiges with audrey , brenda and joey :D audrey despo for shuaiges . hahas . we end up sitting in th canteen nicely facing th basketballers . LOL .

LOL , shi ban yao gu is diff >.< i cant seems to follow th tempo lei /= whatever ._. omg twinneh looks like she's gonna die le ): okay , things to burn : white coffin , handphone with sim card , white laptop :] we were walking like old ladies or pregnant women said by april and jiamin , HAHA . super slow that type lor /=

and bus-ed home with brenda and gorilla . talking abt some stuffs which kinda scared tio gorilla . LOL . later th next moment got somebody knock on his door -.- HOHOS .

photos !

ahh , where's audrey looking ?

we're dancing ! jiaee show your face lei !

me , anna , jinghui ! xDDD

we rock ! :D

Ron took this , okay . bad skills -.-

my mouth like slanted liddat ._.

/ 7:50 PM

from 12 july onwards :]

YW : LOL , jkjk :]
fwh : LOL hello mummy :D
jesmond : hellos (:
audrey : hahas , stay pretty :D
Fangqi : linked you alr , your blog's nice too :]
Xinting : hahs , link you le :DDD
jamie : LOL , your face gek sai until cool mar , HAHA
miaosi : HIYEE , my bag's whiteeee :] wheee , LOL
lyq : hahas , hellos :]
WEISZE : hihi , yeaps , i rmb-ed you added me :]
rongher : LOL , laughing is nicee , hahas .
jesmond : my tag nicest , LOL :D
A.K : hiyeee :]
weikang : YO shuaige ! xD
Sotong : thanks for th tag yeah ? :]
fwh : LOL ohkays :D
jamie : whee you tagged , hahas .
Audrey : LOVE YOU TOO :)
Valeriie : hahas , stay happy kay ? & you look freakingly cute in th pics :DD
WEISZE : *wave wave!* heh hehs .
rongher : eek , inclined pull up sucks lar , i managed to just pass only =.=
kAiLiN : YOS ! thnks for th tag , stay pretty :DDD
wingyan : very cutee lei :]
ZIYUE : HIYEEE ZIYUE ! you're pro in drumming eh ? HAHA
ZOE : whoots , you tag ! LOLL , seeya soon :]
jesmond : wakaka , BOO ! nice what , LOLL .
peiying : lol , why pillow ? hahas , wanna sleep issit ? :D

END :]

Thursday, July 17, 2008
/ 8:37 PM

is like finally , i saw you , 1 minute :]

lessons were way too boring ..... & peiying's P = pillow , S = spear , SI = singapore , entertained th whole class , LOLL . i think i flunked my maths test lar , its th same for everytime ._. i feel that everything is in alien language thn i cant understand anything =.= ohkays whatever .

watched some drum performance at LT during assembly period , nicee :] they're so pro can ? LOL . and then went to 641 to eat nuggets ! LOL , anna loves nuggets , hotdog and donuts ! hahs .thn sth happened and anna's hotdog waffle flew away , LOL . omg so shocking lei /= i think anna will ahve phobia le , hahas .

oh , napfa sucks man ): standing broad jump sucks even more =.= LOL , mr pek took our grp of pull ups mah , thn we were like cheering : 1G jiayou before th thing , hahas . thn he say : faster faster . i wan see how much oil you all add . LOLL . i failed standing broad jump , nice one =.=

and cleared th equipments and stuffs and walked to 1D with jinghui and kaijun to find lin and meixin :D bus-ed home tgt afterwards :]

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
/ 8:06 PM

两天 ; two days .
你离开我了 ; you left me .

mrt to sch with jinghui and walked to sch with audrey and joey :DDD they rock my world , haha :] & mdm tan's back ! lol -.- pe was torture lar , i'm so gonna fail my napfa tml -.- inclined pull up , standing broad jump - FAILED =.= not tht i'm so not positive liddat lar . i guessed th good luck _ given is useless , LOLL . netball was funn ! :]

& then went to art room for art :D drew tap , LOL , mine out of shape one -.- and thn reccess-ed . valval looks less emo tday le :DDD that's my girl ! lol .

discussed about class tee during class tday ! i want orangeeeee :] red oso nice , hahas . TRY SOME SPECIAL COLOURS :D thn chinese-ed =.=

went to eat NUGGETS ! LOL . with ANNA , joey , jiaee , kailin , huilin and brenda :] thn bus-ed home to change and go to th movies with jinghui , xunlin , brenda , jason low , jonathan , richard , shaojun , HAHA . and we choose row G ! LOL , 1G ! , hahas . was like damn noisy there can ? thn jinghui suddenly squeak when th whole place was quiet , thn we burst out into laughter , LOLL . th movie kept war-ing LOL .

thn went to buy xunlin's $2 xxxl t-shirt to make th mini tee , hahas . bought sushi and home-ed :D fun day :]

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
/ 8:12 PM

you said you'll wait , but where are you now ?

