
Designer: darkdegree
Partofthecodes: detonatedlove
Images: moargh
Textues: peachinparis
Icons: threemoresteps

Friday, August 31, 2007
/ 10:00 PM

hiiee XD
im so kind yar ?
always post for qw de ^^
she said something about being at her cousin house , thn there no comp .
er , she go there for what lah +.+

anw i also only can update today only sia -.-
also no use right ?
dao bu ru go zzz nicer .
zomg i become tv addict le XD
damn nice th show can ?


Thursday, August 30, 2007
/ 8:10 PM

hiie hiie
long time din post
lin de mom PRO wan lorhhs
she last tikme work at bakery one
without her
our cake might be destroyed lorhhs
i maybe doin photo bash up later
clear up all th pics in mi comp

Saturday, August 25, 2007
/ 10:21 PM

Create your own Friend Test here

mus take kae..
easy de..
SUPER easy

/ 10:12 PM

benjamin out siaa
shawn doesn't deserve to get 1st lorhhs
damn unfair

/ 5:24 PM

postin at wy house
msn with TEOQIXUAN now
we c each othr everyday wat

Friday, August 24, 2007
/ 8:09 PM

long time din post..
reallie sian..
i reallie wan go die

Monday, August 20, 2007
/ 6:15 PM

changed a new blogskin..
like it not because of the format..
is the image
like blur blur de
nicee :D

Sunday, August 19, 2007
/ 10:40 PM

gtg slp le

/ 10:16 PM

001. real name: Qi Wen
002. nickname: # qiwen__]]
003. single or taken: complicated-.-"
004. zodiac sign :Sagitaurus
005. male or female : female
006. elementary : nil
007. high : nil
008. college : nil
009. eye color : blac
010. hair color : black
011. long or short hair : long
012. shoe size : forgot le
013. asthma? : yup
014. are you health freak : nope.
015. height : skip can?
016. have a crush on : someone somebody
017. do you like yourself: yeayea..i zi lian one can?
018. piercings : ?
019. tattoos : noo...
020. righty or lefty: rightyy

022. first surgery : erm..shld be K2 bah..ankle injured
023. first piercing : O.O
024. first best friend : Fiona
025. first movie : forgot le lahh
026. First sport you joined : dunno-.-
027. first pet: forgot..loll
028. first vacation :Malaysia
029. first concert: K2
030. first crush : er.. secret lah

049. eating : nothing
050. drinking : nothing
052. i'm about : to continue on my cross-stitch^^
053. listening to : JJ-hai pa
055. waiting for : one person to sms me
057. wearing : red shirt and white shorts[loll..sounds like singapore flag-.-]
058. want kids? : dunno
059. want to get married? : next time bah
060. careers in mind? : dunno
068. lips or eyes? : eyes
069. hugs or kisses? : hugs
070. shorter or taller : LOLL
072. romantic or spontaneous : romantic
073. stomach or arms : -.-"
074. sensitive or loud: both
075. hook-up or relationship: erm..
078. kissed a stranger: siao
080. lost glasses/contacts: glasses :nope..
081. ran away from home : no
082. broken any bones : nopee .
084. broken someone's heart : yea..
085. been arrested : nopee
086. turned someone down : yea..
087. cried when someone died: yea
088. liked a friend : friend ... yahh .

089. yourself: noo
090. miracles : YEA
091. love at first sight : yupyup
092. heaven : YES!!
93. santa claus :LOL no.
094. fairies : O.o
095. kissing on the first date : maybe bah
096. angels : yup!

097. Is there anyone you want to be with now? : yes so what?
098. Is Superman really better than Batman? : both sucks
099. Have you had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at the same time?: =.=
100. Is tsun han a good name: LOLL

Saturday, August 18, 2007
/ 9:25 PM

forgot update for long long time..

hates yesterday's oral
they ganged up tuh bully me..
im sure he's jokin..
u all noe de rite..
especially tt FWH..
u GTH lahh..
gang up dem tuh bully me
im SURE he jokin one
definitely not true
if true i gg chop off mi head
he sucked
he still dare call jh tuh talk abt it
he'ld getit frm me one
ta yi ding hui wan dan..
n those who know plsplspls dun spread

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
/ 10:27 PM

MissTeoQiWen .

