
Designer: darkdegree
Partofthecodes: detonatedlove
Images: moargh
Textues: peachinparis
Icons: threemoresteps

Saturday, February 28, 2009
relink . / 5:06 PM



entries here are still viewable though :D

Saturday, February 07, 2009
everything changed , if you haven't even noticed . / 9:16 PM

this song is supeeeer nice ! that time cny when i was back in m'sia . she let us watch her MVs which haven't beeen released , then i was like screaming when this song is played . The other song is
无能为力 , my aunt say its very nice , hahaha .

hellohellohello .

eventually , i wasn't really punctual today , though we reached on time . causeee , i made pretty brenda waited for ten minutes . hahaha . cause i went to sleep after i woke up . & then brenda says she's gonna call me to make sure i'm awake tml , muahahaha . & i f.king hate this you know , reached on time , but there's nobody . what is this ? crazeeeh .

andand , most of the songs we practiced today - i don't know how to play . LOL . i guessed i need to hide behind with joey to avoid embarrassment . hahaha . joey & me are seriously jokers today . we tried to pick up the piece of paper on the floor , then the other piece drop off . then when we tried to pick them up , my erhu knocked brenda's head /: && , joey finally understands my feeeeling , hahahahaha .

went to northpoint with clique w/o twinny . coolio , cause sunshine played with me all the way . damn funny at the bus luh . yan xu & rong yao were like sitting in front of us mah , then yanru was wearing this hoodie . sunshine went to cover the hoodie on his head for a lot of times , we laughed until like crazy . then yan xu got so pissed that he removed the hat(?) of the hoodie , and laugh at sunshine cause she can't play anymore , hahaha .

bought dardar's present at northpoint , & bought shoelaces with joeeeey (:D) . and then homeee sweeet homeee .

i want to buy new shoes , new bag , new wallet , new phone , & a lot a lot more . (!!!) ahhhh , i need more money ($$) & time !

ohohoh , meeting up with laogong tomorrow after co <3>

brenda says she gonna buy chocolates for me in Vday , hahahaha . cause i told her nobody will gimme , LOL .

& LG Secret is kindaaaa , chioooo ! :D
see see ?

byebyebye :D

Friday, February 06, 2009
Qi Wen don't like assholes . / 8:45 PM

hahaha , i love this bitch , LOL .
hellohello :D

anyway , I really really had a great laugh with sunshine this few days . you know , when we're together , we can cheer each other up . we were singing this bisexual song allt he way , yesterday & today . don't worry , be happy ? yeah . we got A LOT of things to laugh about everyday one luh .

cloves2 was kinda funfunfun todaay . cause we need to build a tower using newspaper . grouped with richard , brenda , eunice & jiamin . we tried to build , then collapsed . in teh end when we need to present our tower , richard took out the base & stuck a small roll of newspaper , and put in the front . he went like : " OUR ONE DIDN'T FALL ! " in the end all the groups failed . but still , fun . espcially when me & chuting went to throw all the rubbish . cause full liao , chuting went to step the newspaper inside the bin , funnehhh .

bused to northpoint for my LJS . i think clique very kelian , cause everytime i got craving for something , they need to accompany me . today i feel like eating ChewyJunior , so they accompanied me too . LOL . && that ChewyJunior that cashier damn cute lor . the guy super duper cuteeee ! as in , not shuai laar . BUT CUTEEEEE . his actions and words . hahaha , don't tell you why .

ohohoh , i finally know the name of MY FRIEND . her name is jiaying :D cause got one time we took the same bus , so say hi to each other . then after that we jiu kep calling each other , "MY FRIEND" . & dk each other's name . then today we took the same bus to northpoint again , then we finally intro-ed ourselves . hahahah .

co-ed , changed places with tanboyue . ahhh , not good ! cause i sitting super close to suonaaa , ahhhhh . butbutbut , aaron mao joker , can make people laugh de . hahah . then i cannot communicate with jiaee alr ! D: and twinny is super far away from me , double sad DD: .

and then , stupid . you purposely one ! assholeee .

hahaha , this mv is super nicenicenice ! must see de ! :D

this one also not bad ! :DD

Tuesday, February 03, 2009
放空 -.- / 8:37 PM

hellohello , ahaha i love my laogong ! :DDDD

heh , i'm posting alreaaaady ! hahaha , maybe will only post when i feel like it now & then . yeah , kinda busy nowadays , see my schedule ?

monday: maths remedial .
tuesday: co .
wednesday: drama .
thursday: free .
friday: co .

& often my thursdays are packed with other things ? then yeah , whole week packed .

anyway , i think there's something really wrong with jonathan and me nowadays . yesterday we keep calling other people wrong names , not purposely one ! he called me richard & yize . then i keep calling other people jiaee . especially laogong luh , & now jiaee and laogong like to tease me by calling wrong names .

then todaay , we keep 放空 . like suddenly mind went blank . for the whole day lei ! its like , we today super restless . then will suddenly keep quiet , then awake again . & we cannot concentrate on ANYTHING . brother hit me for a few times to wake me up today .

& i wonder what will happen tomorrow . LOL .

ohohoh , i realised i keep seeing someone since the starting of this year . joey should know we issit . but i only know the face , dunno the name . so too bad . but really lei , EVERYTIME SEE DE ! okay this is super random i know .

& co today , talked to brenda . until i almost cry , LOL . she keep saying my tears in my eye alr . cause of something laar . but , still , i don't blame anyone . i neh study until that chapter , i should know the consequences . i didn't really copy , so my conscience is quite clear . & yeah , just pass , so what ?