2 chers nvr come tday ! LOL . still have science test tho , think i didn't screw it lar . i was like thinking what is P thn th last minute finally rmb le , hahas . free period for eng . kinda pissed -.- suan le ._.

anws , had new tcher for home econs :D she looks more interesting lei , LOLL . went through hist later , woah , she rly talk very fast lor , hahas .

hcl was less sian tday lei , cos she nvr talk so much , LOL . thn somemore let us watch th video of one song . thn jinghui joker lai de lor /= make me laugh until stomach pain =.= she go say inside got jack neo , then when cher replay hor , is only some guy who wear specs nia lar -.- thn me , huilin , jonathan and richard were like maddies laughing , HAHA .

thn went to admiralty with brenda and gorilla , he treat bubble tea lei . because he wanted to know th meaning of some word =.= LOL .

Monday, July 14, 2008
/ 8:14 PM

it's not what you thought it was ;

went to SCH to watch concert with wingyan , joey , kailin , huilin . awwws , jiaee was not there ): was damn funny during th concert , LOL . shalln't elabo ._.

mdm tan isn't here today , zzz . i chiong-ed th summary till almost midnight lei ): and loudspeaker tcher came in . she kinda pissed by us lor , cos she say she is chen laoshi ma , thn wan us greet her in chi . thn th guys insist tht is eng lesson thn when she greet us : TONG XUE MEN ZAO AN ! we greeted her back : GOOD MORNING MS CHEN ! twiceee . made her kinda angry le -.-

mdm goh talking crap again lar =.= & somemore i forgot to bring textbook and bi ji lor /= lucky she nvr do anything to me , hehs . thnks nadine and huilin for sharing ! :D

hang-ed out after sch with anna , jinghui , peiying and chuting ! went to 641 buy bubble tea . OMG , its nuggets and hotdog ! lol , a lil horny , shall not pollute my blog , HAHA . walked back to sch playing barney song thn saw junsian he was like : eh you frm ytd play until now not sian ar ? LOL . barney song is cute mans ! anna print out lyrics somemore , lol .

went for booktalk and almost slept throughout -.- and jonathan and shaojun was irritating me th whole while can ? ):

and then i bus-ed home alone >.<

Sunday, July 13, 2008
/ 12:47 PM

BOOS , spot meee , LOLL . this was taken like last year alrd ? hahas . 7 girls , 5 in the picture , 4 in cchy , 1 in everygreen :DDD my valval & twinny are soo cutee :] hahas .

random post =.=

Saturday, July 12, 2008
/ 10:23 PM

what if all this haven't happen ?

grr , wanted to changed a skin , but lazy to edit th codes and colours ): maybe sometime later . and i'll probably change it into a yellow yellow skin ! hahas , but must wait till i found a nice shade of yellow , th one i tried is in a lighter shade and is bit weird , LOLL .

& this post is abit random , hahas . i dont know what to post eh ? sians , somemore no pictures taken -.- anws , tml going for this concert with wingyan ! :] where's our lil miss twins shirt gone to ): BOOS . meeting up with people to go tgt . JOEYYYYYY , YO YO YO ! lol , because everytime i call her , we'll say YO YO YO ! hahas .


Friday, July 11, 2008
/ 8:59 PM

i thought you won't remember ;

had F&N tday , practical ! :D nice nice . spagetti was quite successful uh ? LOL . i did most of th work can ? & chopping th onion makes my hand have that onion smell even till co that time -.- but it kinda turned cold cos i ate it in th afternoon >.<

presented jingle during music , muahaha , we were like composing tht song frantically thn mdm chen reminded us that there's a song call likely row , LOLL . ours is on lollipops :D quite nice i think , hohos :]

thn after sch gave lin my food :D SHE SAYS SHE LIKES IT (lol , she didn't said that O.O) mushrooms are nicee :]

remedial was dull tday ._. unusual lei /= thn i was like sian sian le lor >.< thn afterwards went to library with brenda , wynne & shuoxian , shuoxian is funnehhh :D we wanted to intro him to zhaolaoshi cos zhaolaoshi says he need someone for double bass , LOLL .

went for dazhu in co >.< thn th sec ones like all die liao lor /= all play very slow de , LOL . thn when th whole co is quiet , i suddenly burst into laughter and everyone was looking at me , hahas .

was like talking to yurou th whole while , hohos . then she looked at my pictures thn i snatched back and say : WHEY , THAT ONE CNNT SEE ! , and then junhong was beside ma , he was like O.O" , hahas . & thn junhong made us shout th hei zo zo thing , he was holding a hanger as weapon eh ? cnnt dont shout , LOLL .