I will get fed-up de hor .
Why your comp always spoil one .
Wht you do t your comp t make it spoilt again anw :x
Only one pathetic day sia .
It's like impossible for a new CPU t spoil so fast one ._.
Unless of course some meddlesome person has been meddling with it .
*stares at qw*
Next time please please please don't make your stupid CPU spoil again hor .
You make spoil again I sure piak you one .
I so kind-hearted .
Everytime also post for you :x
Who ask me sometimes train your Audi char one .


Monday, August 13, 2007
/ 5:30 PM

Create your own Friend Test here

See if you know me..
mus take the quiz kae..
easy de..
if u noe me well

/ 5:10 PM

im finally back
mi comp no hope le
so mom bought another one
mi compie..
den the gd gd uncle got help me download maple n audi
audi cnnt play siaa
later i go dl again
den realised tat got th adobe photoshop downloaded oso
finally got photoshop le
but i still mus yanjiu how to use
im beginner
let me go find mi photoshop tutorial..
bought it long long ago..
for fun


finally found it
i go yanjiu photoshop le..
hope i could edit nice nice pics..
maybe not..
i is benben de..

Sunday, August 12, 2007
/ 8:10 PM

This post is for QW .
Sorry lar , these few days forgot t update >:
Actually , is not forgot :x
Is I hardly online these days .
And I am very th sorry t MsTeoQiWen hor .
I help you relink zh as way of apology lar .
omfg my time is running out le >:
Update more tomorrow ok ?
Tata (:


Friday, August 10, 2007
The kind girl `star is / 11:13 PM

QW's computer has officially broken down .
And despite the on-going argument in the cbox , I have decided to post for her (:

Okay lah , I'm not tht kind hearted -.-
QW ask me post thn I post lor .
And yeapyeap qw comp spoil le )))):
and tht means there will be one less person t chat with and play those stupid msn games with T.T
and also one less blog t visit ):
and also one more blog t update .

oh gawd im so ill-fated lah .

and pretty please let me emphasize here tht toy violins do make a sound even if it has no batteries inside .
cause excluding my knowledge about th violins i do know my cousin has one (:
and i definitely remember myself taking out th batteries and strummingth violin pretending t be a pro or something liddat :x
tht was like when i was in P3 ok ?
im not tht childish now -.-

This post was typed by `star by order of animalzlover

Thursday, August 09, 2007
/ 6:23 PM

heard tat thrs a international brownies+girlguide camp on the december holidays
4 students per sch onli
$200 per student
can pay by edusave[provided if thrs enough money in ur edusave]
i definitely wanna go
if i can lahh

/ 6:17 PM

i finally found out why i wanna be a girl guide in secondary
tats bcos..
i wanna participate in the NDP!
i really admire how they march and how they are able to stand there without movin for soo long
so i wanna be a girl guide
and im a brownie now
the thing is i dun like camp siaa
but if dun hav mud i dun mind de

/ 6:14 PM

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to Singapore
happy birthday to you

singapore 42 years old le
i 11+ onli

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
/ 8:10 PM

the toy volin in mi room got sounds come out de
mi mum take out batteries le
if still got sounds den scary le
the ghost festival wanna come le lahh

/ 8:03 PM

n btw i found out smthin..
mi tuition teacher say if the sch din giv soveneir for us on nationalday n childrens'day
can report tuh the MOE de..
cos MOE giv a sum of money tuh every schs in s'pore tuh buy the presents for students de
i wan go ask mrslim on monday