& yeah , bye :D

Friday, January 30, 2009
/ 8:51 PM

i'm supeer no mood todaay , HELL . ohohoh , starhub delivered my sim card to my house already , hahaha . they super efficient manzxzx , i think i called them just yesterday ? not baaad .

todaaay jinghui funny laah , sent me msg : " OMG I SAME BUS AS _ LEI ! " then super excited . okaaylar , obvoiusly she's only joking that she like _ . then she went telling us this funny thing has happened when she walk to school .

drama after school , laughed damn lot . cause was thinking of super funny ideas to add into the script mah . then mr chua made us laughed so much , until stomach pain . okay , QIWEN LOVES CHINESE DRAMA NOW . cause its super fun , not some super boring cca i tell you . chinese dramaaa .

awwwww , & i feel super guilty noow . cause of something . sorry to that girl ? though i don't know who are you /: hope you're eyes will be alright laa . i guilty for a lot of hours le , if you not okay , i think i'll feel even more uneased laah . i think i'm turning more clumsy already . hahaha .

i think i'm going crazy , jinghui called me two times . then i was like : " WHO ARE YOU ?! " when she speak . totally not her voice mah !? she still say my mind not clear liao . but really lei , when she speak , her voice damn deep like some guy . hahahah .

okaay , tomorrow is bainian daay . go to each person of the clique de house . then together to mr ang's house . yay yay :]

Thursday, January 29, 2009
stupid moodswings . / 9:30 PM

hellohello :D

today , stupid moodswings again . didn't intend to blog one , but stupid anna say must blog . see i so good i blog , for you lei !

seriously i got nothing to blog though , hahaha . ohyah , jonathan says : "mdm tan is a lady of elegance, ..." in his compo . hah , and he got 23/30 for his compo ?! super high lei , i only get 18 ._. super sleepy the whole day , faster do the chinese test then fall asleep liao . sleep until very shuang . LOL .

i seriously cannot do science experiments with jinghui laaah ! cause last year we broke 2 beakers , 1 test tube , then today i broke one glass rod . LOL . then i was telling huilin don't give me the thermometer , cause i'll break -.- experiments are super funny lor , cause do with huilin & jinghui . only huilin serious , then me & jinghui are the super blur one . hahaha .

assembly totally rocks , cause its draaamaaa . okay , sunshine keep telling me that i'll become like them next time x.x nonono , i won't . hahahaha . & i totally cannot absorb anything during english remedial , forget it .

siansiansian , bused to northpoint with brenda cause mama wanna meet me . thenthen , when i reach there , mama say she wanna see doctor (which is near school .___.) in the end cab there -.- WHERE I TOOK MY BUS . lame right ? then the clinic too many people , i lazy wait . then daddy say MUST let me cab home , even though i say i want take bus . siansian .

kaaylar , post finish liao . anna happy ?! hahaha .

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
how does it feel like being trapping in the same day everyday ? / 8:40 PM

todaaaay is aaa looong daaaaay ! :)

hahahaha , today was kinda funfun . FT didn't come , so super slackish . LOL , shaojun know that she neh come , then he went to spike his hair liao -.- hehs . && , something super suay . stand for the whole period in chinese cause didn't bring jianbao . then after school , realised that damn jianbao was under my table all long . DAMN ):

today recess clique bought a sandwich to eat ! cause they see i everyday eat sandwich also wanna eat liao . hahaha . current addiction : lemoooon teeeea ! really super nice lor , why people like laogong & jiaee say not nice ?! oh , i was sipping on my lemon tea happily , then i asked brother to try mah . in the end , HE DRANK THE WHOLE BOTTLE ! damn brotheeeer . okaylar , but he's super good too .

me love history lesson today , cause i get to copy noteees . me love to copy notes looor ! hahaha . ohohoh , music lesson kinda rooock as usual . & when andrew ong showed us the little nyonya theme song , jiaee & anna sang along . LOL .

slacked in co room with twinny , joey , brother & cheewei until twinny went to find her fweeen . stoned with joey until 3.30 . then went to coe room with the 2G guys . jonathan kept playing with huilin's tuner lor ! super funny laaa , keep ah ah ah to see how sharp his voice was . hehs . then got kinda bored , & went to play with jonathan's phone . can watch teevee one lei ! coolio . watched zong1 yi4 da4 ge1 da4 until cailaoshi came .

talked about storyline for hours okaay . they are so god damn gonna set the female lead(which is most probably gonna be me if cailaoshi cannot find anymore people) as a LAO AH MA . hahahaha .the story is just gonna revolve around lao ah ma looor . scaaaaared D:

the others went earlier cause tcher wanna talk to me , jonathan & jiang shuai . talked about storyline(AGAIN) . until 7 plus lor . walked to the backgate with cailaoshi , & he's eating his ba gua & talking . about , fat fat & fei fei . LOL . jiaxin & me super pekcek alr lor .

bused back , & me saaaaw FAUZAN in the bus . hahaha , we fated right ?! kay joking luuuuh . talked to him for awhile . & WHAT THE HECK ?! he burst into laughters when i say i went into drama club . he went like , "OHMYGOD , QIWEN ? DRAMA CLUB ? HAHAHAHAHA" what's so got damn funny eh -.-

kaay luh , BYEBYEBYE .

edit :
ohohoh , i totally pwn-ed yize .