& JAMIE LOOKS SO COOL WHEN SHE WAS VERY SERIOUS IN DRUMMING , lols . jiaee so shuai , hahas . thn break tht time share a bread with wanru , hohos . cause we sure cnnt eat finish one , not that my appetite is small lar /=

then there goes th worst thing tday ._. went to th bus stop with gorilla and jason , waited for like 3-4 buses but like too many ppl liao =.= thn when th old lady beside gorilla saw that we like want go up dun go up liddat thn jiu keep scolding him like wat : EH YOU ALL WAITING BUS OR PLAYING ! and he blames me for that >.< nvms , thn went to take mrt with gorilla cos wait till pekcek liao . oh ya , BRYANT WAS THERE TOO . my da ge ge :DDD hohos .

Thursday, July 10, 2008
/ 8:17 PM

yes , i did told you that , but still , i cant forget .

awwwww , ms santha's leaving , she taught us for only like a few lessons only . but she's that kinda tcher like ms goh , she can be like so near to us , just like our friend liddat >.< wells , she's going to yishun town ):

went to museum for hist field trip after sch :D class divided into two groups =.= whole trip was sometimes with xt and ros while other times doing th wrksht with gorilla and 大哥哥 , LOLL . They're some funneh people :] thn after th whole trip jiu walked up to th bus with 大哥哥 and he said gorilla dropped into toilet bowl le . LOL .

& you know people caught gorilla's sleeping photo again ! =.= he has got like 4-5 sleeping photos liao , muahaha :D this time is lie down somemore , LOLL .

& now th pictures ! :]

my monkey aka mongkey :D

guan hoe made this octopus and snatched it , became mine :D
and it got killed by jinghui say is you wai , you wai say is jason , jason say is shuoxian =.=
murderer : unknown >.<

i use dagger slash you ar !

WEN's for QIWEN :D

they look like they're ahem-ing ._.

eyebags are coming TT

Wednesday, July 09, 2008
/ 6:44 PM

hoho , i think aaron told me to do this last month , LOL

1. The person who last tagged you is ?
wingyan :D

2. What is your relationship with him/her ?
she's my twinny , she understands me so well you see , LOL

3. Your 5 impression of him/her ?
she's so cute :D

4.The most memorable thing he/she has done for you ?
hmm , by creating this blog for me 2 years ago :D

5. The most memorable word he/she has said to you ?
WENWEN WOAINI :DDD , lol , she says that to everyone puh-lease ._.

6.if he/she becomes your lover ,you will.... ?
love her back , LOLL

7. If he/she becomes your lover , things he/she has to improves on?
she's very ncie alr :D

8. If he/she becomes your enemy ,you will ...?
i will TT .

9. If he/she becomes your enemy , the reason will be ?
becos i snatched her bunny ! :x

10. The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is ?
buy th little miss twins shirt , hoho .

11.Tour overall impression on him/her now ?

12. How do you think people around you will feel about you ?
a mad & a zi-high girl :]

13. The character you love of yourself are ...?
i love my myself and that's it :D

14.On the contrary , the character you hate of yourself are ?
sometimes will emo although i promised to smileee >.<

15.The most ideal person you want to be is ?

16. For people who care & like you , say something about them.
thank you , i love you :D

17.(pass this quiz to 10 person )
1. wingyan
2. valeriie
3. peiying
4. xunlin
5. yangjin
6. meixin
7. jamie
8. jinteng
9. jasmine
10. jinghui

18.Who is number 6 having relationship with ? ( meixin )
QIWEN :D , loll

19.Is 9 a male or a female ? (jasmine)
she's jasjes , half female half male , LOLL

20.If 7 & 10 are together ,will it be a good thing ? (jamie & jinghui)
hmm , they know each other ? :x

21.How about 5 & 8 ? (yangjin & jinteng)
they dunno each other -.-

22. What is 2 studying about ? (valeriie)

23.When was the last time you had a chat with 3 ? (peiying)
just now at cwp , hohos .

