
Designer: darkdegree
Partofthecodes: detonatedlove
Images: moargh
Textues: peachinparis
Icons: threemoresteps

Sunday, December 10, 2006
/ 10:18 PM

Just watched Stars Awards...so sadz...sin huey din win...I call so much...such a waste...but nvm...next year try again lorz...byez...

... / 10:12 PM

lol...life is soo boring...go nth to do...let me talk abt val party...6ppl onli...smethin funny happen(not quite funny tho)a fight happened...handphone drop,spec drop,even the shirt is torn... funnier,they were fighting for a piece of paper...I 4got how they recover...the 2 ppl are **** n *********...wont tell u...

Friday, December 08, 2006
New blogskin... / 9:30 PM

Changed a new blogskin...this is the most nicest blogskin i have made...i dun lik the tittle...got nth to rite liao...BUT...this is mi hardwork...so i will create more blogskins and post more...byez...

Sunday, December 03, 2006
new blogskin... / 3:06 PM

Changed a new blogskin...Created it miself...I think it is abit plain...coz i dun noe how to edit background...planned to ask WY but she is offline...will try to improve next time...The problem now is shld i contribute this blogskin or make this unique in mi own blog...please leave ur comment abt how u think i shld do...

Friday, December 01, 2006
/ 10:27 PM

Long time no post...Too lazy...Bought mi books 2dae n it was damn heavy...i even spoil the stroller when i was pushing it...feel guilty...the pupils diary was now changed into pupils planner...it was lik...V V troublesome...need to paste photo(i din paste...),got stickers(quite lame...),reflection n blah blah blah...so...i will try to post more...