LOL , i think its kidna funny -.-

Monday, January 26, 2009
HAHAHA . / 11:37 PM

because of a lot a lot of things to be happy of .
because i have twinny , laogong , baobao , clique , & people who'll make my life happy .
& then i don't freaking see a reason why should i be not happy .
soso , HAPPY :D

one random daay , me & sister were crapping in the taxi ...
me : eh the clouds very ncie lei , look so delicious .. * already very tired & sleepy *
sister : *sleepy too* yalor , very nice lei , got chicken drumstick over there , got see ?
me : yeahyeah , still got fish lei !
sister : that one looks like dragon ..
*continue until idk when*

&& , i didn't get to see the eclipse todaaay . TOO BAD D:

hellooo ! / 6:22 PM

boo , hellohello !

i'm in m'sia nooooooow . came here this morning , woke up super early can ? oh , at cousin's housee now :D i totally love their house cause its damn spacious . HAHAHA . managed to use the comp .

heh , todaay got msg twinny eh :] & hor , she use her cousin's house phone to call me . bad right ? the bill also not she pay she called just to say she's gonna pei me on wednesday before drama club , LAMEE .

i'm freakingly bored now , but took alot of pictures . weeell , i think not a lot bah . & least i didn't look so fugly cause i cried for the whole night . ZZZ . kaaaa , nehmind , i'm happy today cause i saw alot of people , hahaha .

okaaylar , nidda go another place alr . BYEBYE .

pictures upload when i'm back home , heh heh .

Sunday, January 25, 2009
pictureeeees / 9:06 PM

雨天 - 孙燕姿



today is finally pictures post :D

sunshine : *so damn proud of 2G !*

kaay i forgot to rotate this picture . me look super retarded x.x

take one , WHY IS PEIYING THERE ?!

take twoo , oh , she go liao o.o

this is WANRU & MY child's name ! cause she's writing her surname(su) , then i suddenly feel like writing my name(qi) , then our child become su qi ! not bad right ? :D

1st : very serious de writing .

serious !
going to pekcek alr !anyhow draw liao , become liddat -.-

aye , forget it . go ask WUGUANGZHI laoshi help us write , tadaaa . nice right ?
i look !@#%#$^ here -.- aww , i think i look suckish in house tee , hell .
rabbit :] little sister name it CINDERELLA -.- lame

hello rabbit !eh , this looks like rabbit or cat ?!

she's trying to say : F. you /:

joey cutie's present !

done , simple & nice .

i have red eyes !

this cow head is supposed to be in the deco too . but we lazy paint , so left it aside -.-

twinny's house -.- the chu & an drop off liao . me & laogong find it super hilarious -.-

me & xinminnnnnnnnnnnnn ! <3

fauzaaaaaan ! me is talleeeeer :D

me love lin laogong ! <3

eh ?! why so tall you ?

ohohoh , ready for something gross ??


its flat for your info -.- i think its killed by some car or what T.T

some pictures in my cameraaaa , lazy upload . next time :D

suddenly remember something . mdm tan say i turn goooood liao lei ! cause my fringe not too long , skirt not too short , socks also pull up . HAHAHAHA .

today , i pull my sister out today , to cwp . cause i wanted to buy fake nails , LOL . almost all the shops closed alr , luckily the one i'm going it's not . yay . in the end , bought hell load stuffs . ah , we so vain -.- LOL .

Friday, January 23, 2009
what's freaking wrong here ? / 7:12 PM

twog oh nine . me love 2G , hell load . we're now super bonded until you can't tear us apart :D
we're not us anymore , no more together , forever . no more no more , all gone .

i seriously don't have any mood to post , but i feel like typing a lengthy post . how contradicting am i . cool . anyway , the whole week hasn't been good for me . not good , = really bad .


i can easily name out things that made me feel so unlucky that day .

1 : i didn't bring my wallet .
2 : i didn't bring the cny deco items .
3 : i got scolded by some random teacher , heck .
4 : i got hit by a basketball when walking along the sports hall .
5 : i didn't get to eat what i wanted , cause when its until my turn , everything finished .
6 : i got brown paint on my face when we're painting .
7 : my palm got cut by a pile of books and bleed , when i tried to take the masking tape inside the cupboard .
8 : jinghui pushed kianyun , and just nice i was there . & kianyun fell onto me . crazy .
9 : got pushed by jinghui , AGAIN . pissed alr .
10 : BAD HAIR DAY , i think my hair sucks that day . boo .
11 : ...
12 : ...
13 : ...
14 : ...
15 : ...
etc ..
i'm sure that's much more .

managed to hold back my tears in school . then for idk what reason , i think i feel feverish . was thinking of that clinic nearby which i always go when i was young , but then i realised i didn't had my wallet with me . then i remembered aunt was working there , but what if she isn't there ? so i bused home , almost fainted .

& i finally can't hold my tears anymore when i stepped into house . i cried like nobody's business . got so stressed up . headache , sore throat , fever , everything . i screamed all i can , telling mother what happened , crying all the way . stupid . then i waited for a freaking 2 hours at the clinic before it was my turn . i think i nearly DIED there . damnit .


i woke up at 4 a.m. , even though i'm not going to school . but i was still pondering whether to go anot , cause there was deco to be done . in the end mother say i must stay at home , nehneh . thanks sunshine for everything you've done . without you , without 2G`09 .


not a very good day either . & i totally love peiying manzxzx . even though we're not very close friends , she still took the risk and helped me . in the end both also kena scolded . me love me love her .

& i cried again , for idk what hell luh . damnit . & everyone thought is i laughed until i cried . well , not the truth . anyway , deco in class until 3.30 , & went to chinese drama club with chee wei . there're 5 more guys there , 4 from 4A , 1 from 4G . then cailaoshi want me to go ask jiaxin they all come mah .

& i went there , they're fixing the roof , like wtf ? then i heck care , went back to COE room . the coach was a guy , LOL . kianyun , jiaxin & shaojun came . which makes 10 people , me = only girl . pathetic . showed us past drama SYF videos , coolcool . talked about the comepetition , then went off .