24.Is no.4 single ? (xunlin)
she has her peanut sotong , LOL

25.Talk something casually about no.1 (wingyan)
chanchan loves ELMO & PANDA , she loves me more :D

/ 6:28 PM

do you even care ?

there's art tday ! :D art is a period where we can talk alot & i can laugh alot , hoho . & i saw _ while walking down th stairs :] wednesday seems like a very long day , becos there're still sci after HCL ._. i thot i can go home after HCL de lei /= BOOS >.<

slacked awhile in class before going since no one's going back with me ): & gorilla is so damn retarded by arranging th tables and chairs for 3 weeks then realised his duty is sweep th floor ._. my bag is very clean , you no need sweep :] ( he doesn't come here right ? LOL )

pardon for th short post as school is th same everyday which makes me dont feel like posting alr =.=

Tuesday, July 08, 2008
/ 9:22 PM

just an illusion afterall ;

BOOS , tday can go school late ! :D went to sch with brenda and jinghui , two bullies >.< reach there at 8 , thn start chiong-ing some of th hw which i dunno with th 1G-ians , LOL . & saw chanchan with th white bunny bag *snatches* :]

went to lab for sci , group with jinghui , audrey and brenda . me + audrey sacrificed our cheek cell for th experiment , LOLL . we spent about 15 mins hesitating can ? hahas .

i managed to survive throughout maths tday ! achievement :D i DID listen okay , plus hor , sit my place will train you not to sleep , cos sleep sure kena caught de , cos tcher like to stand beside my table =.=

& HCL after sch was hell again ): her words are all so chim can ? talk nobody understand , thn everything didn't mark somemore , turn mouldy le lar ._.

went to co afterwards , and zhaolaoshi was early tday , cnnt slack , hoho . practiced th exam song and hei zo zo , LOL :] you know hor , zhaolaoshi suddenly became so patient with me =.= i often piss him off with my lousy skills one lei /=

had break and was staying in co room chatting away with everyone & junhong playing erhu as background music , hahas . was supposed to practice , nobody did >.< thn after break he call us to play th tremble thing and i gave him a blurred face thn he asked me to tremble that note for a very very long period lei , only me ): hand also pain liao , nice punishment he gave =.=

and thn bus-ed home with brendaaaaaa :] standard liao , everytime after co will bus home tgt .


Gerald : LOLL :D
Peiying : helloooo :]
ZhiHui : hihi , i didn't see you for a longggg time le ):
Jamie : zi-high rocks man ! :]
Valeriie : eh you like to tag alot hor , hahas . & i rly have a big head :D dont worry , i'm ok le . dont think too much liao :)
FWH : nice blog thr :]
Val Toh : hihi :D
A.K : YO :] thnks for th shi ban yao gu thing tday . LOL

Monday, July 07, 2008
/ 8:17 PM

we 're th erhu-ians , & we rock !


xoxos , we've thick eyebrowns =.=

still us , hahas .

chanchan rocks ! :D

i rock too , hohos :D

Sunday, July 06, 2008
/ 11:09 PM


it just seems way too emo for QIWEN ):
wells , i'm back .
th zi-highing girl you see everyday .
i'm ok :D

( anw , idk if you've read it tho )

/ 2:28 PM

It's only when you're going then i realised your importance .

changed a skin cos im tired of th previous one , LOL . but this skin's kinda weird uh ? nvm , got time then change :)

edited {

grr , where th heck is my usb >.< liao =".="">.< LAWL . ahhs , im gonna go crazy if i cannot find -.- how can you do this to meeee , i nvr treat you badly wat ): IF YOU RAN OFF , WALK BACK PLEASE :]

eeks , i'm going to zi-high again le >.< ZI-HIGHING IS FUNNNN . & i'm so gonna create a group call MLD gang :D hohos , who want join ? LOL .

CCHYCO rocks :D hohos

\edited }

Saturday, July 05, 2008
/ 8:31 PM

reality ;

boos , went to sch anni celebrations tday , hohos . went to mac with xunlin , yangjin & chuting :] ate macflurry and played psp , LOL . thn walked to sch and saw chanchan ! she say she late liao thn was like chiong-ing , hahas .

sat in sports hall and wenwen's cube was soo cute manzxzxz :D i wan it too ! xD went up and wait wait and wait D: thn came all th speeches and whatever , was crapping with xunlin and joey and MLD came back & was laughing crazily -.- concert was nice man :] & lin disappeared for 3 hours eh ? =.= it was damn funny omg , wont say cos it's too dumb alr x:

& co rocks man =) me and joey were super high when they're performing , hohos . and thn junhong conducted jiangjunling but cher dismissed us ): & we th dummies stood outside to watch , LOL .

bus-ed home with lin and linn , LOL . must differentiate , hahas . & BYE =)

Friday, July 04, 2008
/ 10:39 PM

thinking too much hurts yourself .