/ 4:25 PM

4 days holidays = 4 days alotoftuitionhmwkdays
sure got alot of hmwk one lahhs

/ 4:00 PM

comp no lag le siaa
IE better or firefox better?
i dunno siaa
but i like tuh use IE..
dunno why-.-
the concert todae sucks
the performance almost all the same de
why did i go 10th anni?
but 10th anni more fun than the stupid concert lahh
the soveneir de siaa
school stingy de..
n 6V got all wear redwhite mehhs
din notice sia-.-
but i c tanhuili..
disgustin de lorhhs her..
wear the shorts until so short sia
den at class we do the dunno what test
lame lame de lahh
wht environmentally friendly de
i got 18/20
the 2q i got wrong is:
1) how many waste does a person per week .......[forgot le..]
den the ans is 1/4kg
i wrote 1/2 kg..
the other one is:
2) do you help to throw the used crokery/cutlery left on the table?
of course no lahh
i wont do such thing de
dis concern abt personal hygiene
used one siaa
who wanna take
but sads
the ans is yes..
who cares abt the things left behind
its not mine rite?

/ 3:24 PM

national day celebration today
the observance ceremony nix
if kohzhejia did not participate in the whole event
he sucks
comp laggin now
dun post le
type one word few seconds den come out-.-
later den post abt the celebration
gtg tuition le

Tuesday, August 07, 2007
/ 11:23 PM

tomorrow th school celebrating national day (:
` bleahh .
coincidentally collide with th ASEAN anni also .
ASEAN anni on 8/8 ; national day on 8/9 .
LOLL one day dif only ._.
mrslim say can wear redwhite / whitewhite / redred .
thn msjames force 6V th pupils t wear redwhite .
means th whole of 6V gonna be in redwhite tomorrow .
th consent form say encourage ; not force siaa .
or msjames read wrong bahh -.-"
though i decide wht to wear le , ugly sia .

this post is by `star
on behalf of animalzlover .


/ 9:27 PM

tuition hmwk damn lot siaa
haven do finish
goin to be burried under the stress of so much hmwk

/ 7:31 PM

mi marks fer prelims
its lan de lorhhs
especially mi maths
its terrible done..

oral - 23/30
LC - 18/20
compo - unknown
bklt A - 25/30
bklt B - 38.5/65
total fer paper 2: 63.5/95

bklt A - 52/60
bklt B - 34.5/40
total: 86.5/100

oral - 47/50
compo - 36.5/40
LC - 13/20
paper 2:
bklt A - 50/50^^
bklt B - 34.5/40T_T
total fer paper 2: 84.5/90..lan!!

bklt A - 12/20
bklt B - 62/80
total: 74/100[1 more mark to A siaa]

higher chinese:
compo - 34.5/40
paper 2 - 57.5/60
total: 92/100[got improve..4 marks]

overall ---- LAN

/ 6:36 PM

i haven find a red top-.-
so guess i mus wear white lerhh
i LOVE white

/ 4:15 PM

i was like spammin in the last post..
i was spammin
cos must reach 1000 posts
not so difficult fer `star and kris lahh
veriveri difficult fer me siaa
since i onli hav a lil bit post
must post so much
i dun blog often last time
even tho i create dis blog fer 9-10 months le
onli got a lil bit posts
i must make up fer the lack of posts last time

/ 4:14 PM

someone, somebody

/ 4:04 PM

2mr is national day celebration le
i haven decided wht to wear 2mr siaa
mrs lim say can wear all white..
white top with jeans
got national flag colour den can le
i wan wear white
lin say she oso wan
but if im the onli wan wear white like guai guai de
i dunn hav red top siaa
got two lahh-.-
but not nice wan
i rather wear white^^
<33s white
whitewhitewhite rocks
i really wan wear white 2mr..
maybe lahh
c wat lin wan wear 1st den say
anyone wear white 2mr?

/ 3:57 PM

i wanna hav 1000 posts by mi gruaduation day..
i swear tt i will
tho i onli hav less than 200 posts now
jyjy lorhhs
todae is the performance siaa
damn ugly de lorhhs
the way we dance-.-
i believe im the black sheep-.-
fer how i danced durin rehersals n the actual performance
i dun wan dance le lahhs..
dancin is not mi hobby wat..
i dun dance usually de wat
so i dun wan dance lerhh
no harm t me..