JOEY & HUILIN & BRENDA DOWAN ACCOMPANY ME TO DRAMA CLUB LAA D: howhow ?! gah , forget it . stayed in classroom abit , then went back home with brenda , thanks for waiting me until my cca's over . hahaha .

got a white rabbit at home , freaking cute laa . valval says it's not special enough , cause white very common . unlike her SUMMER , got such unique colours . LOL .


kinda fun luh , but still , not very happy .

slacked through all lessons . cannot understand chemical equations , almost cried again . LOL . did summary , grouped with jaixin , jasonlow & mingyuan . jiaxin and mingyuan did the work practically , hahaha . anyway , jiaxin molested my bag's twin ! ( huilin's bag , cause its same as mine , LOL ) he go hughughug her baaag lor , biantai -.-

assembly was super funny cause twinny was siting waaay infront , & i can't talk to her . but the good thing is she's yellow house too , then we're not too far away . so me & joey spent the whole assembly crapping with her , using hand language . jonathan says we look like total retards . & i kept hitting jonathan cause of idk what reason . he's very nice to hit at the back you know ! hahaha .

house meeting was crapping with joey & twinny . jonathan , kaicheng and neilson super irritating . not forgetting timothy too , keep touch here touch there . then OOOOOOI at my ears . he super funny one lor , people oi alr , he 3 secs later then oi . HAHAHAAA . we didn't submit the form eventually , cause totally not interested in anything lor . heh /:

cny deco judging , funfun . i found out how contradicting i am lor . last year when everybody was playing the bombing game , i was at co , then i wanted to go out that time . then this year , i totally not interested in the bombing game already . went to the empty classroom to enjoy peace , & messaging friend . then until he nvr reply me alr , judges also come alr . haha .

cheeeered when the judges came in luh , super united . they were kinda impressed by our class ? got that kinda sure win look already . hahah .

fooled around at sectwo classes with laogong after that . she said she sneaked out of 2D cause she got kinda bored there . then went to library with joey , audrey and brenda . dardar like to hit my butt lor ! how bad .

lin laogong was super embarrassed cause she sneaked out of her class , but forgot to return class key to monitor . then her classmates were frantically looking for her until they find her in the library . hahaha .

thankyou to huilin who teach me how to balance equations , totally love her method . cause choopohpoh's method doesn't really suits me . then homed with lin laogong & brendaaaa .


sunshine , cheeeer up . you know we love you , we won't want to see you cry . huilin lover , don't cry too . jiayou , we'll be there for you right ?

cny concert is kinda cool . & i don't understand why twinny , joey , dardar & brenda can say _ is darn shuai . don't get a freaking idea though . something damn gaoxiao then , we knew that 2G's gonna win some prize cause mr chang told FT . then richard sitting behind , & in front passed a msg say later call richard go up stage . then he went to comb his hair nicenice , after that when he stand up liao , wanru on stage liao . LOL .

efforts not paid off , thankyou for those who stayed back to help . {inserts a million thanks + love} to jiaee . cause she's the greatest leader during the whole decoration , & spent almost everyday staying back unless she got co . w/o jiaee , i think i can't possibly lead the whole class to decorate . thanks .

&& , went to cwp with twinny & jinghui . saw old friends , coool . snowden said i grow taller when i didn't . how cool . ate at pizzahut , chicken sooooup ! clique knows the joke , hahaha . basically fooled around at cwp . saaaw shermaine , & knew that she's playing erhu too , at woodgrove . hahaha .

bused to wrps , though actually is heading to twinny house . but just opposite , so went to find xinmin . saaaw fauzan too , everytime we see each other will ask for phone no. , then eventually found out we have each other's number . everytime see him in bus also liddat one .

zhanpeng grown taller , not faaaair . he very dapai lei , make us wait for so long . in the end he run from his house to find us . hahaha . got spilled by coke ? heh , twinny don't pissed laa .

& went to twinny's house to change . saw lin laogong , & went together . got a pink moomoo shirt , hahaha . played the piano , lin teach me the basics until she want die ._. then went back homeee .

i realised i got telepathy with lin laogong ! cause she's trying to find me by calling me , & before i answer her phone , i'm appearing in front of her ! then when she's trying to see if i'm still near wrps cause she wanna walk with me to 888 cause its near my house . then she say she saw two white uniform people across the road (me & twinny) . hahaha .

this is a freaking long post i know . pictures next time :}

super meaningful , to me . makes you tear D:

somehow , i think you're sick & tired of me already D:

Saturday, January 17, 2009
The loser has to fall ; / 4:40 PM

i believeee , i'm not that short ! *smirks*

todaay is supposed to be a studying day , butbutbut . i'm a typical procrastinator , & i spent my time slacking this afternoon . LOL . ohwell , not total slacking . cause i'm thinking to make the twelvee zodiac using balloons . but it kinda tough , for me -.- i've only done the horse , mouse , & monkey till now .___.

mummy told me something funny just now . she said some auntie came to buy noodles , then its 3 dollars, then the auntie give 50 dollars , mummy obviously gave her 47 dollars back lah , duh ?! then after that the auntie came to make a scene ._.

auntie : eh miss ! i give you $50 why you gimme $7 back only ?!
mum : i gave you $47 whaaat !
continue to argue for a few minutes ..
mum : kaay , i go on the cctv and check (& obviously they don't have a cctv there -.-)
auntie : oh so sorry ! i neh check my back pocket still got $40 . sorry hor , make a mistake .