F&N was like 3 periods ? was matching names with jiaee :] muahaha . alot of funny names came out , hoho . and we have practical next week , its
spaghetti , LOL . i doubt i can cook it nicely . & somemore my doubt uy can cook too =.=

after recess was maths ! :] (trying to be happy) at least i paid attention , and managed to understand a lil bit , i'm oh so thnkful to mr ang for going thru th chapt again since i was slacking last term ): and thn loudspeaker tcher came in in chi period , wlao , she shouted to th whole class when she was beside me and my ear super pain =.= her woice like mic liddat O.O jonathan also scared of her dun dare talk le ._.

and i only managed to eat at 1.15 when remedial started 1.10 =.= in th end anna pei-ed me and we went to class at 1.30 =.= mr ang nvr scold somemore :] he's so nice during remedial puh-lease :] we started crapping with him after that , and he crap tgt with us somemore =) & he's gonna leave next year ):

and thn stayed back to slack with kailin and joey :] and thn lin came and thr's two kailins alr =.= went up to mph afterwards to find chanchan and we were like talking and talking and talking abt non stop topics can ? this is wat happen if we three are tgt :] i likeeee lin's bunny ! xP she says she wanna give it eyes , LOL .

& thn bus-ed back with jinghui , lin , brenda , wingyan :] and we saw pearlyn ! hahas .


Thursday, July 03, 2008
/ 9:03 PM

lalalala , lalalala , elmo's world :D

tday is all jeans day , i wanted to wear uniform but since i woke up late and th metal buttons haven't put , so wore jeans ._. saw ms james at admiralty and she haven't changed at all , same hairstyle , same type of clothing , same type of sandals . LOL . mrt-ed to sch and we saw a cockroach climbing from a lady's jeans all th way up to th shirt and thn into her bag >.< thn jinghui go tell her , and th lady ransacked her bag thn it flew out ._. i almost shouted ):

art was continue drawing , & i got 7/10 for my previous work :] happy le . hist. was talking abt political ppl -.- ms santha cnnt teach lesson cos we keep asking her what is th relationship of this person and that person , how he die , and other stuffs -.-

had wrksheet for science & i almost died , just cnnt rmb th things in my head ): & we had presentation later in eng and i only spoke one line :] heh hehs .

assembly was crapping with ferlyn and jinghui , LOL . jh make me and ferlyn scared >.< had concert , and ms khaw's cute , LOL . co performance was nice , and i can hear 1e th jiamin keep asking jasmine : eh who is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ar . LOL , thn i joke with jasmine oso . hahas .

& thn ate with jh at admiralty thr and she offfended someone eh ? shall not elabo , hahas .

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
/ 7:46 PM

boring day , boring teachers , boring lessons , INTERESTING FRIENDS :D heh hehs

wells , sch's abt th same everyday which makes me dun feel like blogging -.- my valval & lin disappeared in recess , or rather they are at th orther part of th canteen >.< & i almost zzz in chi lesson ): her lesson's boring /=

& i'm finally going to reply tags after so many days -.-

jamie : hahas , fun :]
meixin : WOAINI too . LOL
peiying : O.O"
rongher : :]
yk : okays :D
wingyan : diao -.-
penelope : HIYEEE :D
cheries : will link you soon :]
miaosi : YO :D
A.K : hellos .
xinmin : yeah lor , both very shuai :DDD
A.K : i lazy to do ehs =.=
zoe : hahas , see ya too :]
lyq : hihi , of course i know you :D
miaosi : thnks , yours oso very nice :]
weikang : yo shuaige -.-
A.K : hellos =.=
valeriie : LOL , mad laughing disease rocks .
xinmin : no nid complain , very fair . HAHAS
peiying : HIYEE :]
yk : see ya in sch too :D
meixin : idk if she written down my name O.O" and it was rly super funny during th interview in pri sch . LOL . th prefect mistress was like : HUH ? fun ? -.-
Promisemelikenot : lol , you are ?

finally :D

Tuesday, July 01, 2008
/ 8:03 PM


lessons were boring tday =.= ( did i say that ytd ? LOL ) & i was listening to maths tday eh ? killed alot of my brain cells ): i understand a lil bit , will try to ask mr ang . ask gh oso can , he pro lei /= she was talking abt values during HCL tday , wats th point ? =.=

co was slack slack and slack :] so nice to hear from zhaolaoshi that i've improved , oh ya , he said im a retard before eh ? ): nvr mind , i work harder ! :] & me and brenda was zi-highing when th next door was playing th songs ._. she got infected by my mad laughing disease , HOHO .

& i'm off to do my hw ):