Monday, August 06, 2007
/ 9:18 PM

wy now post on mi blog le..
on emore person help me update blog
good sia
i suddenly rmb somethin
2mr is performance liao lahh
i scared i forgot dance step
veri paiseh de..
i dun wan go sch 2mr le lahh
the solihin+tzp+sumit de rap tt part dey dance until damn lan de lorhhs
mi see 2mr..
sure funny de
i wan go rmb some dance steps le
CNNT forget de!!

/ 8:19 PM

th photos `star and qw took today (:
i reverting t ie for this post wor .
because i dunwan sign out of mine in firefox ._.
ok lah , enough crapping .
th pics!!

this post was blogged by : `star

BOO (: / 7:43 PM

sry lar .
can't resist th urge t post here ^^"
you wan dlt nvm de T.T
though you delete th post tht means alotalotalot t me i won't die lar :D
only mope and look miserable T.T
i relink ëiix- for you le wor!!
th good kind soul here siaa :D
self-praise :x
mmm , yl just sign in.
th display msg is : I WAN DO EXPERT COUPLE DANCE!
like so hard one can ?
qw :D

this post was written by : `star

Sunday, August 05, 2007
/ 10:51 PM

bu neng shuo de mi mi

冷咖啡离开了杯垫 我忍住的情绪在很后面
拼命想挽回的从前 在我脸上依旧清晰可见

最美的不是下雨天 是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐
oh 回忆的画面 在荡着秋千梦开始不甜


飘落后才发现这幸福的碎片 要我怎么捡

/ 10:28 PM

vote vote vote fer mi new blog add..

/ 1:09 PM

serious flu
feel terrible now-.-
but i still wan blog
i wan change blog name le
shorter one
any ideas?

Saturday, August 04, 2007
/ 6:58 PM

today is mx de birthday..
happy birthday to her!!
she oso older by 1 year le..
im still 11

Friday, August 03, 2007
/ 9:01 PM

won the high sch musical goodie bag..
now den i rmb..
last sunday got HSM rite?
den i sent one sms to ans the q
den win le
lazy to travel t the mediacorp fer the goodie bag-.-
call mi mom go lorhhs

/ 7:54 PM

gibbin mi hammie bath..
not with water lahh-.-
is use power one
i SWEAR tt i want get pocket money frm mummy 2mr
he owe me de

Thursday, August 02, 2007
/ 7:10 PM

[X] I show up for school/work every dayunless I'm sick
[ ] I always carry a pen/pencil in mypocket/purse
[ ] I've never gotten a ticket
[ ] I watch talk shows and point out the incredibility of it all
[X] I know what incredibility means without looking it up
[ ] I drink black coffee

total: 2

[X] I know how to run the dish washer...and/or do the dishes
[X] I can count in more than one language
[X] When I say I'm going to do something, I do it.
[ ] I mow the lawn
[ ] I wash my car
[ ] I can make adults laugh..without being stupid
[ ] I remember to water my plants
[ ] I study when I have to
[ ] I pay attention at school/work
[X] I remember to feed my pets.
[X] I'm generally organized
[ ] I know the meaning of capital punishment

total: 5

[X] I can spell experience without looking it up
[X] I clean up my own messes
[ ] The first thing I do when I wake up is get coffee
[ ] I can go to the store without getting something I don't need
[X] I understand jokes the first time they are said
[ ] I listen to my elders
[X] I understand the fact that the world always screws someone over
[X] I can type fast, because I type everyday

total: 5

[ ] My choice in clothing is acceptable in an office or something like that
[X] I can watch politics and laugh
[X] I have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour
[ ] I have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[X] I can read a book and actually finish it
[ ] People have said that I act older than I am
[ ] I can be sent on an errand and not get sidetracked

total: 3

OVERALL: 15-.-"
better than kris by 2 marks..

/ 7:01 PM

mi chi ken ding wan dan de
li jie wen da difficult lah can?

/ 7:00 PM

dunno why these few days feelin weird weird de-.-
even val say tat

/ 6:51 PM

im back..
from mi own world..
back to the bloggin world..
since exam almost over le..
i can post more le..