LOL , i think its funny -.-

&&& , i saw this in peiying's blog ! <3

hahs , twog rocks :D

Friday, January 16, 2009
like what the heck . / 8:46 PM


i kinda love fridays , cause its kinda slackish . hoho . mdm tan forced me to surrender my sissors today luh . damn lah . spent lessons talking to #group today . heh heh . got chased away by mdm tan to go back to our own seats eventually .

stayed back for class deco . & i saw sunshine fell down in a super unglam position . she told me to keep it as a secret , but i'm still laughing till now . duh , KARMA . i tripped on my erhu & fell down in the co room . then almost got knocked by a bicycle x.x

walked to bus stop with twinny , brenda , brevian , jiaqing & aaron . jiaqing & aaron , super biantai lar , took out their bio textbooks & talk about sex ._. lame people .

bused with twinny , brenda & changyuan extra extra largeee . LOL . twinny kept molesting changyuan cause the bus damn shaky , & she kept knocked onto him . hahahaa . then twinny told me changyuan says bella's cute ?! kaay , cool -.-

i'm now waiting for that damn twinny to bathe finish cause she says she wanna ask me something -.-

Thursday, January 15, 2009
muahahaha ; / 8:27 PM


i'm a tired girl recently luh , cause i fall asleep straight when i'm on my bed . ohyah , i realised i didn't really told people i changed phone number . LOL . cause sim card spoil , i think i will go repair soon .

i spent today like aimlessly , & jinghui keep saying i'm weird today , which is practically untrueeee . hoho . i practically still DON'T UNDERSTAND FREAKING SCIENCE . shit you science . LOL . & brother dowan to teach me DD: me don't like assembly cause it makes me feel sleepy x.x

&&& , cailaoshi asked me to go to the chinese drama thingy every wednesday . i'm kinda interested lei ! but clique doesn't wanna accompany me though . luckily cailaoshi say cheewei probably got go too , so i think i'm going . cailaoshi says if the drama thing successful will become cca . hohoho . & i think i'll be going next wednesday ! (although this means i'll have to sacrifice my library time D:)

went to causeway point with xunlin , peiying , brenda , jinghui . ate at pastamania , & i found a new love pasta . muahahaaa . then the guys joined us(jonathan , richard , jasonlow , shaojun) , & watch red cliff . heh not bad lah , though me & brenda spent half of the time laughing .

shopped ard with brenda and bought a supeeer cute ultraman mirror for jiaxin . 'cause he's zilian mah ! brenda suggested to buy mirror de , muahaha .

&& , i saw ________ waiting for bus today -.- i thought he live in yishun ?! lols . attempted to chiong the bus but unsuccessful . BOO . looked supeer unglam running though x.x

tomorrow probably staying for cny deco . planned what to do already , but currently i have nothing to do at home . cause i'm the overall i/c , heh heh . sunshine's drawing the cows :D

mdm tan say mr oh have high expectation in 2G cause last year 1G got second . & he's quite surprised that we haven't do any deco in our class . somemore somemore , he say he saw potential in jonathan since last year , say he can be head prefect . LOL . he likes jonathan . LOL .

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
& i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow your house down . / 8:05 PM

edit :{
LOL , clique believes in retribution alr . cause that time the scanival pictures in the library got jiaee mah , then we laugh until mad . then today we went to see other photos , & found ourselves ! BOO . me , anna , joey , huilin , brenda all kena . muahahaha .

this is when the sun sets ;

hellohello :D

todaaay when walking to school supeer hao xiao . twinny suddenly ran across the road and : " KEPAAAKKKKKKK " . then lin laogong says she sounded like a chicken screaming when it's gonna get slaughter . LOL . then yah , something something happened , muahaha . two days in a rowwww .

& i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow your house down . courtcase trail during english , fun fun . it's about three little pigs & big bad wolf . hahahaa . & i realised i totally can't understand science that i think i'll fail the test lor . hohoho .

musicccccccccccccc ! funfun okaay , cause i crapped with brother . must sit acc. to reg. no. mah , so i only can talk to brother -.- andrew ong is prooo , cause brother randomly let him see a piano scoree & he got it right . BOO . 2G kept ponyo here ponyo thereee , but he still nvr piss . cool right ?!

stayed in library to finish up homework , math & hist. . this time not bad , we did finish everything by three o'clock . slacked until five , & home with brenda .

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
shut up , & go away . / 9:12 PM

i think this is adorableee , me me me ! :D

clique & i found a nicenice game device that's nicer than psp , you can get it with 4$ plus , from mac . kaay , cause this morning huilin not enough $$ buy meal , then she buy happy meal . LOL . cuteee , then give the nicenice toy . intro richard cause he sitting the table next to us , in the he say we lame , then played with his psp -.- what lame , jonathan also say fun ! LOL

i kinda like maths today , its something i can understand . thanks to huilin ! hoho , i love her more than anyone esle . hahahaaaa . complete assignment within 1 period , cheeeers !

i pissed off zhaolaoshi , AGAIN . cause i can't really play that part weeell , my seat very awkward lor . before me is weiyi & kianyun , both supeer pro . no need teacher scold de . then until me , he start to scold -.- butbutbut , i think i really improved lor . last year he scold me retard , cause i can't play a simple part well . now at least i can ! satisfied alr .

anyway , zhaolaoshi says need audition for erhu sooon . heh , i can't play well , anyway . LOL . but i'm still being good to practice arhu at home :D

me & twinny got telepathy , like ALMOST everytime i can guessed what she want to say . when she go ; " errr , errr " , then i'll say what she want to say . hahahaaaa .


Monday, January 12, 2009
another pretty , & awesome illusion . / 8:43 PM

twinny , meixin & laogong supeer bad this morning . they jealous of me being so early in the mrt station , & they walked veryvery slowy , just to make them understand that they everytime wait me very xinku . BADDD RIGHT ?!

i'm kindaaa sian today , oh i realised something . i tend to become A BIT anti social with a whole group of people on mondays . for idk what reason . & there's still freaking badminton for next five pe lessons . i can't even serve -.- i successfully pissed off chuting , jinghui & huilin just now for my 'pro' skills in badminton . LOL .

there's a new teacher call wulaoshi too , who'll be assisting wulaoshi in chinese lesson . let's greeet them as wulaoshi(s) :D HOHOHO , as usual , i spent the f&n crapping with jiaee lah . in the end only we haven't do finish workbook . LOL . &&& , we're doing sewing next week , yay yay yay -.-

jiaee sunshine got super pissed off at me during math remedial , cause she had a hard time teaching me math . i'm kinda hopeless laaaa D: maths is not for me ):

went to the library after school with clique . they did maths , i went to borrow two books to read . now i have 5 novels waiting for me to read , 6 decorating books for me to find inspiration . BOO -.-

Sunday, January 11, 2009


i'm a veryvery happy girl nowwwww . don't ask why , cause idk too . LOL . anyway , i think #2 & #6 are coming to my house later , for their homework . hohoho , somebody to play with me ! lol -.-

i think i need to go to cwp later , sian . cause need to get the assessment book ms khaw wants . BOO . supposed to get it last friday after CO , but i totally forgot about it ;x

i seriously have to start on my math , but i'm lazy .___. I THINK I'M GOING TO WATCH RED CLIFF 2 :D with the 2G people who went together last year to watch red cliff 1 . last year movie that time , damn funny . cause jinghui 'lost her phone' , in the end its under the seat -.-

brother is boliao you know ?! last night we were talking on msn , about cca carnival .

him : eek , i had a tiring morning lei .
him : & i only get to see ______ thrice .
him : sad .
me : so you're sad that you had a tiring morning , or you only get to see ______ thrice ??
him : both -.-
me : you pervertic or whaat , keep looking at her .
him : i not like ________ lor , he keep turning his head to look at ______ .
me : -.-

(i think we're very random , like brother like sister :D)

oh yeah , jinghui is at my house ! where's jonathan -.-

Saturday, January 10, 2009
牛郎织女的爱情 / 7:12 PM

keychains from brotherrrrr :D
(eeeeeek , he refuses to tell me where he got'em .____.)
i found this really meaningful . 说明了古代人向往美好的爱情, 恋人要坚贞, 要肯为爱等待, 只要坚持总会收到好的结果. hahaa .




牛郎翻山越岭,来到了伏牛山,终于找到了那头有病的老牛,他看到老牛病得厉害,就去给老牛打草,一连喂了三天,老牛吃饱了,才抬起头告诉他:“自己本是天 上的灰牛大仙,因触犯了天规被贬下天来,摔坏了腿,无法动弹,自己的伤需要用百花的露水洗一个月才能好。”牛郎不畏辛苦,和老牛相依为命,细心地照料了老 牛一个月,白天为老牛采花接露水治伤,晚上依偎在老年身边睡觉,到老牛病好后,牛郎高高兴兴赶着十头牛回了家。


一天,天上的织女们下凡来到人间,她们看见人间非常美丽,便在河里洗澡,不料小织女的衣服被风吹走,正好被放牛的牛郎捡到,牛郎心想那位女子的衣服丢了一 定很着急,便在此处等候。这时小织女的姐姐们已回到了天上,她憔急万分四处寻衣,恰好碰见在此等候的牛郎,对牛郎感激不尽,并产生了好感,二人互生情意, 后来织女做了牛郎的妻子。


牛郎上天无路,还是老牛告诉牛郎,在它死后,可以用它的皮做成鞋,穿着就可以上天。牛郎按照老牛的话做了,穿上牛皮做的鞋,挑着一双儿女,一起腾云驾雾上 天去追织女,眼看就要追到了,王母娘娘拔下头上的金簪一挥,一道波涛汹涌的天河就出现了,牛郎和织女被永远隔在两岸,只能相对哭泣流泪。



NOT BAD RIGHT ?! hehs , i'm kinda touched by their story eh .

mom says we're not going back to m'sia this cny . so not good . not going back = doing nothing . anyway , dad says maybe we're going to the zoo ! not bad . but m'sia seems more appealing to me , LOL .

i still think its a very pointless day . i almost can't find any reason to live through today . DDDD: updated @ livej again :]

Everything comes to those who wait . / 3:55 PM


nehmind , i shall go watch teevee now .
i know this is a supeer random post .
oh , suddenly remember something .
jiaee & wanru told me the photo we(mingyuan , wanru jiaee & me) took with mr ang ,
is on the year book .
nonono , cause i looked supeer hideous there .
sunshine say it was COOL !?
kaay , at least its taken with mr ang .


Friday, January 09, 2009
Stupid , asshole . / 9:12 PM

w/o jonathan D:

school's boring w/o them . 4 people can't really talk in a sense that everyone will laugh . but , they're coming back soon ! heh , their homework is with me , prolly cause they live near me . LOL .

i think i'm stupidly clumsy recently laaa . my fingers are bleeding for the past few days , no i didn't commit suiside . it's just that somehow the compass poke into my finger & it bleed , and somemore i accidentally use penknife to cute my fingers -.- i went to break my compass and throw it away , thinking that i'm safe . NO , today during art we were asked to draw a circle , & huilin's compass poked into my finger , AGAIN . damn x.x

clique is being very good to stay back with me to do class deco again . totally changed the design from yesterday , but satisfied :D halfway 1G came to use classroom , so quickly complete the rest and went off . & i realised duan feng's marker is still with me -.-

co was totally retarded . sat with joey instead cause brenda says she wanna play erhu with twinny -.- & then the stand suddenly drop , kena scolded by zhaolaoshi . LOL . then we were like discussing about this 3 people , stage 1 , 2 & 3 . stupidly funny lah .

as usual , alot people overtook me cause i walk very slowwww . slow , as in very slowww . brenda almost died walking with me . heh , bused home with her then :]


Thursday, January 08, 2009
我觉得, 我最近好傻 ,好笨 . / 4:34 PM

ignore yize .__.


today clique looks super funny , cause we all have clipped up hair . LOL . then coincidentally , the other girls also have the same hairstyle . FT didn't managed to scold anyone of us today , i think . hoho . tomorrow will also be like that bah , heh heh .

during assembly damn malu lah . mr ong was like talking , then beebee saw this person yawn . cause she say this person very shuai mah , then she went so hyper ._. & i told her : " eh , your ___ also yawn lei !" she even more hyper liao . & mr ong went : " see , the sec twos are talking now " LOL . jasper keep making noise lah ! hehs .

stayed back with clique to decorate the class . put up the class motto nia . didn't have time to buy construction paper . so next time . thankyou clique for staying back with me although you all can go for movies .

walked with kailin laogong & brenda . until the backgate there(outside school alr) , laogong says she lost the class keys . then she say want go back find mah . nobody open gate for us , then i saw shifu & MPA senior nearby , jiu call them help me open gate . just when they walk until the gate liao , laogong find her keys alr . LOL .

got math homework , HOW TO DO ?! i seriously don't understand anything lah x.x i can't understand science too , cause mrs choo uninterest me .LOL . but she neh give homework till now de , hoho .


everytime i watch this i will have a great laugh :D

Wednesday, January 07, 2009
When the world breaks into half , where will you be ? / 10:31 PM

坏人 - 方炯镔



I had a great laugh today , hohoho .

brother gave me two monkey keychains as presents ! supeer cute . anyway , jonathan refuses to acknowledged himself as #2 . i'm #1 , brother is #3 , beebee is #4 , huilin lover is #5 , jinghui is #6 . xPP .

history was hilarious lar . there was this kiddo at rainbow center , & he started to throw stuffs through the window from the 3rd floor . The class laughed each time he threw something . HE THREW HIS PAIR OF SHOES DOWN TOO . all the books , toys , trays of stuffs , and almost threw a mini rubbish bin down .__. in the end his tcher made him go down and clear . LOL .

math was : catch no balls lesson . i think i was half asleep , cause whatever notes i've written i don't remember that i wrote them . i still ask huilin whose handwriting is this . LOL .

homework at library with joey , huilin & brenda . we're guaikias . but i didn't bring my chinese books , though . chinese was damn difficult luh , even papa & mama dunno . we even used this thick thick dictionary found in library . did maths afterwards , supeeer hilarious . in the end i went to read books cause i was bored out by chinese & math D:

bused back with brendaaa :D i feel so sleepy lar . oh & brenda wants New Moon . but then i promised sunshine to lend her , then after that lend jinghui . LOL . oh , i forgot to stuff a book into my bag . hehs , do it later .

only till today i realised something , I WALK REAL SLOW . i always thought my speed was normal , until today .

me & twinny were walking along a pathway , with grasspatch on the two sides .
twinny : eh you walk very slow lei !
me : GOT MEH ?!
twinny : you look behind lor .
me : *looks* got alot people lei !
twinny : yalor , they see you walk so slow also must walk so slow .
me : i where go slow ? they also walk this speed what .
twinny : look beside you ..
a bunch of people walking on the grass patch , overtaking me .
me : kay i really walk very slow .

now i finally realised why when i walk , people behind tend to overtake me . LOL .

Tuesday, January 06, 2009
我生病了, 心病 ): / 8:17 PM

edit :{
updated @ livejournal :D

jinghui suddenly appeared at my doorstep at 6plus , wanting to wake me up to go school with her , since she forgot today is tuesday . in the end i was awake alr , ready to go find twinny . LOL . ate mac for breakfast , only meal for the day ._.

hohoho , today is a horny day . basically the horny group(me , guanhoe , jonathan , anna , huilin , jinghui) made a lot of noises as usual , gone crazy . jonathan insisted that is me who influenced him become horny , then i say he actually horny liao , i 开发
his potential only . LOL .

new history teacher , mrs goh ? she spent half of the lesson saying about her miserable incident of her water bottle , lol . i stayed in half-sleeping condition throughout the whole day . i totally bored out by today's lessons , luckily got people talk to me , if not i think i'll die . but i think this is better than PE . hahs .

i love chinese lesson , FOR TODAY . i think this lesson is supeeer interesting , though its the SAME teaching method like last year . 1st time in my cchy life i listened to chinese lesson for a full of 1 hr . i was very attentive okay , copying notes . then when guanhoe & jonathan wanna disturb me , i went like " GO AWAY I WANT LISTEN TO TEACHER !" they were kinda , very shocked i think . cause teoqiwen wanna pay attention . heh , i'll enjoy chinese lessons next time , please let me enjoy :D

CO-ed at 1E , zhaolaoshi almost gave me all his money inside his wallet ! (kaylar , joking) cause he say i won't play finish the part de , in the end i play until i forgot where i am . i lost the bet D: & he drew cicada for us today , and he say cicada very nice to eat ._. then he starts telling us what kinda food china have . LOL .

bused home with twinny & brenda , twinny very noisy , as usual . then me and twinny were like thinking why y stay at bus stop so long , issit waiting for x ? then after alot of assumption , we finally got conclusion :D oh , this is for us to know , & not for you to find out :D

i regretted not eating lunch , cause the rice in school suck hell load that i threw away . but then , when i don't eat lunch , i won't eat dinner too , maybe i totally lost my appetite . so i didn't have dinner just now . oh no D:

i went to do science assignment , & read up on history just now . soon going to study chinese ting xie . then done for that day . I'M GOING TO GET MY $500 . jonathan you watch out ! xP

Monday, January 05, 2009
♥ it's a pact we've made . / 8:00 PM

擦肩而过 .

i totally screwed up dinner , LOL LOL LOL . causeee , i dunno how to fry rice .__. for idk what reason , i think fried rice is damn difficult to cook . BOO D: oh , & though salmon is nice , it's difficult to cook x.x and sunshine , where's my main course ?! hahs , in the end mom helped me 3/4 of the cooking ;S HAHA .

i'm off to rest for the day ! bye :D

i don't hate you , i dislike you . / 4:23 PM

sorry , i think you suck . Hell load .

spot me xP i'll tell you where i am next post :D

2nd day of school , i feel supeeer weird today uh . for some sorta reason i feel so off topic today , as in , i can't get into any topic the clique says today . yet , twinny feels weird too ;x

i hate P.E . luckily Mr Yong is being lenient not to punish me for always slacking in P.E . when everybody is stretching , i didn't stretch . i seriously don't know why people can love sports so much . i almost cried in my first P.E lesson in sec 2 , yet i dunno why . LOL . stupid , seriously i start to have gastrics when P.E started . damn it , jonathan tells me to jump off the building to escape P.E . i was like , what if i hurt my hand , cannot play erhu liao ah . & he started demostrating how to jump . LOL .

twinny : "i feel so hollow today lei /="
me : "i feel so empty today lei /="

how cool , empty & hollow . LOL . today don't start very good . i thought FT wouldn't catch my fringe since she didn't catch me last week . but then super suay , i was reading my book , trying not to let my fringe 'appear too long' so FT wouldn't catch me . i suddenly feel like looking up & sweep my fringe to the side , & she was a few seats in front of me when i did that . & she was like staring at me , walking towards me . TADAA , fringe got caught , nidda clip up . LOL .

i'm telling jonathan , that i'll get $500 this year(which is totally , impossible .) which is top 5% of the level . LOL . so i really need to buck up ! seems like whole world is aiming for 3G , which kinda make me feel that i won't be able to get in . kay , i'll work hard ! HAHA .

talked to sunshine during F&N , cause mdm ng is waaaaay too naggy D: i didn't really heard what she said for the whole lesson lor . talk to jiaee A LOT of stuffs , although she didn't tell me anything D: but i'm happy after i manage to tell somebody , at least A BIT of the whole chunk of incidents . hurray .

slacked at the library after school today , YAY I LOVE THE LIBRARY , i'll love anyone who will accompany me to the national library every week . HAHA . cause i know clique doesn't like the library D: anyway , i finally saw AMY . hahs :D & i got my locker already , boo , it's like a freaking no. 135 . sooo faaaar ?! me don't like .

passed the book to cailaoshi , cause wulaoshi went to china to buy alr D: she said probably we will start to dao du on the sequel of the book , which i bought in taiwan :D cailaoshi supeer funny , he wanted our autographs on the book , if not he'll forget who give one mah . I'm surprised he still remember us from the dao du one ! hehs .

kaay , i'm going to cook for the family later ! i hope i don't poison them like last time my dad got stomach ache after i cook for him . LOL . i have a obession for cooking & sewing . HAHA . that's why i love home econs , not the theory ty . :D


sorry to ______ ? cause maybe is because of your attitude to mine is not getting better , that's why my thoughts went wild . i'm certain you're a very good friend to me , in fact you're quite important to me alr . i just want things to get back like last time ? but i know its difficult , i seriously dk why i went to tell sunshine i dislike you at that time . maybe till now you won't forgive me but , if you're reading this , then continue reading on . i think you're angry with me now , but all i can say is just sorry ? if i tell you i didn't ____ your friend , will you believe me ? hahs , i guessed i'm written enough , you can choose not to forgive me , of course .

Sunday, January 04, 2009
Balloons <3 / 5:02 PM

cute right ? :D (the bear is holding a flower fyi , LOL)
I want balloons D: boo , my balloons are very lousy , I haven't pump air inside the balloon pop already . BOO . I want to get new ones very damn expensive . I want balloons D: Maybe I should ask mom if she let me buy . I doubt she'll agree , anyway . I think I've started to grow passion for balloon sculpture . HAHA . Maybe I'll be a clown next time , LOL .

The bear above cute right ? The flower is a tulip I think , and cause sister says the flower don't look like flower , then I went to wrote "flower" on it . The bear actually can stand one lor , but then the type of balloon I have is too short , muahaha .

YAYNESS :D mom says I can get my balloooooons , happy happy . anyway , updated my profile , click to view . but must beware , cause it's damn loong . LOL .

kay , BYEBYE :D

Saturday, January 03, 2009
/ 10:53 PM

I think i'll be changing to a new tagboard 'cause my current account refuses to let me log in ;x so i guessed i'll reply some tags here then . look out for your tag :D

The person who like you!: I love u!
QIWEN : Get some life thankyou . oh , i don't mind if you treat this sentence as a compliment . HAHA .

miaosi: SUGARPIE ;D CYa tmr ;P <3
QIWEN : hello sugarpie ! cya on monday too :D

WEISZE.: YOHH QIWEN ;D! Is twilight nice?! I havent got time to watch it. Sigh! Seeya tmrw! *smiles and wave back* <3!

QIWEN : twilight not bad lar , but i think the book is nicer . remember look out for Justin Chon who acts as Eric Yorkie , HAHA .

QIWEN : I'm a friendly senior :D

PEIYING!: HAHA. ya, sian T.T LOL. :x!
QIWEN : tolerate one year , HAHA .

margaret: hellooo (= remember me? haha.
QIWEN : of course I remember you ! <3

A.N.N.A: link me.
QIWEN : will link you soon :D

Amy ♥ }: Yepp. (: I remember you. My senior for P5 marh. ;D Link me.
QIWEN : hahas , kay , will link you soon . cya in school :D

CHERIES ;: Senior <3>
QIWEN : thanks for the tag :] takecare too :D

PEIYING!: LOLOL. eh, jiayou eh class deco xD! HAHA.
QIWEN : LOL , hahs OKAY . this year you not deco rep le , hahs .

♥ Joey ,: whose someone ? O.O
QIWEN : next time tell you , hahas .

all done , ready to change new tagboard ,
toodles .